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(= !-*Melissa's Page*-! =)

-Last Updated: May 13, 2003-

O YEAH!!!! Summer is almost here! Its gonna be hectic but a TON of FUN!! :))

~*If you don't know me I'm Melissa DeGonzague. I'm 15 & a frosh at SE; red hair, brown eyes about 5'5. I'm on h.s. student council & CIP..i play volleyball, softball & cheer for basketball. My icq # is 151082051..wanna kno anything else look me up*~


Sweetie.. I don't know where to start! The time spent w/you is completely wonderful! You're completely amazing & perfect for me in every way! & I don't want to lose you! I'm glad to have you as part of my life. You make me so happy! Things just keep gettin better! Can't wait for our 3 month its gonna be awesome :) I hope there are many more months to come! I love you! :)) (2-16-03)


Where to start? you've been my best friend since 5th grade..but more like a sister! Dunno what I'd do w/o you! Thx 4 e/t..& u kno i'm always here for matter what! Woo buds we're cheerleaders! :) Vacay will be fun! nf the hc..fair (wont u be my long distance cousin)..goin shoppin & gettin are pimpin cowboy hats & all the other crazy times we've had! we officially suck at bolwin & we had 2 ppl on our team! lol glw/all u deserve the best hun! Ly


O! you're my other 1/2! dunno what i'd do w/o're one of my best friends..thx 4 everything you've done for me! You know i'm always here! Where ya been? I never get to talk to u anymore! =*( we needa do something & *SOON* We've def had some dumb but hilar times! from the faggish group to "i think theres somethin in my mouth" Shoppin was a always! glw/all chic u deserve the bestest!! Can't wait til Indiana its gonna be awesome! :) Ly


Sissy! We're in serious need of one of our talks..we havent been talkin much lately! Hope we do before school is out! omg chic we've had some great times! the movies..u holdin onto my leg bc u were Nf KI..can't wait til we go this yr! u need to have me & coley over again! lol glw/all esp -Lukey- thx 4 e/t..always here! Ly

*My NiCoLeRz (NiKkI)*

I'm so lucky to have a best friend like you! you always know how to help & ur always there no matter what..& visa versa! You're a wonderful person..never let anyone tell u dif! Thx so much 4 e/t..Dunno what i'd do w/o you! I'm so glad you & Ryan are talkin again :) n/f our mems..we've had some good times! glw/all! u deserve ONLY the best..if u ever need somethin..u kno who to come to! Love you hun


Dogg..hehe...we've gotten so much closer this yr & its def kewl! Cant wait til we see the sequel to Dude Where's My Car! :) we're 1 person in 2 bodies! thats kinda freaky! lol We've had so many good times this yr i can't even remember them all! nf the tip off..both hcs..watchin ice age & our long talks at my house lol..which is now ur 2nd home! all we have to do is sing to make ppl turn on the radio lol glw/all esp -Stefan- u deserve the best!! Ly

*MeGaN U.*

"They're here.." Ur such a ditz..but u know what? i cant say too much bc i'm the same way! We get closer every yr & its great! nf the mems..teachin madison dif things & tryin to go to the graveyard..makin sno cones & "hes hot..NOT my dad" lol & " brother did" lol & at hollys the midget door & were the ping pong pros! lol Ly

*MeGaN S.*

We may not be as close as we used to but you'll always be one of my best friends!! thx 4 e/t chic..ur a great friend & have helped me out alot on things! U know i'm always here 4 you! nf the mems..we've had a lot glw/all esp -Donnie- Ly


I havent talked to u much =*( but u know the #..if u ever feel like talkin give me a call..My drinkin buddy 4 life! Hun ur great! even tho all u do is make fun of must be that kind hair! :) but u crack me up! u busted my bubble & i threw a cow! lol & no i wont answer Chance's ?. glw/all esp the gurl ur after!! But remember i have to give my approval jk! :) i HEART u


I haven't got to talk to u much lately :*( i can't thank you enough for every time you've been there for me! you're a really great guy & one of my best friends! no one can replace what you mean to me! hope i get to see you soon! I'm always here..glw/all esp -Ellen- I'm glad you're happy & hope I get to talk to you soon! Ly


Mighty Joe Joe! Thx for takin me fishin even tho I didn't fish! & sry for umm almost breakin ur car thing! lol Ur fun to be around..we needa hang out more often! :) Thx 4 e/t hun.. you're a great guy & someone i can trust! U really helped me out quite a few times! you know i'm always here for you! glw/all u deserve the best! Ly


I'm glad we're still really good friends..i know i can talk to u about anythin & hopefully visa versa! We've had some great times nf them & glw/all u deserve only the best! remember i'll always be here for you! Ever need anything of just bored u know the #! hope you find a girl worth your time :) Ly


Our stories in spanish are great! Thx 4 bein my valentine! good times good times! Fair was hilar when we were together.. swansonin it & all the other good times! nf a swan named duck/duck name swan! lol glw/all esp -Marcus- & Congrats on varsity! Ly


YAY we're cheerleaders its gonna be a blast! We've gotten a lot closer this yr & its firends since kgarten! :) We laugh at the dumbest things & i miss r times in algebra! nf r talks in comp. op. & turnin each others comps off! attack of the giant dogs! good times! my yrbook buddy buddy! glw/all esp -James- Ly


We're not as close as we used to be..& we hardly ever talk..but Im glad we can tell each other things straight up..Thx 4 all uve done 4 me & u kno i'll always be here 4 u! u crack me up! nf the paints games. fair was fun..doin cartwheels around the midway & I like ur boots...uhh thx! lol glw/all esp -Steven- Ly


Haven't talked to you in forev where ya been?! =*( stayin w/u was great! u fallin between the bed & the wall & callin ppl lol wish u still went to SE but ur still one of my best friends! Torys party was great. Fair was fun the times we hung out..Glw/all Ly


We're not as close..but we still have some of the yr left to fix it! Haunted Houses R the Bomb! lol its our 2 yr tradition! lol mozzarrella chics & throwin r trash out the window & runnin into those guys in the smokey room! Ur pool parties rock & im havin a dino! lol we were married in holy macaroni! glw/all sry things didnt work out w/Steveo Ly


Where ya been? Havent got to talk to u in forev! We're makin progress..hehe we've said hi to each other! lol sry for the weird looks :) glw/all esp -Greg- Ly


We've been talkin alot more lately! Nf walkin to meet jr high track & our own party! losers at the bowlin alley! lol swimmin was a blast..runnin into each other durin vball lol nf track meets in 7TH grade that big dog chasin us, singing & dancin & swimin in the rain at like 830 in the morn! glw/all esp -Michael- Thx 4 always bein there for me! Always here Ly


We need to do somethin soon! u crack me up..maybe bc ur as ditzy as me! weve had some good times like brents party & tryin to get hit by a car! n/f were gonna get on the show Jackass no matter what & we can make stupid stupid scripts! glad i got to chill w/u the other weekend, need to do it more often! glw/all Luv Ya


Haven't talked much lately..but gurlie ur the greatest..u can always make me laugh! n/f triangles & dr pib~! hes havin a baby? what? lol ur like a sis 2 me & im ALWAYS here 4 u! glw/all esp -Cody-..u deserve the best NEVER let anyone tell u otherwise! Luv Ya!

*JeSsIcA B.*

We don't talk all that much any more..but you're a great friend & really kewl! if you ever need me don't hestitate! glw/all u deserve the best! we need to do something soon! Ly


Ur great..but i never see/talk to u much! hope all is goin well 4 u! nf the mems. glw/all ! u deserve the best! It was great seein u at the scrimmage & eatin at the corner restraunt, hope to see you more often! glw/-Joey- LY


Hey chic..hope we start talkin more like we used to! n/f fboa..that was great but i still dunno if its just me & u lol glw/all u deserve the best! Ly


Geezsh we've had some funny times! Babysittin was a blast! makin pizza & not findin the baby wipes! what an adventure lol Ur bros truck gettin stuck! man all we've done this yr is skip class *darn* lol did u know grass is a population & its gonna attack us? omg did we say that out loud? lol glw/all! Ly


omg gurlie u r hilar..we don't talk all that much but when were together we have fun! nf new yrs eve..too bad we didnt do it this yr! thx 4 rollin dwn the ramp at the convo w/me! no one else would! lol glw/all! Ly


We dont talk a whole lot but man we have fun when we do! n/f stalkin jeremy & chad & playin on the play ground & runnin for our lives! ur awesome glw/all esp -Jon- Ly


Miss u Bunchz chic...we never get to talk anymore but i'll never forget r mems..esp r "hill" & im so excited..! glw/all u deserve nothing but the best! Always here! Ly

*NiCk, KoDy, ChRiS F., & JaKe*

I don't talk to u guys all that much lately, but u all still rock! Thx 4 e/t you've done for me..I'm always here! glw/everything.. esp ur girls! (Amanda, Ashley, Mandie) u guys deserve the best~ n/c! Ly All

*StEfAn (glw/-Em-), StEvEn (glw/-Kendall-), ShAwN, BiLlY, ShAnNoN (KI was fun! Thx 4 always lettin me wear ur jersey #21 baby!), JeSsE, StEvIe (ur almost taller than me! but u'll always b shorty at heart hehe), TrAvIs, MiKiE, JaCoB, BrIaN, ScOtTiE, SwAnSoN, JuStIn, JeFf & all the other frosh guys*

U guys can be really mean but ur hilar as shiz & i wouldnt trade u in for anything..well maybe a few! Jk! :) thx 4 always makin everyday interestin n/f alla the great mems glw/all esp the ladies! U kno im here 4 alla u! Ly

*AnNiE (glw/-Jason-), ErIcA, BrItTaNy C (glw/-Justin-), AmAnDa H (glw/-Jaco-), NaT, WhIt, HeAtHeR, KaTy, ChRiStY & every one else i forgot*

U chics r jus awesome dunnos what id do w/o u! im always here 4 u & neva forget alla the good times weve had! glw/all esp the guys! Ly

*AnGeLa G, BJ, AaRoN, JeSsIe M., BlAyNe (Bubby), NiCk, WeS, MiRaNdA, JoRdAn, JuLiEnNe, AlIcIa, AmAnDa, KyLe, KeViN, QuEnToN, AmAnDa, DrEw, CorEy, AnDrEw, ChAnCe, NaTe, JD, MiKe, ClAyToN, HeAtHeR, JeSsIe, BrIaN, BoBbY, BrAnDoN, EMiLy S, JaYmIe & any of my otha peeps from dif schools (cant name ya all u know!)*

Glw/all weve all had some great 'em! Even tho i dont get to talk to u guys much i still Thx 4 e/t..I'm always here! Ly

*MIKE*- So glad to see you doing so well! I promise I'll come out to see you SOON! :) Ly Cutie! *ZACH*- I wish you wouldn't move next yr! who else would be my bf? lol Ur a great guy & deserve the best! :) *ROSS*- Even tho u hate i still ly! always here :) *CORY, MATT, & alla the other soon to be frosh:

most of you are yr should be kewl! ly

~* If I forgot anyone lemme know..Sign the gbook while your at it...W/your name...Thx Bunchz!! xoHUGS -N- KISSESxo *~

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