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Once when we were SLOSHED...

HEY EVERYONE... SO THIS SITE IS DEFINTLY DEDICATED TO ALL OF THE SOUTH RIVERIANS AND OUR AWESOME FRIENDS FROM NORTH BAY WHO COME AND GET SLOSHED WITH US!!! SO HERE IN SOUTH RIVER... WE LOVE TO GET DRUNK AND DO FUN SHIT LIKE GET ON CRIME STOPPERS, TAKE LAWN GNOMBS, SHOT THE SHAT, OR JUST CHILL OUT... THIS PAST WEEKEND WE ALL WENT ON A VACATION TO MIKISEW AND WENT CAMPING FOR FOUR DAYS!! THOSE WERE THE BESTEST FOUR DAYS EVER!!!... MANY NEW SAYINGS WERE MADE UP AND U CAN FIND THEM ON THE SAYINGS PAGE... WELL ONE WAS I LETS GO TO THE COMFY STATION... U RETAIRD U MEAN THE COMFORT STATION??? SO NEWAYS HAVE FUN HERE AND COME BACK LATER FOR MORE NEW STUFF!!!:) Luv Always Marly xx _______________________________________________________ Sayings:::::: "What I'd Navigate him!!!" "He is from England isnt he?"~~ "would u shut the hell up!!!"~~ "Don't worry i wont pass out!!!"~~ "were just shootin the shat!"~~ "JUST FUCKIN GIV'R"~~ "Marly would u shut the hell up!!"~~ "Once when Kimmi and i were sloshed we walked for 23km!!!"~~ "Once when D'Allaire and i were sloshed..." (the way all of joe's stories start!!!)~~ "Why dont u just marry tanner if u love him so much!"~~ "Wheel Chair MOMMA!!!"~~ "Sorry Dudette I'm really drunk"~~ "You sick mother fucker, are u tryin to kill me. did u put that tack in my hat???"~~ "Where's the avaitors???"~~ "Yeah my mom passes out when she sleeps, she chugs jack daniels first, theres a bottle beside her bed!!!"~~ "Some of the stories true, some isnt u have to guess what part is a lie... i met bob isumi, ok that part isnt true!!!"~~ "Lets go to the Comfy station... u mean the comfort station u retaird!!!"~~ "FUCK FUCK SHIT FUCK!!!"~~ "Hey wats that? i think its a snowboard... its a bag od dirt u retaird... its THE WHEELCHAIR!!!"~~ "Captain Black G!"~~ "Hey its Yorr... My what???!!"~~ "This aint no soft icecream!!!"~~ "Mother Fucker!!"~~ "HUSSY!!... HOMEWRECKER!!!!!!!"~~ "You know what'd be really cool... if a unicorn flew over there rite now...!!!"~~ "Thats a maffia bill collector rite there..."~~ "He wont kill you, your in his family...!!"~~ "Have you 2 ever been to Rudlophs land???!!!"~~ "ok ok i'll moon the cruise ship...!!!"~~ Vivian sayin just fuckin givr was the greatest i fell off of the pinic table lol IF NEONE HAS MORE QUOTES JUST EMAIL EM TO ME ORJUST TELL ME!!! luv u all Mar xx

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