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***Bad Gurlz Page***

******Friendz/Shout Outz***** Nae Nae & Tae Tae(best friends 4evea),Bad Boy(my boyfriend of 4 monthz),Pete(my friend who is there when i need help),Joey(Em's bf)Emily(my friend n Joeys Gurlfriend)Angie(my sister whose is there to help with tonz of gurl stuff),Alexia(my friend who is now like my sista)Kaielgh(my friend from school super close)n Stevey(my friend who has be there for me along the bumpy path who stuck by me my best friend)!!!!!! ******BoyFriend*********** My BF (boyfriend) is a bad boy!In all different wayz ;)!!He is the best boyfriend to have ever i would not give him up 4 the world he is mine 4evea!!!! We have been going 4 monthz n he has been nutin but supportive with me n i support him 100%At HS he is on the Football team!!!!!!!! ************Me************ Im a bad gurl with a boyfriend and tons on friends cus im nice till u get on my bad side hehehe!But when i m a sweetie bad gurl i m your best friend.Im 15 n going in the 10th grade with my bf n my best friends. I have brown hair with blonde streaks n green eyez im a cheerleader and basketball playa at HS too! Yo PPLZ luv to my man Bad Boy Carlos who is MINE so gurls who want him Think Again LOL !!!!!Peace n Luv to my friends Gurls,Pete,Joey, N Stevey Holla Back.... "If playas play u take your heart n play dem bak"! ********GoodByez********* I hope ya'll liked my web page it took alota work n luv but it is here n betta den evea so i just wanna give a shout outz to my friends n my bad boy I LOVE YA!

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