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          ==.let them bleed now.


                                                                                       we think she is crazy. we focus our empty mirror gazes and recite the verses that he has taught us in unison.

                                                                        we condemn her. even without him in the room, he holds the strings to our arms, our legs.

                                                                            his influence is impermeable. 

                                                                             we can't handle this girl single-handedly bringing to light all the horrible things that have happened. 

                                                                            so we do what he has taught us and we ridicule her.  we deny everything. we push her to the outer limits.

                                                                            we make the crude insults...

                                                                             it is not until later that we realize our folly and it is too late.


                                                                           -- kate flannery



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                look. closer.

                     be careful where you shoot.
