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NeWbIe'S_hElPeR Website

Favorite Things About the Guild

Guild Linkz

Our Guild
Donation Shop
Our Neocircle
Neomail Horseangle664
The Food Shop for Good Restockz
Chocolate Factory for Good Restockz
Kiosk Scartchcard Game
Coltzan's Shrine

Hello everyone! I'm horseangle 664....founder of our guild and all the linkz to it. As you all know, our last layout was deleted becuase of the changes that were made to the guilds. Well now we have a really nice new layout and its all about candy! MMmmmMMm Have fun browsing around....^_^

Due to the Changes that were made to our guild, the Drackonack giveaway will have to wait!
We have a really cool Candy theme going on right now but I am always open for new suggestions. I can always use some new IdEaS!
I am keeping my promise and I am changing the theme every week. I am trying to improve the guild every single second of my time on the computer. PLease keep in mind that I am always trying my best. But no matter How hard I try, we can always lose many now, we lost a lot of members becuase while the changes to our guild were being made....well all of the guilds actually, our guild got messed up and wasn't looking too good...we lost a lot of members...bu we can get them BACK!
My Requests
PLease sign the guest book and vote on the poll. I will read them and I will count your vote. SO please go ahead! You will not be forgotten, I promise.
Whats going on in our guild!!!
Each messege after a colon is separte..they are by differnet people.........Changes to our Guild were made! I hope you like them!......................Not much is going on in our guild right now...No one is posting anything...........WE NEED MORE ACTIVE MEMBERS!........We love the guild!

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