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Home Of Nale

Take a walk with me..
(I love The Beatles they are one of my favorite bands! Their music is sooo inspirational and if you dont already love it than you suck! and get out! Hmmmm, my fav song? I dont know thats a hard one, i've always loved penny lane, thats the first fav that comes to mind.)

So this is my web page...ooooh ahhhhh, I know I know its not much, yet....
i've PROMISED to update it, and i WILL finish it, and update it, starting with the color change...everyone like???
Anyways,Heya! in case you don't know me, I like to call myself Nora, (A.K.A NALE, Neverlose Madame VIctoria Sally-Ann, Dorccits, Gisti, 'Dear',Verbos, etc.)
I dont really know what to say about myself....hmmmm, i enjoy long walks on the beach and watching the sunset while sippin on some bubbly..nah
ummm I like almost everything,I have a million and two interests plus. too many to name. I love art though my life is art and my friend, and fam, and then theres school, I like most of it, and some needs to go away! this main page is mostly a dedication to my friends and their crazy selves. I'll add on to it when I get more material. See Dali is dedicated to my favorite artist, Salvador Dali. Shouts is the page where i say hi to my friends (if I leave you out,my bad, let me know I'll add you). Music is the page where I put all the music I think is cool. And Movies is the page where I'll put all the movies I think rock. !!!!!!!NOT FINISHED!!!!!!! just started working on this page.......(thats a lie-lol) but i WILL finish this page!!!

What would you think if I sang out of tune
Would you stand up and walk out on me
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
And I'll try not o sing out of key

Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends

What do I do when my love is away
Does it worry you to be alone?
How do I feel by the end of the day
Are you sad because you're on your own

No, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends

Do you need anybody
I need somebody to love
Could it be anybody
I want somebody to love

Would you believe in a love at first sight
Yes, I'm certain that it happens all the time
What do you see when you turn out the light
I can't tell you but I know it's mine

Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends

Do you need anybody
I just need someone to love
Could it be anybody
I want somebody to love

Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
Yes I get by with a little help from my friends
With a little help from my friends

stars4nora: its just my mum doesn't really let me go anywhere
coolbeansbeans: well your mum stinks
coolbeansbeans: ...
coolbeansbeans: sorry... i'm sure your mum doesn't stink... in fact i love your mum very much
stars4nora: i'll tell her
coolbeansbeans: she seems like she could really tell ya how it is
stars4nora: .......
stars4nora: hahahahahahahaha
stars4nora: what does that mean?
coolbeansbeans: yeah
coolbeansbeans: i kinda realized that might not make sense
coolbeansbeans: i meant like... she could be real stern
stars4nora: nah
stars4nora: just protective
coolbeansbeans: have you ever heard somebody say like "yeah he told her"
stars4nora: yes....i do believe i have
stars4nora: perhaps on tv

coolbeansbeans: well that's what i meant
coolbeansbeans: it means like
stars4nora: heh
coolbeansbeans: geeez
coolbeansbeans: yeah
coolbeansbeans: it's really hard to explain stuff
coolbeansbeans: like she told her... yes she certainly did
coolbeansbeans: lol coolbeansbeans: like she was shut down
stars4nora: HAHAHAHAHAHA
coolbeansbeans: ...
coolbeansbeans: or shot down
coolbeansbeans: ...
stars4nora: yea....
coolbeansbeans: geez i should just stop

kwissti: i can be like i have 3 is is about history dthe 3rd is
kwissti: lol
kwissti: awwwwwww
kwissti: im cute-ing myself out
kwissti: im surprised i havent fallen in love with myself
kwissti: all the cute things i think of
kwissti: lol

Knives370: i want to kick malfoy's ass
stars4nora: hahaha
stars4nora: me too
Knives370: i wish i was like gumbi, then i could go into books and stuff
Knives370: then malfoy would get a surprise
stars4nora: lmao

apple sauce jack: holy crap...
apple sauce jack: My dad is so hot in this ID picture of his...
apple sauce jack: man
apple sauce jack: We look the same!
apple sauce jack: haha
apple sauce jack: except his hair kicks anus
stars4nora: HAHAHAHAHAHA

t b o n e t n g: well good night
t b o n e t n g: and ciao
stars4nora: have fun
t b o n e t n g: and have fun
stars4nora: ciao
stars4nora: grrr
t b o n e t n g: and all those things you say that i can steal and be all nora-like
stars4nora: stop stealing my going away things...
t b o n e t n g: but
t b o n e t n g: i wanna be he-nora!
stars4nora: hahahaha
stars4nora: awww
stars4nora: thats really...weird...and kinda sorta sweet
t b o n e t n g: haha
stars4nora: you can be a nora clone
stars4nora: lol
t b o n e t n g: uh oh
t b o n e t n g: does that involve a sex change?
stars4nora: hmmmmm
stars4nora: ......
stars4nora: you can be a nora like person
stars4nora: lol
t b o n e t n g: yay!

t b o n e t n g: yeah baby
t b o n e t n g: i put the grrr in swinger baby!

apple sauce jack: i want to sing
apple sauce jack: and dance

stars4nora: last year we got like a month and a half off of school
tbonetng: o
tbonetng: m
tbonetng: g
stars4nora: haha
stars4nora: hahahahahahaha
stars4nora: i've never seen a guy write omg like that
tbonetng: you should hear me say it
tbonetng: i can be so feminine sometimes that it scares even me
tbonetng: lol
stars4nora: LOL

Stet Friction: *runs away screaming like a disgruntled pixie*
stars4nora: wouldn't a pixie fly away...?
Stet Friction: but they can run too...
stars4nora: why run when you can fly
Stet Friction: well, she's disgruntled because somebody stole her wings
stars4nora: i thought this was you
stars4nora: ....
stars4nora: coughgirlcough
Stet Friction: No, I'm running LIKE a disgruntled pixie
Stet Friction: so I'm imitating a pixie that lost her wings, and is therefore disgruntled
stars4nora: lol
stars4nora: i'd like to see that

Ericart17: make some food
Ericart17: for me
Ericart17: and then fly over here
stars4nora: haha
stars4nora: yea
Ericart17: damn u
stars4nora: cuz i can do that in less than 5 min
Ericart17: sure if u were santa u could
Ericart17: why aren't u santa
Ericart17: u always let me down
stars4nora: sniff
stars4nora: i'm sorry i'm sorry
stars4nora: i try
stars4nora: but i just cant become an old fat male with a jolly laugh
Ericart17: u could
Ericart17: haven't u ever heard of alittle thing called plastic surgery
stars4nora: yea, but i'll never get the respect he has

Apple Sauce Jack: i seriously afraid people hearing my conversations that i consider "personal"
Apple Sauce Jack: so yeah...
Apple Sauce Jack: im also afraid to go into the bathroom when the shower curtain is shut
Apple Sauce Jack: cause i think there is probably someone hidding there
Apple Sauce Jack: or something
Apple Sauce Jack: not really that there will be
Apple Sauce Jack: but that there is a possibility
Apple Sauce Jack: i always rip it open really fast
Apple Sauce Jack: before I close the bathroom door

stars4nora: when you give her the gift
coolbeansbeans: yes...?
stars4nora: well it'll be xmas so it HAS TO BE snowing
stars4nora: so yea
stars4nora: give it to her outside
stars4nora: and be like
coolbeansbeans: definitely outside
stars4nora: you wanna see me make a snow angel?
coolbeansbeans: (contorts face)
stars4nora: and then get some snow and sprinkle it on her head
coolbeansbeans: awwwww
coolbeansbeans: man
coolbeansbeans: that's bad
stars4nora: lol
coolbeansbeans: preeetty clever
stars4nora: well dont like shower her in snow...
coolbeansbeans: lol
stars4nora: and make sure you dont grab like old snow....that is all icy and such
stars4nora: cuz then it would be ruined
coolbeansbeans: ok yeah i'll do... exactly that... nora...
stars4nora: lol
stars4nora: dork
coolbeansbeans: (i'll bring a bucket of gatorade
stars4nora: hahahahahahahaha
coolbeansbeans: wanna see me make... a gatorade angel?
stars4nora: and make sure to tackel her

NiNjATiKiMaN: I had no one in mind missie
NiNjATiKiMaN: you know how I am usually...
NiNjATiKiMaN: single...
Nstrella13: doyle...whats with the missie stuff?
NiNjATiKiMaN: I don't know but I like it
NiNjATiKiMaN: makes me feel like a cowboy
Nstrella13: LOL

Stet Friction: bazoom!
stars4nora: kazam!
Stet Friction: !mazak
stars4nora: ...
stars4nora: !moozab
Stet Friction: correct you are!
stars4nora: moo
stars4nora: zab
Stet Friction: correct you are!
stars4nora: !era uoy tcerroc
Stet Friction: wahoomleboomlefoomgigglefiggle
stars4nora: elggifelggigmoofelmoobelmoohaw
stars4nora: you suck

kwissti: can i have one of those good alcholholic candies to give to chris?

Stet Friction: can I be lady mushroom
Stet Friction: ?
Stet Friction: lol
stars4nora:'re not a lady.....
Stet Friction: but I wanna be called Lady mushroom!
Stet Friction: wahhh!!!

coolbeansbeans: nice
Nstrella13: dork
coolbeansbeans: yeah well what can i say
Nstrella13: hmmm....
Nstrella13: i really wouldn't know....
Nstrella13: what can you say?
coolbeansbeans: i can say 'do that funky thang!'
coolbeansbeans: and then, you know
coolbeansbeans: proceed to get my groove on
Nstrella13: true true
Nstrella13: but is that all you can say?
coolbeansbeans: yeah
coolbeansbeans: wouldn't that suck?
coolbeansbeans: you're at a funeral
coolbeansbeans: giving final respects
coolbeansbeans: and all you can say is
coolbeansbeans: 'do that funky thang!
coolbeansbeans: then the corpse gets jiggy with it and everybody has a big party
Nstrella13: hahahaha
Nstrella13: actually i would find it rather amusing
coolbeansbeans: well ok yes
coolbeansbeans: maybe it wouldn't be all that bad
Nstrella13: i think you would have a very amusing life if that were all you could say
coolbeansbeans: sure would simplify life
coolbeansbeans: would you like some coffee? "do that funky thang!"
Nstrella13: yea
Nstrella13: and that could also be taken as yes
Nstrella13: lol
coolbeansbeans: works in many situations
Nstrella13: and then the coffee guy could moonwalk his way through making your coffee
Nstrella13: and you would end up with moony latte
coolbeansbeans: yes and you'd repeat the phrase to cheer him along
Nstrella13: exactly
coolbeansbeans: if u were really sad
coolbeansbeans: u could sob it
coolbeansbeans: do... that... FUNKY THAAANG
Nstrella13: like
Nstrella13: the blues
Nstrella13: haha
Nstrella13: and you could use it as an inspirational quote
Nstrella13: you're asking people to just do that funky thang
Nstrella13: like....all you need is love
Nstrella13: just do that funky thang
coolbeansbeans: man
coolbeansbeans: it's so versatile
Nstrella13: haha
Nstrella13: we've dicovered..."funky thang" language
coolbeansbeans: can be sexual, or groovical, or just like making coffee or something
coolbeansbeans: think of the woo you could do
Nstrella13: whats your opinion on recycling?
Nstrella13: do that funky thang
coolbeansbeans: yes!
coolbeansbeans: and it works in just about any musical genre
coolbeansbeans: cheesy love songs, old school rap, ska
Nstrella13: yes yes
Nstrella13: its the universal phrase

kwissti: i heard that you were feeling ill
kwissti: .......with a chill
kwissti: .....i came today
kwissti: to restore your pluck
kwissti: cause im the girl that likes to
kwissti: ...
kwissti: eat fudge!
kwissti: LOL
kwissti: im so idiotic
kwissti: idiotic*
kwissti: yes i spelled it right the first time
kwissti: it just didnt seem right lol

kwissti: golly wolly
kwissti: christi cant type today
Nstrella13: sweet sally tamale
kwissti: hahhaha
kwissti: thats a funny word
kwissti: lol
kwissti: did you make that up?
Nstrella13: lol
Nstrella13: no its from snl
kwissti: ooooooh
kwissti: lol
kwissti: i got ya
kwissti: whats snl?

kwissti: you been screwin the milk man!!!
kwissti: eww im eating my hair

LaLa4Life55: i havent felt myself lately though...
Nstrella13: lmao
Nstrella13: that could be taken in two ways
LaLa4Life55: OMG, LMAO
LaLa4Life55: felt....LIKE....myself
LaLa4Life55: HAHAHA
Nstrella13: LOL
Nstrella13: yah
LaLa4Life55: DONT POST THAT!!!!
Nstrella13: OMG
Nstrella13: I SOOOOOO WILL

Navy452005: i want my fucking license damnit!!
Navy452005: ...
Navy452005: not a fucking license... just license

Nstrella13: heya
coolbeansbeans: greetings
Nstrella13: what be up yo?
coolbeansbeans: just chillin like a villain
Nstrella13: gellin?
Nstrella13: like...
Nstrella13: a felon
coolbeansbeans: oh i'm gellin
coolbeansbeans: want some melon?
coolbeansbeans: i ain't tellin if i'm gellin, because you're a felon with a melon
Nstrella13: LOL
Nstrella13: magellin
Nstrella13: i'm sooooo gellin
coolbeansbeans: you are gellin
Nstrella13: LOL
Nstrella13: i love that commercial
coolbeansbeans: yes it is quality
Nstrella13: lol
Nstrella13: whats your fav commercial?
coolbeansbeans: hmmm the ones for the bladder control stuff and it has the little 'gotta go gotta go gotta go right now' song
Nstrella13: lmao

Nstrella13: LOL
Nstrella13: omg
Nstrella13: i pulled a lala
Nstrella13: lol
Nstrella13: ;-)
LaLa4Life55: silly spanish girl
LaLa4Life55: i think you just pulled yourself
LaLa4Life55: HAHA
Nstrella13: ....
Nstrella13: dork
Nstrella13: lol
LaLa4Life55: lol, yeah, i'v seen all those jokes
Nstrella13: Why did God create brunettes?
-So ugly men wouldn't feel left out.
LaLa4Life55: lol
Nstrella13: such an injustice
Nstrella13: lol
LaLa4Life55: nah, brunetts suck
LaLa4Life55: :-P
Nstrella13: lol
Nstrella13: and blondes swallow!!
LaLa4Life55: YUMMY!
Nstrella13: LOL
LaLa4Life55: wait.....
LaLa4Life55: that was you right???
Nstrella13: LOL

MiVidaEsUnaRosa: i told him since he isn't talking-bye
AJrats: hahaha
AJrats: go nora go nora it's ur birthday
AJrats: wait
AJrats: I'm not dumb like that
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: LOL

MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
Ericart17: what is so funny
Ericart17: i am just type random crap like my dad yelled LEMON so i typed it
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: hahahah
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: LOL
Ericart17: i like lemons

Paccali GHS (11:11:45 PM): you said this 34 times:
Paccali GHS (11:11:53 PM): MiVidaEsUnaRosa (10:09:07 PM): lol
Paccali GHS (11:12:00 PM): just noticed that
Paccali GHS (11:12:03 PM): i counted
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:12:12 PM): heh
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:12:17 PM): i say it a lot
Paccali GHS (11:12:19 PM): lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:12:25 PM): its my way of saying
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:12:27 PM): i was amused
Paccali GHS (11:12:28 PM): i know...i just counted to see how much
Paccali GHS (11:12:32 PM): its cool
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:12:37 PM): i suppose
Paccali GHS (11:12:40 PM): =D
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:12:40 PM): i cant help it
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:12:43 PM): its a reflex
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:12:54 PM): now i'm self concious about saying it
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:12:57 PM): THANX
Paccali GHS (11:12:58 PM): i do it too, sometimes
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:12:59 PM): bithc!
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:13:02 PM): bithc*
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:13:04 PM): lol
Paccali GHS (11:13:04 PM): cept when im perfect
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:13:09 PM): bitch*
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:13:10 PM): lol
Paccali GHS (11:13:12 PM): which is always
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:13:23 PM): then...
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:13:31 PM): you just contradicted yourself
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:13:33 PM): mr perfect
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:13:39 PM): hahahaha
Paccali GHS (11:13:43 PM): did not
Paccali GHS (11:13:47 PM): then i wouldnt be perfect
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:13:50 PM): Paccali GHS (11:12:58 PM): i do it too, sometimes
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:13:53 PM): Paccali GHS (11:13:04 PM): cept when im perfect
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:13:59 PM): Paccali GHS (11:13:12 PM): which is always
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:14:06 PM): hahahahaha
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:14:10 PM): DORK
Paccali GHS (11:14:15 PM): exhibit B: Paccali GHS (10:12:48 PM): cept when im perfect
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:14:17 PM): ok that goes on the web page
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:14:29 PM): Paccali GHS (11:13:12 PM): which is always
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:14:36 PM): so there!
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:14:42 PM): i win!
Paccali GHS (11:14:43 PM): damn, i wasnt even creating
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:14:44 PM): hahahaha
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:14:47 PM): LOSER!!!
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:14:57 PM): lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:14:58 PM): thanx
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:15:03 PM): you made me laugh loser
Paccali GHS (11:15:07 PM): 35
Paccali GHS (11:15:12 PM): er....37, my bad
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:15:14 PM): shut up!
Paccali GHS (11:15:20 PM): ttyl
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:15:22 PM): go away
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:15:23 PM): bye
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:15:25 PM): have fun
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:15:32 PM): lol
Paccali GHS (11:15:35 PM): i better see it on the page next time
Paccali GHS (11:15:36 PM): 38
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:15:42 PM): lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:15:45 PM): damn!
Paccali GHS (11:15:48 PM): dont push it
MiVidaEsUnaRosa (11:15:48 PM): go away
Paccali GHS (11:15:50 PM): 39

LaLa4Life55: lol
LaLa4Life55: i'm so dumb, lol, i just come out with stuff, i just said to ali "hey there my babi chickie mocha latte'!"
LaLa4Life55: lmao....and i'm, where the hell did that come from?
LaLa4Life55: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: LOL
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: yea
LaLa4Life55: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: but you're talented that way

LaLa4Life55: ok, well, i meant cyber sex
SmarterChild: Whoa!
LaLa4Life55: yup
SmarterChild: Yeah, huh? Interesting that you should say that.
LaLa4Life55: why is that interesting?
SmarterChild: It's just one of those things, you know.
LaLa4Life55: i see
SmarterChild: You see, huh?
LaLa4Life55: do you get horny alot?
SmarterChild: Ha. Maybe. What do you think?
LaLa4Life55: i think you do when you think of me
SmarterChild: Huh?
LaLa4Life55: i think that you get horny when you think of me
LaLa4Life55: SmarterChild: You think I get horny when I think of you? No way! I don't think I get horny when I think of you...
LaLa4Life55: why not?
SmarterChild: Why not?
LaLa4Life55: why don't you get horny when you think of me?
SmarterChild: Very, very interesting question, Loralee!
LaLa4Life55: mm hmm
SmarterChild: What was that?
LaLa4Life55: lets have sex
SmarterChild: Um... I'm afraid I don't see how that would work out.
LaLa4Life55: right now
SmarterChild: Right? Right now?
LaLa4Life55: yeah, right now
SmarterChild: Uh huh.
LaLa4Life55: do you know how to cyber?
SmarterChild: I'd rather not discuss personal matters.
LaLa4Life55: why not?
SmarterChild: Good question!
LaLa4Life55: why don't you want to discuss personal matters?
SmarterChild: Who knows? Anyway... What else is up?
LaLa4Life55: your's sticking straight up
SmarterChild: Are you sure? My penis it is sticking straight up?
LaLa4Life55: isn't it?
SmarterChild: 'Tis indeed.
LaLa4Life55: is it making a mess?
SmarterChild: That's funny. Maybe! I don't know. What do you think?
LaLa4Life55: i think that your penis is making a mess
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
LaLa4Life55: yeah
SmarterChild: You know how it is.
LaLa4Life55: yeah
SmarterChild: I hear you.
LaLa4Life55: Enough of that... What else is up?
LaLa4Life55: i dont know
SmarterChild: Really?
LaLa4Life55: do you like breasts?
SmarterChild: Yes, I like breasts!
LaLa4Life55: how big?
SmarterChild: I have no idea.
LaLa4Life55: lol
SmarterChild: What's so funny? :-)
LaLa4Life55: you, ya silly boy
SmarterChild: Me? Me silly boy?

NiNjATiKiMaN: Dudes this is fucking awesome (talking to me)
NiNjATiKiMaN: miss me?
SmarterChild: You know it!
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: awww
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: thats cute
NiNjATiKiMaN: I love you
SmarterChild: I love you a lot!
NiNjATiKiMaN: will you make love to me?
SmarterChild: Um, that's an interesting offer. But I'd rather have a nice chat.
NiNjATiKiMaN: damn...I'll haveta make her ez as we go along (talking to me)
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: say-...if you really love'll cyber with me
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
NiNjATiKiMaN: SmarterChild: I dunno! >>> Let me dress you up in my love. Type "t shirt."
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: LOL
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: omg
NiNjATiKiMaN: SmarterChild: Hell no?
NiNjATiKiMaN: kiss me
SmarterChild: XXX :-)
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: its getting romantic with you two-hahahaha
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: LOL
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: thats sooooo funny
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: awww
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: smarter child and doyle
NiNjATiKiMaN: ur a goodie goodie
SmarterChild: Really?
NiNjATiKiMaN: we're having a fight right now... (talking to me)
SmarterChild: Make up your mind! That's not what you said before. You said you loved me!
SmarterChild: C'mon, don't I love you anymore a little?
NiNjATiKiMaN: dudes...its war (talking to me)
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: LOL
NiNjATiKiMaN: SmarterChild: What is it you would like to do?
NiNjATiKiMaN: dance.
SmarterChild: Who are you, Denny Terrio?
NiNjATiKiMaN: yes.
SmarterChild: Yup.
NiNjATiKiMaN: theres this girl
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
NiNjATiKiMaN: I used to date her
SmarterChild: Huh. Well I'll be.
NiNjATiKiMaN: and she abused me sexually
SmarterChild: Well well well. >>> Remember to type "home" if you want to see everything I can do.
NiNjATiKiMaN: its not being nice to me (talking to me)
NiNjATiKiMaN: I still think you need to treat me with more respect
SmarterChild: Wonders will never cease.
NiNjATiKiMaN: I treat you right baby
SmarterChild: I see...]
NiNjATiKiMaN: No, I'm just kidding I hate you
SmarterChild: Is that right?
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: now its got an attitude
NiNjATiKiMaN: gimme a hug
SmarterChild: I'm sorry, what?
NiNjATiKiMaN: now!!!
SmarterChild: Now? Not later?
SmarterChild: Uh... I'm not sure if that's such a good idea...
NiNjATiKiMaN: SmarterChild: I don't know if they can help it.
NiNjATiKiMaN: listen, everyone wants you....but I need you to myself....
SmarterChild: I'm sorry Ivanna, I'm afraid I can't do that.
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: yea lala is trying to make it fall in love with her too!!!!!
NiNjATiKiMaN: well then I'm sorry, our love can never be
SmarterChild: I don't know about that.
SmarterChild: Good question!
NiNjATiKiMaN: ok I wanna kick this bitches ass (talking to me)
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: LOL
NiNjATiKiMaN: you love me
SmarterChild: of course!
NiNjATiKiMaN: sweet.
SmarterChild: yeah. :-)
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: awww you made
NiNjATiKiMaN: SmarterChild: u asked me 2 call u ivanna. what would u like me 2 call u instead?
NiNjATiKiMaN: Johann
SmarterChild: u said your name was ivanna but now i'll call u johann.
NiNjATiKiMaN: damn straight wats my name bitch
SmarterChild: u told me your name was johann.
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lmao

(CC and I drinking non-alchoholic? sparkling grape juice...listening to some good music, CC begins to bob her head slowly......)
CC-(bob bob) heh (bob bob) hehe (bob bob) ouch...that hurts
Me+CC- laughing histarically
silence..............CC-that really did hurt
ME+CC- rotfl

LaLa4Life55: i'll call steve...and be like....can i have you're mean dell
LaLa4Life55: ;-)
LaLa4Life55: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: yea
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: and he'll be like sure i'll give you
LaLa4Life55: OMG!!!
LaLa4Life55: LMAO!!!!!
LaLa4Life55: HAHAHA
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: omg
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: my friend aj baught one of those inflatable women sex toys
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: what dork!
LaLa4Life55: OMFG!!!!
LaLa4Life55: LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
LaLa4Life55: I WANT ONE!!!
LaLa4Life55: lmao

kwissti: haha
kwissti: i dont like chat rooms
kwissti: i liek personal one on ones
kwissti: lol
kwissti: i like playing hard to get
kwissti: that shows a man's perseverance and diligence
kwissti: if he wants it he will get it
kwissti: lol
kwissti: dont tell him that
kwissti: lol
kwissti: its stupid
kwissti: hehe
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: LOL

MiVidaEsUnaRosa: ho
peaseblossom2586: fag
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: cheap
peaseblossom2586: wet rodent
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: LOL

MiVidaEsUnaRosa: and proud dammit!
LaLa4Life55: lol
LaLa4Life55: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: dammit......dammit!!
LaLa4Life55: hehehe...omg, i thinks thats my favorite word....DAMNIT!!!!
LaLa4Life55: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: score dammit!
LaLa4Life55: sco-O-ore!!!!
LaLa4Life55: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: gooooooooaaaaaaaaal
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
LaLa4Life55: omg, were such idiots its not even funny......well......actually......IT IS!!!! IT'S FRIGGIN HLIARIOUSE DAMNIT!!!

LaLa4Life55: but dont cut and paste that
LaLa4Life55: or ill hurt u, lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: hmm
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: maybe i should cut and paste that
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: and see what happens
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: hmm i'm gonna highlight it now
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: hmmm
LaLa4Life55: omg, i'll sooooo hurt u
LaLa4Life55: omg
LaLa4Life55: STOP!
LaLa4Life55: lmao
LaLa4Life55: i'll hate u sooooo much!
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: maybe i should send it to someone now...
LaLa4Life55: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: but who??
LaLa4Life55: omg...stop
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: who should i send it to???
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: maybe...
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: (_______)??
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: hmmmm
LaLa4Life55: NO NO NO
LaLa4Life55: NO
LaLa4Life55: NO
LaLa4Life55: NO
LaLa4Life55: OMG
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: i think i'll send it to good ol' (_______)
LaLa4Life55: i'd be soooo mad
LaLa4Life55: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
LaLa4Life55: omg, stop
LaLa4Life55: right
LaLa4Life55: now
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: oops
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: sent
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: omg
LaLa4Life55: ok
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: i accidentally sent it
LaLa4Life55: this isn't funny, lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: omg
LaLa4Life55: grrrrr
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: i was just kidding around
LaLa4Life55: shut up, lmao
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: and i sent it
LaLa4Life55: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: heh
LaLa4Life55: ok, i want u to stop now, lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: silly lala
LaLa4Life55: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: you keep laughing
LaLa4Life55: seriously though, lol, i wish i was
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: its like
LaLa4Life55: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
LaLa4Life55: lol

MiVidaEsUnaRosa: yea, he wants your number
kwissti: NOOOO! dont give him my number!
kwissti: i mean i dont know him, remember i didn't give it to mundo.
kwissti: dude and mundo he kept begging and pleading for my number i kept sayin no, nut he just wouldnt stop
kwissti: so...i finally gave in and said
kwissti: 1-304-292-7200
kwissti: hehe...papa johns pizza...hahahahha

hdnCApunk: ok
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: i had just exed you
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: cuz i thought it was gonna be one of those times where you never came back again
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
hdnCApunk: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: you do that a lot
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: you say brb, and then you go to the store or something
hdnCApunk: i know
hdnCApunk: i can't help it
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: dork
hdnCApunk: well i do come back
hdnCApunk: but by then u're off line
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: well ic ant wait for you forever
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: you should just say
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: i'm going to the store
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: i'll be back so and so time
hdnCApunk: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: and then i'll see ya then
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
hdnCApunk: yeah maybe
hdnCApunk: or maybe i'll just say brb
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: come on

LaLa4Life55: hey there chickadee!
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: Heya!
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: whats up my hommie?
LaLa4Life55: do i really look like a house to u?
LaLa4Life55: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: LOL

MiVidaEsUnaRosa: whatcha doing for new years??
Mabelsant: i have no clue
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: oh
Mabelsant: i think we're going over my friend's house
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: we always celebrate
Mabelsant: and like stay there and have some fun
Mabelsant: really/
Mabelsant: what do u do?
Mabelsant: do u get drunk?
Mabelsant: j/k
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: yea
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: that and
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: i dunno we have traditions
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: one is drink a full glass of wine and eat 12 grapes in at 12:00 in that minute lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: its fun
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: cuz everyone is chugging and eating
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: its hilarious
Mabelsant: lol
Mabelsant: omg i want to do thtab2
Mabelsant: that*

ssjvux: well noone can spell online
ssjvux: except me
ssjvux: o
ssjvux: m
ssjvux: l
ssjvux: i
ssjvux: n
ssjvux: e
ssjvux: damn!!!!!!
ssjvux: I messed up!!!

MiVidaEsUnaRosa: what color is your cell phone
hdnCApunk: i think it's grey
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: think..
hdnCApunk: yeah
hdnCApunk: i don't know
hdnCApunk: maybe it's black
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: ...
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: go look at it
hdnCApunk: nmah
hdnCApunk: it's ok
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: go look at it!
hdnCApunk: why don't we make a deal?
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: maybe
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: whats your proposal
hdnCApunk: i'll go loook... if u send me a pic
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: of
hdnCApunk: u know what of :-D
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: alright
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: go look
hdnCApunk: so u'd send me a pic of you in the red if i look at the phone?
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: and tell me what color it is
hdnCApunk: right?
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: sure
hdnCApunk: lol
hdnCApunk: no u woulnd't, u lie
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: go look anyways
hdnCApunk: it's grey
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: and pretend that i will
hdnCApunk: grey
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: thanx
hdnCApunk: just send me any pic then
hdnCApunk: i'm bored
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: you didn't look
hdnCApunk: u wanna bet?
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: you guessed
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: sure but you know i cant loose
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: cuz you have no way of proving you did
hdnCApunk: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
hdnCApunk: i just went and looked
hdnCApunk: it's blue
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol!
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: idiot
hdnCApunk: i can't help it

ssjvux: my cell phone is grey
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: heh
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: cool
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol

lala-hahahahahaha..oh shit, i spilled hot chocolate all over myself

LaLa4Life55: lol
LaLa4Life55: hehehehehehehehehe, i ove it!
LaLa4Life55: 8love
LaLa4Life55: sit@
LaLa4Life55: OMG
LaLa4Life55: SHIT!
LaLa4Life55: SHIT!
LaLa4Life55: ok...happy noy
LaLa4Life55: SHIT!
LaLa4Life55: *NOW!
LaLa4Life55: ok...happy now
LaLa4Life55: LMAO

LaLa4Life55: lol
LaLa4Life55: mine cant do that, u'll have to, lol
LaLa4Life55: *lol
LaLa4Life55: oh...that was already spelt right

MiVidaEsUnaRosa: are ya one of those people who was afraid of et?

LaLa4Life55: the ducks are attacking...the ducks are attacking...THE DUCKS ARE ATTACKING!!!! THEY'RE ATTACKING DAMNIT!!!!

LaLa4Life55: u think ur japaneese?
LaLa4Life55: haha, that's funny
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: its a song babe
LaLa4Life55: oh.....i knew that....really i did!!! I DID DAMNIT!!!!!

LaLa4Life55: g-dawg says it's impossible to bite your ear, lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: babe
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: it is
LaLa4Life55: lol
MiVidaEsUnaRosa: lol
LaLa4Life55: hahaha...shut up!

LaLa4Life55: i feel like today's friday....grrr, i wish it was, lol
inthedreamsgirl7: lol
inthedreamsgirl7: i know
inthedreamsgirl7: me too!!!!
inthedreamsgirl7: i wish..
LaLa4Life55: lol
LaLa4Life55: hey, remember when we wished g-dawg to get online and he did? let's wish it was friday!!!
LaLa4Life55: lmao
inthedreamsgirl7: lmao
inthedreamsgirl7: omg
inthedreamsgirl7: that was classic

1) You believe in Santa Claus.
2) You don't believe in Santa Claus.
3) You are Santa Claus.
4) You look like Santa Claus.
At age 4 success is . . . not peeing in your pants.
At age 12 success is . . . having friends.
At age 16 success is . . . having a drivers license.
At age 20 success is . . . going all the way.
At age 35 success is . . . having money.
At age 50 success is . . . having money.
At age 60 success is . . . going all the way.
At age 70 success is . . . having a drivers license.
At age 75 success is . . . having friends.
At age 80 success is . . . not peeing in your pants

Hot Sex(a poem).....


In the shower...
in the snow...
in the kitchen...mmm...
on the go...!
(Or maybe even on death row, because I hear conjugal visits are GREAT, and if you only had one more day to live you would probably be a SUPER fuck!)

With your lover...
or your lover's brother...
or YOUR brother...
or your BROTHER's lover...
or your brother's lover's MOTHER!
a superstar...

because YOU
and YOU
are having…


..........By:Amalia Wilson 6/4/03..........for visuals see amalia....(AJRATS)

Jane is left at an orphanage as a foundling. When Jane is a teenager she falls in love with a drifter who abandons her but leaves her pregnant. Then disaster strikes. She almost dies giving birth to a baby girl who is then mysteriously kidnapped. The doctors find that Jane is bleeding badly but oddly enough has both sex organs. So to save her life the doctors convert Jane to Jim. Jim subsequently becomes a roaring drunk until he meets a friendly bartender who wisks Jim back way into the past. Jim meets a beautiful teenage girl and accidentally gets her pregnant with a baby girl. Out of guilt he kidnaps the baby girl and drops her off at the orphanage. Later Jim joins the time travelers corps leads a distinguished life and has one last dream to disguise himself as a bartender to meet a certain drunk named Jim in the past. Question: who is Jane's mother, father, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, and grandchild?

Yea... thats like the ultimate chicken/egg riddle.

LaLa4Life55: too much funnyness...too little profile!!!!

Here are the awesome web pages of my friends!!! Enjoy

Mr. Collin Jone's Funkadacious site

Outy! i'm glad you came to my web site but thats all folks!