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*¤*NeSsAbOo'S 2nD WeBbY*¤*

A MeMoRy LaStS 4ever
NeVeR DoEs iT DiE
TrUe FriEnDz StAy 2GeThEr aNd NeVeR sAy GoOdByE

FrIeNdS r FoReVeR
gUyS aRe WhEnEvEr
So WhEn WoRsT cOmEs To WoRsT
mY gUrLs CoMe FiRsT!

You like cakes I like pies but we're both there when the other cries!

*Misty Sent me this next poem.. its the sweetest!*

Even if the years pass, and we grow apart, I want you to know, that you are in my heart, you helped me through problems, thru good times and bad, you helped me keep smiling, when I was sad, you helped me with guyz, you made me stay strong, how will I live, when you are gone, and where the years take us, no place is to far, we think of each other, where ever we are, your a wonderful person, with a good heart to lend, and I want you to know
That your my *Best Friend*

Derek, Whom I miss so much, but Im so proud of him!! And Amy, shes like a best friend to me! I Love You Both SO much!

*My PeOpLeS*
*MiStYs PaRtY PiCs*
*DiFfErEnT pIcS*
*PrOm 2003*
*OtHeR WeBbY PaGe*
