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My Family... and.. During pics...

These pictures were taken three months after stating WW.. As you can see from my before pics.. The changes are pretty obvious. Sorry they're not very clear but I'm sure you get the general idea right? :o)

Bobby and I...

The handsome guy you see next to me is my prince Bobby.
My number one supporter.
The photo was taken at the beginning of November.
I was a little shy because I hate photos being taken of me but Bobby reminded me that without them noone would know how far I've come.. What a hunny:o)

My two eldest...

The two girls with me are Danielle (nic:-Bobbette on the left) and Venus on the right.. Bobbette is 15 and Venus 14 (in case you missed in it the "comfort zone" webpage..)
Its not easy getting photos of any of my older girl since theyre not home that ofte so I'm glad I was able to get


This is Carmen.. another one thats hard to keep here long enough to get a pic... She's 13 years of age..
Carmen, Venus and Bobbette have decided after leaving school at the beginning of this year that they're going to go back.. What a relief!.. I cant tell you the amount of stress these angelic looking girls have put me through the past 10 Ah well.. Hopefully everything will change now hey?