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High School     


this pic...this pic is just too darn special to explain

pic a la babysitters club (me, Adam M., Anna, and Sara

Anna's Senior Pic

Prom 1999(Adam M., Sara, Meesa, me, Brandon, Anna(as Marilyn Monroe), Bert, Sam, and Mandy)

one of Sara's senior pics

Anna, me and Sara before Rocky


Anna & Sara at Wal-Mart

Sara, me, Adam M. and Jay at DQ in Angola

Anna and I at Friendly's

4th of July, 1999
(me, Anna, Adam M., Jay, and Sara)


Peggy, Shane, and Anna(as Marilyn Monroe)

one of the many times I fell backwards in my chair . . .

Me as a fairy and Anna as(who else?) Marilyn Monroe at the Vision Halloween dance

Adam and Me. . . awwww
. . .

Mandy, Sara, Joemy, and Meesa at Rocky

Anna, Lisa(looking down) and Samantha at Rocky

me doing Columbia at Rocky(Anna made my whole costume!)

another Rocky pic
St. Marys     

Adam and I at the "beach"

top to bottom: Asher, me, Lisa, and Adam

Adam and Adam. Yeah.

Lisa and I moving in to our apartment

Anna and Ed's 1st wedding reception

Anna and Ed's 2nd wedding reception

this is me at my very first dance recital. I think I was 3

I took this picture. And I just like it.