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Mari's Cloud

Mari's Cloud! Welcome... HaHa... I know something that everyone else will know! Oh well... Just look around!


Mari878 will be waiting for you in the BATTLEDOME!!!

Mari is the kind of pet that you don`t wanna make mad... Don`t say I didn`t warn ya! :)


Please vote!!!


Table of Contents

Description * Life Story * Link to me! * My Family * My Friends * My Diary (Which I stopped keeping!) * My Life Story * Links *
For TV withdrawls

Fan Art/Art by Friends Oh goodie!

Yeah... I demolished the whole contest thing... But! Here ya go! The artist's name is at the bottom of the pic... :)





Thanks! :)

Open a door to a new dimension... Mari878

A zafara white as the snow with giant powerful fire wings approches she is painted christmas with a slight but beautiful twist... a crown of gold floats above her head... She looks as if she's a fallen angel...

Other People's Adoptables!

I got a taste of Vengence!!


RAAAAR!!!!!!! Right back at ya! RAAAAAAAAAAAR!

Heya there #VISITOR! I'm Mari878 the zafara but everyone just calls me Mari! I am a x-mas zafara with fire wings! Cool huh?! This is my cloud!

NEW FEATURES! I added scrolling boxes to make stuff more organised! Hope ya like! Also coming soon! Adoptables!

Note: If I see someone with a link to Mari's page I will give them a lovely neo-fruit basket!!

Pay Mari a visit at her cloud!!:)
Pay Mari a visit at her cloud!!:)


Check out Mari's story of how she came to be at the bottom of the page!

Adoptables coming soon!!! :):):)

--> Bring it on!!!

My Family
--> This is my closest brother KoolKorey but everyone just calls him Korey.

--> This is my younger sister, Athena, who is kinda strange with her split personality and all... :o She's really fun though! :):):)

--> This is my lil brother Homer he might get painted after me. :) --> This is Sara! Sara Scara to be exact! She's my petpet scarabug! I love her sooo much!

--> This is my son Kariekoh! He's married and has a baby!

--> This is my granddaughter Panda! I know I'm young but my son had a daughter!

-->I'm not sure i like Nokia anymore


--> This is my bud we talk A LOT! His name is Iceblade! You could say we're best friends and battledome partners we like to battle together. I always kick his butt! LOL! But he's cool! You can't see him because he's well... invisible!

--> ok so Zarrel has been my friend for a while I just haven't gotten to it yet! Zarrel is the mascot of my guild! But she's still my friend! She's pretty cool...

-->Shine has also been my friend for a while. We also talk a lot! She is one of my best friends! She is a great battler!

--> This is one of my newer friends,Ponuku. I like her name and she's been in the pound once but doesn't like it.

--> And this is my friend Angel. She's Angel_the_Faerie's sister.

--> This is my friend Sapphire. She likes to be call Sapphy.

--> This is my friend, Lauransia! Love the name! Don't you?

--> This is my friend, Alakandra! I love her name and her coat we talk a lot she's really nice and she's single and looking! Well not for long I hope!

--> This is my cool friend Vengence. She has a friend who got frozen by hackers! :( She's cool!

--> This is my fiery friend, Shade . He's got a really cool coat! Fiery!

--> This is Mia! I have a link to her page! Finally, a non-zaffy friend!

--> This is my friend Spike! She likes her name even though it's boyish! She's really cool, like most of my zaf friends, we met in a Zafara Forest!

--> This is my second newest friend, Smooch! She's also a spotted zaf like Spike!

--> This is Kea! She looks nothing like this! She has green wings that look like leaves, a green patch of fur that goes all the way around her head on her eyes, and some other green markings. She's basically like a... um... Earth Faerie Zaf... Neat huh? I wish I was her! She is soooo cool! She also carries a harp!

--> Jennifer and I met very strangely... I got kinda mad at her because she was beating me in the bc, yeah I know! Stupid reason! But then I apologized! Ok? She's actually pretty nice... We met when i got 67 votes! Yes... Lots for me!!! :-D Awesome huh?

--> Dis be Weruan! He's a striped zaffy! It's quite funneh, we met thro a bc chat! :)

Level= #LEVEL

Hours old= #HOURS

Strength= #STRENGTH

Speed= #MOVE

Defence= #DEFENCE

HitPoints= 6/6

Book worm stats= #INTELLIGENCE

A christmas zafaress with fire wings lays in the grass with her scarabug reading a book do you dare approach her?

My Diary
I pressed my face against the glass marvling at a beautiful disco fever paint brush "Mom when are you going to get me one," I asked. "I was supposed to get one today," Mom said. I sighed. 2002-09-03 *** Only one vote in the beauty contest! Mom's. This stinks! sigh. 2002-09-04 *** I have like 10 votes! YAY!!! I do a flip. So people do like mom's pic! I'm so happy! Guess what I just walked into Athena's new room and I saw her crying. Crying over a pic of a male disco acara. Tears streaming down her face onto the picture. Sad huh? I still dont know who the guy is. 2002-09-05 *** Sorry I haven't written in a while I was busy but I'm in the beauty contest again! With the first pic I got 24 votes I hope to get more this time. Talk to you later mom's gonna read me a book I think I'm gonna get to make my pb soon. I like to make potions and stuff byez! 2002-09-17 *** Going to school a lot lately but here's one thing: Don't make me mad!!! --> 2002-09-20 *** Here's my report card! *** Woo! That was a long time! I still haven't won the beauty contest or gotten a paint brush now I want a fire one. I forget what day it was Athena can't update her page and Nokia hasn't talked to me in a while I don't think he likes me anymore Korey likes being a mutant better that regular and he likes Spydy better than Frosty. Athena likes her pet wadjet better that whatever she had last time. She's over that guy now she calls him L3 because his name started with L and ended with 3 I think it's sometime in October. Well talk to yaz lata bye! *** I'm back it's the same day! I've gone to the prom like 4 times! Mom's starting to give up with the beauty contest and the paint brush she just wants me to win once then somebody will see and vote for me next time. I'm really depressed lately because Nokia won't talk to me and Athena is always in the forest alone and then I have to go after her and today Mom got her a water faerie and she flew away because Athena was too inexperienced and then Mom got really mad! So Athena's in her room crying because Mom's mad at her well that was earlier but Mom and her made up. Mom's just mad because she wants us to win everything and she thinks we're so great but now she's really upset because nothing is working for her she can't make any neopoints and at the same time she's like, "I have to get that paint brush!" but I'm like Mom you don't have to right now! I mean everyone loves me the way I am! But she's really happy because I made pet of the week in our guild! I'm gonna write ya lata bye! P.S. I do want some more friends! 2002-10-16 *** Well today's pretty boring nobody with the same stat's challenged me! Athena's grounded for not getting an ability and I still--(non-diary: Athena barges in slamming the door Athena says,"Mari! Lemme use your diary! I can't update my page!" Mari says,"Get your own!" Athena,"But I can't and I'm tired of being grounded! I can't accept battledome challenges! Mom's not being fair! And I can't be in the beauty contest for two weeks! And why does it say,'Hello _o_stargazer_o_?!" Who in the world is stargazer?! You tell me that Mar!" Mari,"Whoa! Athena slow down! And stop invading my privacy! Now go!" Athena,"Oh all right! So whatcha got in here?! Athena's grounded!" Mari,"OOOOOOUUUT!" Athena,"Shesh! Ok!Ok!") Now where was I? Well today was boring I didn't do anything! Homer got two challenges and Korey got one! If Nokia reads this I want him to know: Nokia where are you?! I miss him so much I got him a ring I don't know if he'll like it. It's in the shop now Athena has to do over-time in the shop cause she's grounded well... talk to yaz lata bye! 2002-10-17 *** Ooooooh!!!!!! Nobody is voting! And Angel_the_Faerie hasn't returned my neomails! I only have 6 votes let's just face the fact that I'm a loser (non-diary:*plops down on cloud bed* Athena burst into room,"I want this page OOOOOOOOUUUUUTTTT!!!!!" Mari,"Why?!" Athena,"Because it's about L3!" Athena rips out the page with L3 in it and leaves. "Well that's easy to fix," Mari gets out her wand and zaps the pages back in.) Now... where was I? I haven't been writing because Mom's been busy with our pages I want more friends! Well write ya lata! 2002-11-04 *** (non-diary) Mari: Athena, I'm giving you my trusty circlet of the air faerie! Athena: Wow! Really?! I've always admired it! Like when you used to win battles with it and how well it looked on you! *Mari puts the circlet on Athena* Mari: Wow! It looks great on you! Athena: I love it already! I can't wait to try it out! Mari: yep! 2002-11-21 *** Barely any votes in the beauty contest got a kid he's up with my friends and family and I also have a granddaughter, I know I'm young but he had a kid ok! Iceblade is so cool we talk all of the time I so much miss Nokee! *hugs her "Nokee" plushie* He's on vacae (vacation) but he'll be back sometime! I miss him he sends his love, well not to you of course to me! Kenna left I'm so sad! :( Please I need a best friend! Well Iceblade's my friend but I don't want Nokee getting jealous well g2g lata! Oh yeah I made a speech at my guild! buh byez! 2002-11-20 *** I gotz painted! yaaaay!!!!!!!! 2002-12-12 *** (non-diary) Athena bolts in, as usual,"I made finals!!!! And TigraTella is my friend!" Mari,"And I should care why? Oh I know! Because you're friends with the big famous BEAUTY CONTEST WINNER!!!!! AND I'M NOT!!!!!" "Um... :D Bye! Wait! I'm staying!" "Why?" "So I can bug you of course!" "Get out!" "Why? It's my room too!" "Uh... Athena... Look down," "Ieeee!!!!!!!!! Well I'm still staying!" "Oh no you're not!" "Yes I am!" "Moooom!" "Ok! I'm leaving" Athena takes her whip and whips it at a tree then swings down before crashing into a plane. Mari,"Heh heh heh." 2002-12-26 ***

Ooo! linkies!Please visit Angel's Page! OOOO! Lookie what I gotz!

I adopted an Angel_the_Faerie Plushie!

I adopted an Angel_the_Faerie Plushie!

Enter my l'air

Vist Zarrel's Lair! Just dont touch anything.

Come see Shine4242!

Athena's Split Personality! 0:)

Visit Mi Casa!

There's magic in my garden=^*^=

Show off your special Zafara!

Cosmic Zafaras, for any and all Zafaras!
This NeoCircle is owned by nenuza.
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My Life Story: Part I
This is my story! INTRO: I was made from the purest of stardust destined to become a faerie queen. But I wanted to be a zafara... In haste when I was created the faeries grabbed a bit of space and put it in me... They tried to stop it but it was too late the perfect zafara was not going to be created. When I emerged I was in a fire ball the ball slowly cooled down an I came out stunningly beautiful and rare read chapter one to find out more!
CHAPTER ONE: Mari is a rare kind of neopet who was created by faeries, she was created by the faerie queen herself and is friends with her. Mari was destined to become a leader, but she decided to be a regular pet who had a solid color but had wings of a different color. Mari was perfect for the Faerie Queen but when she had a kid and a boyfriend, it was too much! The queen kicked her out giving her her own cloud she also kicked Mari's boyfriend and kid out onto the street where they were separated and didn't see each other until all of the owners met.
CHAPTER TWO: Before I was kicked out I asked for a brother, a brother korbat. She called him Korey, he told her to. When I got was on my cloud one day I fell through a weak spot into Mom's arms. It was amazing how her hands didn't burn when she touched me! Usually when something touched me it would burn unless it cared for me. She wanted to care for me. I was special...I fell from the sky. I noticed things usually burned because when Fyora,the faerie queen, started to dislike me because of my family when she would touch me she would yell out,"Oww!!!" and I would say,"What's wrong Fyora?!""What did you do?! You're as hot as fire!" I would look at my hands and they looked normal, then I would run out of the room and Fyora would look at me in disgust... I could tell because I have powers, I still do. Korey lived with me for awhile he heard me scream but Mom had already left with me. The next day he found us and Mom kept him too. She takes good care of us. Then I found out about Angel_the_Faerie and I look up to her as sort of a rolemodel. She is very beautiful! I found Jhudora one day...
CHAPTER THREE: As I approached she said,"Oh look another pathetic little neopet to push around," I snarled, she replied,"Oh I'm so scared! Listen kid! I'll start ya off easy but don't get used to it!" I cringed. "Fetch me a... some vitamin a tablets I'll give ya 16 minutes!" I was off. I fetched them soon and the next day I went she said,"Get me a neopian encyclopedia um... the e whatever edition," "No way! Your quests cost too much!" "I like your spunk kid!" "And don't call me kid either! My name's Mari!" "Very nice! I'll call you Flame!" "Hey... I like that... I like it a lot!" "Flame it is! So I'll see you tomorrow?" "Not for quests!" "Riight! How bout to chill I'll get ya a smoothie!" "Ok!" Mom said,"Bye Jhudora!" Well, Jhudora had given me a poisonous lollypop and I was afraid to eat. Mom said,"What's the worst that could happen?" I thought for a minute then ate it not thinking of consequenses. I LOVED it! From then after Mom always would buy them she doesn't anymore though... I lived for a long time like I was missing something... But what?! One of my first things that was great was my little Sara! She's a scarabug and her name is Sara Scara. We did everything together Mom even has a picture of me kissing her! HeHe! When I found out about Angel the Faerie I wanted to be just like her! I'm a wannabe all of the time but I sorta made a trade mark cause she gave me the idea to. But things were going pretty normal for a while and empty but I don't know what then something spectacular happened! I met... Oh fine! I'll tell you! I met Nokia now we're married! Ok now the story picks up for now! this is my diary! Ok I was on my cloud and it was windy outside,"What are those swirling clouds I'm headed for?" I peaked my head out the bottom and saw a funnel forming,"Ahhh! A twister! Headed right for the kingdom! (Zafara Kingdom 2 [My guild]) Uh oh! End Part I

My Life Story: Part II
I live happily, but I am no longer married to Nokia, that part of my life is over and now... I... I... I don't know what... But I am looking for those long lost male zafaras who I used to fl!rt with... Anyway... I will be updating this part of my page! :):):) Chapter One of Part II: It was a beautiful day, I inhaled the sweet smell of spring pine! I absolutely ¢¾ it! Obviously, I was casually walking through the forest when one's sorrow caught me. I regret that I have forgotten her name. She was sobbing very loudly. "What's wrong?" I asked. "My loved one has not spoken to me for weeks!!!" she said reminding me of Nokia who had not spoken to me for months! I conforted her as well as I possibly could and told her my situation. She told me it was awful, "...knowing that they're there but just ignoring you..." were her exact words. It's true. That did happen. We became good friends, but when it came time to leave, we bid farewell, and went on our way. I have never come across her again... Chapter Two of Part II: I was sitting at home with Roxie when I looked to the window and saw a small flame burning in our yard... Of course this was no big deal to me, as I was used to fire. Roxie asked me politely, "Mari? Will you please put out that fire on the lawn? I know it won't get out of control, but it bothers me terribly." I did as I was told, and looking at it... reminded me of my childhood. I remembered me making up a potion for Korey and telling him it was a chocolate smoothie, he drank it and when he was done loved it!(I had turned him into a mutant) ¢¾ Anyway... It went on... Getting older, seeing what a Christmas Zafara looked like, rushing out to get a paintbrush, diving into the rainbow pool. And then there was Athena and Grandma looking at paint brushes and picking one out, then rushing to the cheapest store to buy one. And then seeing Athena's angry frown turn into the most happiest smile from being painted! And then it reminded me of Nokia... I quickly put the fire out then rushed into the house... It wasn't until I reached the bathroom that Roxie asked, "What's wrong?!" My face was red, and it felt like it was burning... I had never had a fever before. "Ah!" I cried out and startled Roxie. My chest was burning! I pulled the heart-shaped sapphire necklace off of my neck, so hard that I broke the chain. I threw the necklace to the ground and it burned up. I held out my hand and a flame shaped amulet appeared in a flame that slowly died down. Fyora, the fire faerie, and Jhudora all appeared. Jhudora spoke up first, "So... Flame, you've decided to join us... YOu know... Without your precious Nokee..." she said mockingly. I sighed then I reluctantly said, "Yes... yes I am." They all cheered and we were lifted to Jhudora's Cloud. We had many refreshments but I was sad... I dully flicked a piece of corn at Fyora and they all laughed... One of the other dark faeries had joined us too. The necklace glowed... And I glowered... "What's the matter Flame?" Jhudora asked. "Oh... Nothin much..." I said... "Good! Then let's keep partying!" End Part II

Link to me! The only angel of fire AND darkness The only angel of fire AND darkness

Athena has a split personality, do you dare explote it? Athena has a split personality, do you dare explote it?

The true-born korbat! The true-born korbat!