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All of the poetry you are about to see is mine, I’ve been writing (and enjoying it) for probably around 3 years and the poetry is set up on this page from oldest to newest, (so scroll down to see the latest stuff.) feel free to e-mail me with any questions or comments. P.S. I’ve been told that sometimes it can be difficult to grasp the message out of this stuff, but guess what--I did that on purpose-- I hope you find your own meaning to my words it would make the poem even better. Enjoy.

Another Message

When all is lost

And holocaust

Seems not too bad for reason

This nightingale

Feels less than stale

I guess it’s just the season

Too bad for me

I couldn’t see

The color of this treason

But oh for shame

I’m not to blame

Myself for lack of reason

Do not be blind

When you can’t find

The sent of memory’s perfume

It’s not your fault

They closed the vault

And left us all to assume

With mournful eyes

We watch them rise

Before dropped into their doom

Believe we will,

We’ll be strong still

Enclosed in white hotel room

I hope to call

The one to fall

The giver of our unity

I never thought

The this human lot

Could find it’s own immunity

Depending on

The new hit song

We may have opportunity

But do not doubt

The harder rout

It’s best for your community

The entrails of

My hidden love

Are hard to follow quickly

You must be strong

And sing my song

Don’t spread your lies to thickly

I’m not the cure

If insecure

Hearts dream of those not sickly

But time is giving

When you’re living

In this life so tricky

It’s such a curse

For this last verse

Can crave such need for solitude

They say impression

Finds obsession

When done in such imperative mood

My time has come

My mind is numb

And once my message seems tattooed

I finally cease

My thoughts release

Into this poem I have now brewed


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