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Something From Another Class

Michelle Ghirelli

Period 3 – Advanced Psychology

March 8, 2002

Creating a Genius

According to a group of scientists there is one gene on chromosome called IGF2R that is responsible for intelligence. They found this out by first looking on the long arm of chromosome 6, which had already been mapped completely by the Human Genome Project. They then selected two groups of people, one with a high IQ and another with an average IQ. They then looked at the differences between many of the genes on the long arm of the sixth chromosome.

With these comparisons they found out that there was a difference on IGF2R between the two groups. On this particular gene there were several alleles and allele 5 was shown to be more common in the group with the higher IQ. These findings show the scientists the differences between the individuals with the higher and average IQs. This research will also allow the scientists to identify exactly which gene or set or genes is responsible for intelligence.

We can improve the quality of the human mind by using this research and these findings and somehow isolating and implanting this gene into an embryo, therefore making a more intelligent child. To make these alterations scientists change the genes in living cells by putting the desired new gene into an organism which is then allowed to get into the person’s cells and therefore inserts the new gene into the cell along with the old genes. These alterations can only be done by cloning. When the embryo in being cloned is when the certain gene, in this case IGF2R, can be inserted.

Although cloning one day, if not already, can create the perfect child and therefore create a utopian society, I still believe that it is wrong. Being that I am a religious person I do believe that it infringes on my belief of the creation of man. If God wanted us to be perfect he would have made us that way. Yet he made us all with our own unique differences and quirks and that is the way that it should be left. When we try and change what has been created with science there is no telling what the repercussions could be. Using science to cure illnesses is one thing, but using it to create people is quite another.
