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Decembers Journal Entries...

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Pretty slack.. This is my third attempt at my journal since August.. third time lucky hey?... *giggles*... Ok... Here's how it is..
I started in August.. I've had a few ups and down since then.. I've lost a total of 14.3 kilos. I'm happy with that.. Could do better though.. I had a mini goal of getting rid of 20 by christmas but I dont think thats likely to happen since there's only 2 more weeks.. Ahh Well.. At least I'm not as big as I was last christmas right?..
I had a few problems with my older children that caused me to stress out a bit but I have to say now that I am back on track:o)... So.... My journal starts as of today...Soldier on everyone...

Tuesday December 10th 2002

Good grief it took ages to get this journal started again... what a rigmarole...Oh Well... Its happening now and hopefully this time nothing will go wrong.
My first journal I couldnt get the hang of it. I buggered it up badly.. so badly in fact that I couldnt put any pictures in it.. So.. I started it again..
The next one was much better.. I liked it alot.. Had the pics.. had the text all sorted out.. THEN.. I did something to my pc and couldnt get the webshell back up.. It kept saying that the membership name had already been taken and I had to chose another one.. GRRRR!!!!!!... Now this one..
I can tell you.. There isnt as much writing in this journal.. Its not as personal as the other one either.. Not that thats a bad thing.. Some people feel funny reading things that are too personal and the other one was I guess.. More for the family hey?..
Now.. Whats happened to me the past few days?...
My mum rang on Friday.. She is the best person ever my mum is.. I could write a book on how her strength has pulled me through a lot of shit I've had to endure over the years I can tell you.. She's alwys there for us.. Did I tell you I have 8 brothers?.. Well I have.. 5 of them live in New Zealand and 3 here in Aus.
Annnnnywaaay... Mum and I spoke for a couple of hours.. Just catching up on things.. the brothers and their famiies... It was just after 10pm when we hung up.
Then not five minutes later I had a phone call from Bobbys sister. We talked for about an hour.
I thought after that that I might shoot off to bed and blow me down if I dont recieve another call.
This time it was his sister that lives up the road.. Three minute walk to be exact. anyway.. she asked me to go up and keep her company coz she was drinking alone.. so.. being the nice person that I am.. I did.
I had two glasses of bourbon. I swear it was 9 parts bourbon and 1 part coke.. The drink was so strong.. After my second glass I had an over-whelmimg urge to throw up.. whicj I did...LOL
Not only once though. I threw up a total of 6 times through the night and twice the next morning.. God I was soooooo sick!
It didnt help that because i was so busy trying to sort things out with the dratted journal I had lost.. I only ate 8 points that day..
On saturday morning.. I got up after a bad morning and got ready for karate.. i didnt think I was going to handle the pace but I'm so glad I went.. It cleared my head.
I didnt eat more than 15 points that day though coz i was still feeling quite sick..
Sunday was pretty much the same..Couldnt stomach mor than 15 points. I was still seedy.. I went for my walk though.. I loved it..
Monday.. Again only 15 points or so.. no more than that though.. I was a bit worried that I was going to have a gain this week coz I'm not eating what I should be.
Today I feel a little better. I managed to have a ham sandwhich and I'll have some dinner tonight.. my main food for the pat few days have been bananas... I still worried that I wont lose on Thursday. I will totally freak if I dont.. I guess we'll see hey?.. I'm still not feeling 100 % after Friday night..
So.. that was me from Friday till today.. I've been so busy getting my journal up and runing again that I really havent had time to eat.. Plus I still feel a ittle giddy.
I have to be careful.. i know I want to lose as much as I can by christmas but I dont want it to have the reverse effect on me.. good grief.. I'm starting to get paranoid now...LOL
Anyway... My WW buddy has come online so I'm gonna go chat to her.. Till next time babes and babbettes.. take care and soldier on:o)

Wednesday December 11th 2002

Hi there guys and gals :o)
Had a pretty laid back day today.. I'm feeling quite lethargic actually. Probably because I'm not eating very well. I went for a walk earlier on but I couldnt walk to far without feeling light headed so half an hour and that was it.
We've been looking around for a house. In the same area hopefully but if we have to branch out then so be it. As long as its not too close to the fires.. Gosh I feel for the families near the fires.. They sure are reeking havoc. Hopefully with the rain the past couple of days its dowsed them.
I had a wonderful roll today.. BBq chicken and tabouli.. YUM YUM!.. I had a potatoe salad as well. not very point friendly I guess but I havent eaten much this week anyway so I doubt it will do any damage..
I'm eating my dinner now.. A banana and a yoghurt. I've come to the decision that it may not only have been the drink I had on Friday thats put my appetite off. Maybe I have a tummy bug as well. I have a headache that I havent been able to shake and I swear if I eat more than I have been I'm sure it'll come right back up again.
I'm a little apprehensive about tomorrows weigh in.. What if I have a gain?... No point dwelling on it I spose. I know in the morning.
OMG guess what?... You all wouldnt know this (because I've lost my last journal) but.. I have been feeling a little sorry for myself because my weightloss hasnt been as good as Jo's or Lil's or a few members in the forum actually. I have been having a bit of a whinge to Jo about it. OMG I recieved an email from her last night and what a cyber net ass kick I got.. It snapped me out of my buzz BIG
She is so great. I needed to be reminded of the reasons why I chose to lose weight in the first place and not to let myself delve into negative thoughts.. How right she is.
Well... I am over it.. I have most certainly gotten over feeling sorry for myself.. When I lose the weight I'll lose the weight.. It may come off fast and thats great but from now on if it comes off slow?.. thats great too. I just have to remember that I look and feel better than I have in literally years.
I played netball 6 years ago and I wasnt this small.. And I'm 115 kilos..Thats saying something..
Man I'm so grateful I have such terrific support.
Anyway.. Though still feeling a little sick.. I'm very happy... sore after the "net boot" but happy.. so.. I'll bid you all a goodnight and see you straight after my weigh in tomorrow.. till then.. take care and.. soldier on :o)

Thursday December 12th 2002 (Weigh in)

What a day I've had. I had a 1.4 kilo loss this week. Gotta be happy with that right?.. Of course I am.
Our relief team leader came up to me in front of the rest of the members and placed my beautiful star sticker on my bookmark..
The smile on my face was a mile wide with all the pride I felt recieving the little reward for my achievement.
That is of course until she verbally slapped it off with her remark..
She called me a cheater for having too many stars.. I was thrown.. she said that for the first 5 kilos lost, you recieve a bookmark.. Then every 5 lost after that you recieved a star sticker.
I was supposed to have two stars but had I kept the one she was about to give then I'd have had three.
I was very embarrassed (my very pet hate is embarrassment!)and more than a little angry. It took a lot of breathing to enhance my calm...
I took the star off my bookmark, handed it back and said "Meredith (our former team leader) had put a star on my bookmark when I lost my first five and again when I lost my second. If a fault was made then it wasnt mine. After all.. How are we to know? It's YOUS who are the team leaders NOT US!
I will take the sticker when I earn the right.. I'm no cheater!"
Sheeze! How out of joint was my nose.. I had the shits for a few minutes but then I replaced the scowl aith a smile knowing that I had done well. I mean to say... How (as memebers) are we supposed to know the protocol?.. They are the leaders.. Perhaps all leaders are different when it comes to dishing out rewards like that. I felt it was uncalled for anyway.. I wont be staying for the meetings until Meredith comes back thats for sure. How unprofessional.
I have finally been able to get more than 15 points down today thank goodness. I'm going to try and stick to 20 points instead of my allowcated 24.. Just until after christmas.. See how I go. Perhaps I'll be able to stick to it.. that would be cool.
Well.. Tomorrow I will be posting this addy in the WW forums.. I hope I have some Big shame if I dont but I'll get over it..
Its Bobbettes 16th birthday today and she's not home :(.. She said that friends of hers have got something planned for her at their place. I was so hurt. I was hoping that she'd be here so we could all celebrate but what can one do.. I'm not gonna go there coz where my three older children are concerned?.. Its a LOOOOOOONG story... Breaks a parents heart doesnt it? In case yous dont know.. Bobbette is my oldest daughter.. her pic is in the "family pics" webpage.
Well.... I'm gonna shoot off and update the rest of my site then shoot off to bed I think.
Till the next time.. have a great week and take care.

Friday December 13th 2002

OMG people you have no idea how proud I am of myself and how wide the smile is on my face... I did something that I have NEVER done in my life time.. EVER!!!
I went for my usual walk (big deal right?) well.. Not only did I walk but I had the urge to jog for a bit too so you know what?... I did!! OMG!!!.. I walked for 5 minutes,jogged for two.. walked for 5, jogged for two etc.. I did that for half an hour.
I was so tired when I got home and my legs were so sore but Man I was so unbelievably proud. THEN... To top thing off I came home.. did 10 push ups (ok I was on my knees but still!) and did 10 sit ups, stretched then another ten, then stretch etc.. I did that 5 times.. 50 sit ups in all.. WOOHOO!!! I cant sit all the way up of course but its a start!... OH MAN! I feel so good!
I did my measurements today and was so disappointed with the results.. Mind you. I had a pretty bad month last month so it wasnt a huge surprise but this month people.. Things are gonna be changing!.. BRING IT ON!!!
Anyway.. I'm on a hype.. I dont know if I'm gonna be able to sleep but I better try since I have karate tomorrow.. YEAH!... Till the morrow people.. Take care!!

Sunday December 15th 2002>

I have had the best weekend. Yesterday I went to karate. It sooooo ROCKS! Then I came home to be surprised by Bobby. He took me out for dinner. I ended up having a steak dinner with s salad no dressing and no chips.. Very impressive I thought. Not only that though.. He suprised me more by saying that he had booked a motel room out for the night to get away from the stress of the kids.. What a hunny.. By the way.. Bobbys niece Lisa looked after the kiddies :o) He had sussed everything out.
We got home at 10ish this morning. Gosh it was great to get away even if it was only for the night.
We laxed out for the rest of the day. I hadnt had any breakfast so by lunch time I was a little hungry. I had a chicken salad sandwhich and half a lettuce sammy too.
Bobby said he was hungry for a bbq so I thought I had better get some extra points under my belt so I went for a brisk walk and again I added a few jogs in for good measure. Man I feel great after jogging. I think I'll keep it up.
Bit of a worry though. My shins are sore. I was told it may be caused through all the jarring I mean to say. I'm not a small lady.. I'm still 113.7 kilos heavy so thats still a lot of weight to be running. I was also told to change the surfaces that I run on.. I've been attacking the road so I might just try the grass tomorrow and see how I go.. Worth a try anyway hey?.
Something great happened today. I asked Bobbys niece Lisa to be a brides maid at our wedding and she's simply over the moon. How great is that?.. I nearly cried with all the excitement she showed.I wont say anything more about our plans. I'll start a new page for that tomorrow. Its underway though WOOHOO!!!... I'm gonna bolt now and check the WW site out. I love going in there. So many inspirational people in there.. so.. till next time people... Take care and have a great day tomorrow :o)

Tuesday December 17th 2002

One more week till christmas folks. OMG where has the year gone hey?.. The next nine moths are going to go so fast.
I'm not very confident that I'm going to have a good loss this week but I swear from boxing day on I will be kicking my fat ass and really get down to some serious weight loss.
Not that I've been naughty mind you, I havent eaten shitty stuff I shouldnt be eating but I've been really slack with the vegies and fruit.. Not to mention the water.. Gaaaaaawd.. Its looking worse as I read what I'm
Its all good though.. I know by my big day no matter how much I've lost.. I will not be as FAT as I have been over the past 25 years.
I'm so lethargic today.
I took Carmen, Venus and Slade to the movies tonight.. We watched ghost ship.. I know.. not something I should be allowing my kids to watch. Well... not Krystal anyway but she wanted to come see it.
Anyway.. wasnt that spooky. Was good to get out of the house for a couple of hours though.
I had some popcorn too.. Actually.. truthfully?.. I had a LARGE popcorn. One of my favourite foods. Good thing I dont go to the movies often.
Anyway.. I'm so tired now so I might shoot off to bed now.
Good night everyone. Take care :o)

Thursday December 19th 2002 (weigh in)
You lose weight , you gain it, you lose, then you gain. What a challenge it is.
On that note.. I had a 900gram gain
*sigh*.. No worries.. I'll just have to try harder for next week I guess. My portion sizes must be shot up the ass coz I havent really over done it this week.
Of course I had a pie on Saturday.. I've been drinking coke too on the odd occassion, I had a roast pork for dinner last night too but I havent over indulged. I had popcorn on Tuesday night too. Would that have done it?...
I think back to how much I used to eat in comparrison to today and no way does it even come close to the amount I used to gouge down, yet here I've had another gain... Hmmmm..
Maybe Jo is right.. Maybe I'm getting bit slack with portion sizes.. I better keep an eye on it and see what happens.
Well.. people.. as I type my eldest daughter Bobbette has walked in the door. We havent seen her since Monday.
As some of you know we have had trouble with our three older girls in regards to them staying home. Anyway.. Bobby and I sat them down and had a strong talk to the three of them.. We tried things there way.. It didnt work for us.. We tried things our way, it didnt bloody work for them.. So... Thie time we tried to compromise.
We told the girls that if they wanted to be with their friends that much then we will let them go out but be home by 10 pm.. not unreasonable I reckon.. On a Saturday we said they could stay out till 12am...
We wouldnt allow for lateness. They had to be here or they leave.
Anyway.. they were all happy with that. Bobbette in particular. She asked if she could meet up with her friend so we said yes. That was on Monday.. She's just decided to grace us with her presence today.. Hows that aye?.. God it makes me mad!
Well... I'm gonna sign off and go talk to her so until next time.. take care!!
Oh yeah.... Dont worry about me feeling down with my weigh in.. I'm still good. Not nearly as bummed as I have been over the past couple of weeks. I know I'll eventually get there :o)
Bubbye for now

Friday December 27th 2002

Hi everyone...I know its been ages since I've been in here. Gosh I'm hopeless.
I was so busy leading up to christmas. I loved the hype of it all but good grief the amount of points I consumed HAS to be astronomical..
bacon and egg pies
curried eggs
chips and dips (four flavours)
cocktail skewers (cocktail sausages, pineapple,gerkins,cherry tomatoes,cheese.
sausage rolls
Mini pies
vol-u-vents filled with smoked fish
Roast chicken
Roast pork
Roast lamb
HANGI...Pork, lamb, chicken, potatoes, kumara (sweet potatoes)
Cucumber and Tomato
Ice cream
Choclate eclairs
a fruit platter
DRINKS... Vodka
C...suckin cowboys
I made some jellied alcohol too.. 100 of them...
Needless to say I had quite a bit to eat and I got very very drunk afterwards...LOL
Geeze I was bad.. so bad in fact that I wont be getting weighed this week. I'll leave it till next week. I'm back to basics now but still I reckon I'll have a gain next
We all had the best time ever.... we danced all night.
OMG... here's something freaky...
When I started WW I was a size 24... My sister-in-law gave me two shirts for xmas... Very nice they are.. She told me she got them in s size 20 so that I would have some incentive clothes.. I was so rapt.. anyway... just to see how far I had to go before fitting them I tried one of the shirts on... OMG!!!... I fit them WOOOOHOOOO!!!!!.....
Well.. to be honest I cant quite do the buttons up in the middles but still.. I didnt even think I was gonna get them to fit my arms.. Gosh I am so buzzed out.
I got a wok.. Some joop perfume from Bobby.. a knife set and block.. 8 jigsaw puzzles which I absolutely love doing and four different baskets with assorted soaps creams and lotions in them... Very lucky I am.
I got Bobby a dvd player.. the two babies we got some roller blades and some clothes.. we got Carmen a cd player and for Venus and Bobbette we gave some money coz they were too hard to shop for. They all got tons of prezzies from everyone else that came too.Br> It was a very eventful christmas but I am so glad its over coz now I can concentrate on OUR WEDDING!!!
The next big step we'll be making is the move to a new home.. I cant wait.. we had a look at one just before christmas but it was total shit!... It was sooo disgusting I wondered how the realestate agent didnt feel slack showing someone through the house... EEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!!
Anyway... I'm still hung over so I'm gonna bolt now.. or should I say.. next time people.. take care.. and I hope you all had the most massive christmas ever.

Saturday December 28th 2002

Howdy all..
Well I'm feeling much better now.. I've had plenty of sleep and the house is finally spotless again after getting stuck into today.. Phew! Man we have heaps of rubbish and we only had 24 or so people here.Sheeze!
Anyway.. Its all clean now so no worries.
We (bobby and I) decided that we're going to go to lightning ridge for a few days. We leave on Tuesday morning so I have two days to come to terms with car sickness. I am the worlds WORST traveller. The further the travel the worse I get. When I was going to college, I had to travel for 6 hours by bus and a week leading up to my trip I used to get violently ill.
We have to travel 10-12 hours by car to get there and I'm naucious now. *shudder*.. I hate long trips.
At least we'll be away from the hustle and bustle of city life for a few days hey?
Now.. I have to confess something.. I feel very very very fat. I feel like I've eaten everything that I havent eaten since starting ww and all my weight has come back. GAWD! I hope thtas not the case. I dont mind saying that I'm a little worried that I wont be able to get back on track again.
I tried yesterday and ended up having a piece of fish, two battered mussles and a few chips.
Today I tried again and ended up having roast pork (I tried eating the fat but couldnt handle it so I gave it a miss. I spose thats something) but after that I had a bit of trifle and some pav with boysenberry topping and cream... *sigh*..God I hope I can get back to basics. Then we're going to lightning ridge and having new years with Bobbys family. I know one thing though.. I wont be drinking. I had forgotten just how severe a hangover can
I'll try again with the tracking tomorrow. At least I know we wont be going anywhere like we have the past couple of days. Visiting.. *sigh* I dont know. Best just to stay away from families homes I reckon. I dont think they mean to sabotage my attempt at getting back to basics but thats how its ended up. I know I know.. Its up to me.
Well... I'm gonna go coz a freaky programme has just come on the telly. Kick boxing no holds barred.. Blood everywhere.. Gotta see it coz Bobbys yelling out to me so till next time.. Take care and be safe out there:o)

Tuesday 31sy December 2002

Well.... Its the last day of December.. The YEAR!!!.. How fast has this year gone hey?.. Bloody fast.
Well this is gonna be REAL short because I'm heading off to Lightning Ridge in half an hour *moan*.. I'm really happy for Bobby of course but the travel *arghh*
Anyway.. thats my problem not yours:o)...
I hope you all have the most wonderful and fulfilling New year Celebration.. Dont over do it on alcohol or points and remember.. If youre gonna drink.. DONT DRIVE!!!
I wont be back till Friday so till then everyone.. Soldier on and be safe..
HAPPY NEW YEAR... MUWAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! Ps... Lil.. If youre reading this... Muwahh to you chickie.. Have a great time with your family and say hi to your bro for me.. WOOHOO!! Jo?.... Stay staunch babe.. love to you, Chris and the whanau...
