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 Ticket Prices:

May 12-May 16 $52 ($54 without ASB sticker)

May 19-May 23 $54 ($56 without ASB sticker)

May 27-May 30 $56 ($58 without ASB sticker)

June 2-June 5 $60 ($62 without ASB sticker)


All Northwood High School Juniors and Seniors are invited to Swing on a Star at the Imperial Ballroom of Fullerton Saturday, the 7th of June from 8:00 pm to the stroke of midnight at the NHS Junior/Senior Prom.  Come and dance the night away in this 1920's speakeasy to the spinning of a DJ and the muisc of a live 18 piece swing band.  Guests may also roll high and win big by spending time at the poker, blackjack and roulette tables throughout the night and then cash their chips for opportunity tickets.  This beautiful building and theme sends guests back to the swing era, filled with big bands, zoot suits and classic beauties.  So purchase your tickets and prepare to "Jump, Jive and Wail" at the Northwood High Prom of 2003!  Tickets start at $52 each and increase in price as time progresses; see a dance contract for more information.