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Pathfinder Summers
Let me hear that pathfinder cheer
y0, what up? I have made a page dedicated to well, us. This page will be full of pictures, lyrics, poetry, and whatever else helps us remember the summers spent at storer. Please contact me with your stuff, so I can add it!
The wonderful girls
[Let me hear that pathfinder cheer]
What's that you say?
[I said, let me hear that pathfinder cheer]
What's that you say?
[I said, let me hear that pathfinder cheer]
What's that you say?
{I said, oo ah ah ah oo ah ah ah oo ah ah ah oo 2 3 4, oo ah ah ah oo ah ah ah oo ah ah ah oo 2 3 4}
[Who's house?]
[Who's house?]
{Hey Hey, y0 y0, go pf go pf go}
{pf in the house (w00t w00t)}
{pf in the house (w00t w00t)}
say what, say what?
go up, go up
shabang, shabang
we rock this (game)(thang?)
{Ain't no party like a pf party caz a pf party dont' stop UH.}
{P to the ath, F to the inders, give us a holler caz we're the pathfinders}
{1-2-3 GET IT GIRL}

[]= leaders of the cheer
blank= followers in the cheer
{}= everybody
Click me :-)
Pictures y0.
Lyrics y0.