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May 10, 2003: I haven't wrote in a while. That be-nice-to-everyone thing DOES NOT, I reapeat DOES NOT work! All these people are all over my back about shit. I hate it. And it wasn't MY fault this time!!! I didn't do a thing!!! Alyssa is a bitch. Meg is a bitch. I cannot STAND them. Both of them need to shut their mouths and stop talking about me behind my back. I would like one of them to say it to my face. And then hit me so I could 'defend' myself. Heehee. But truthfully, I don't think I would want to just hit someone unless I really NEEDED to. But that's just me..... Thursday I was SOOOO mad. Mad at everyone. Mad at Alyssa, Meghan, Lindsay, Chelsea, and some other people too. But now it is alright becasue I made up with Chels and Lindsay. There is a word for this: Elberta. *Damnit.* There is some party for Honor Society I was invited to. May 17th. It is a pool party at Kevin Kane's house. I want to go but then I don't. I guess it will depend on who all IS going. I need to make up my mind soon. Lindsay's birthday party is ALSO this weekend. ALL WEEKEND. So I really need to decide what I want to do and how I am going to do it. I had this dream. I had it a good while back but I never told who I needed to tell. It turns out this dream was true. I felt like connected to this person a good bit of the night. Very wierd to me because it was the stongest I had ever felt like that. I have had dreams about others before and like this but I have never felt so strongly connected. I think I will shut up now because few understand this and only one other person knows the dream I am referring to. Oh, I asked Kazmen about it and he answered my questions. I still don't know EXACTLY what I want to know! I also tried looking stuff up on the internet but I have no idea WHAT I WANT! Oh well, I think I kind of get it now... My head hurts. Give me music. I'm out.....


April 30, 2003: On the 28th, I sent my friend (one of my favorite friends, one of my {if not the} best friends) a poem. I liked it very much myself. It was 'beautiful'. I got one in return and it was just too sweet.

Tiffany and I have been remembering things from when we were little lately. Too cute. We are planning on doing something not this weekend but next weekend. We haven't been to eachother's houses in a while....



April 23, 2003: The eigth grade went on this field trip today. We went to the Bay Bears game. It was so much fun! Although, Chase King REALLY started pissing me off so I hit him a few times. He was very offended; I didn't care.... I wore a pair of jeans, the tee-shirt I made in technology, and some flip flops. Very comfy. OMG! There was this cotton candy guy named HENREY! I got a picture with him!!! Lol! He was cool, but not as cool as Chad!

Well, I discovered these things last night:

Lindsay- Absolutly NOT my best friend. Never. I do not think she will ever be either....

Elyssia- I miss her sooo much! My sister forever....

Kyle- A really good friend, I already knew that but... it was varified as of last night...


April 22, 2003: Can't type long but there was a play-doe fight on the bus...scarey....

!!!BAY BEARS GAME!!! Tomorrow!


April 17, 2003: My birthday is tomorrow! It was so cool at school because all these people gave me stuff and wished me a happy birthday.... What fun! I was so happy!!! Good things happen to good people......

We are still painting and such!

My party is going to be the 20th and everyone already hates eachother....once again....

Not to mention, I am worried. I wonder if anything is wrong about *something*... Can't say exactly what...


April 14, 2003: I still hate saying good-bye.

In math forth period, I decided to turn over a new league! I am giving EVERYONE a second chance! LOL! I also did ALL my work today...that I could! But in 6th period, I messed up the vinal signs a few times...

I have a guest list for my party. It should be fun. It will be the 19th. Oh!!! Guess what?!?! Some of my friends want to surprise me on Thursday for my birthday! How cool!

Brent Benson was creeping me other today by asking for my phone number and insiting I am hott. Oh well, I will live.

I also made up with Kyle today. Damn, 'saddening' some people hurts me....Out of some shit...we are still friends....I can't belive it......


April 13, 2003:I hate to say good-bye. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I am going to refuse to with anyone I don't want to leave. I hate good-bye's. Damn....sometimes you don't want to go.... Doesn't anyone understand? And yes, I do want someone to answer that question for me.....

This weekend Lindsay came over. It was really fun..but I got burned. My back is red. It hurts so bad. But on the bright side, I got a little darker?

One of my best guy friends told me this stupid lie. Really stupid. And I was really starting to believe it. He hung up on me several times too.... Which didn't make me too happy. I don't think I will be able to trust that boy for a while...nor talk-talk to him for a good while...Damnit Kyle. I think I hate you. Not because of the lie- it was a BAD joke though, because of the stupid SHIT, yes SHIT you tried to pull....Yet, again, I don't think I hate you because I am pretty sure what your problem is.....Unless you lied about that conversation we had at 10:00 that one night.....I don't know anymore......I really don't.......I swear, I hope you read this.....


April 7, 2003:

Damn. I do like him again. Is there something wrong with me? I wonder how I like him. I really do wonder... Right now, I could honestly say I do love him, but I am unsure how exactly. I could stare at that picture he sent forever. I love the card he sent me. It really is wonderful. It really is. I think he is so cute. Lol! I do! Everyone says he is ugly, but I REALLY do think he is a cutie! I would never give a fuck what he looked like either. I love that boy. We had this long conversation one night. We did. It was about something VERY private. I am the only other one that knows.....which really made me feel good. You know what? We have cried for each other before, we really have. I remember that so well. It was twice. And we made up then. Once again, I love that boy.....and no one can ever stop me. I could think about him all day........

The trip is Thursday! I can't wait!!!!



March 30, 2003:

I am free I like no one!!!! Yeaaa!!!
