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Happy Homepage

(last updated January 20,2004)

A little stretch of webspace where Boo and I try to share our interests and news.
From My mass obsession with videogames to her interests in unicorn pictures and
wrestling! I've got it grouped into four sections: News, His, Hers, and Dad's trail.
I think they pretty much describe themselves.


January 20,2004: last friday I made a list of all the cds I own. Amazingly it
amounts to 168 cds(I'm missing one so it's 169). Anys I did it in HTML code so
I thought I'd just put it up here. Just click HERE(in the future
go to my section and you'll find it!)

January 19,2004: Another decent weekend that ended with some good news!
Of course I speak of the Panther victory over the Eagles. Now the team that gets
no respect will be going to the Superbowl! Anys the first of the weekend was spent
At GB's mom's bday party. You know it's hard as heck to be on a diet and going to
a buffet. Luckily I held my will and eat only a salad. Speaking of which I'm down 14
pounds...doing good!

Then Sunday we had a bday party for my sister. So I got ya some pics from that

hey it's GB before the party....oh K being koy as usual.
PWR looking peturbed about CWR....Tamaron with his rug rats.
CWR being active.........K stealing the show!

January 15,2004:Finished Shonen Jump 14, heres what I thought:
NarutoGenetic ninja powers? Oh no, some one is gonna die!***1/2
Hikaru no GoHikaru plays against Akira for the first time.***
Shaman KingGotta save the dude's soul who is trying to kill us!***1/2
One pieceTime for plan B!***
Dragonball ZPicolo goes it Android 16's time?***1/2
YuYu HakushoOh poor Kuwabara, of course he fights the demon.***
YuGiOhDamn you would think Mokuba would learn.***

January 12,2004:Well this weekend was kinda quiet. What after that bum snow we
had it could only be quiet. At least the Panthers won. Now they get to face off against the
eagles next sunday. This could be the end of the trail for the little team that likes to scare
it's fans! I mean they always barely the point it seems kinda suspicious to us!
GB and I think football is as scripted as Wrestling! GB thinks the panthers will win the
superbowl cause they have those dudes with cancer on their team. Still the eagles got
Mcnabb who has been made out to be such a big deal! Did yaw see Rush in the stands?

This weekend was Thunders B-day. He picked up a DVD(ECW-Anarchy rulez 1999), and a
gamecube. Hopefully he'll pick up a game too. I was hoping he would pick up wrestlmania
18! We ate at Wendal's which is sometimes good and sometimes bad. As most know GB
and I are on a diet. Both of us have lost 10 pounds...but we are stalling this weekend even
though we are both under in our calories and fat grams. The human body is so wierd! Anys
It is so hard to find something to eat at a greasy spoon. But amazingly Wendal serves good
grilled chicken. So far Gb and I have been pretty faithfull to our diet! No cheat day yet!
I even hear Tamaron has lost 10 pounds! Wow everyone is losing!

I added some new pictures to Dad's trail section
But heres some pictures from the b-day party this weekend:

Here is Thunder's cake...D being cute as always!
Thunder's family shot ....The sisters and D
Hawk with his grandson D

January 06,2004:I just finished january/febuary's Realms of Fantasy:
The one who conquersSilly Trolls, the good life is for humans!***
Still ManHe might be a moonshiner, but he is also a genius...who longs for animalistic freedom!***1/2
Tiny Flowers and Rotten LaceGod bless the brick monster, for smashing my enemies!***
RattlerCool a truck that loves to coon hunt!***1/2
The Flowers of TekheliVengefull spirits who can remain silent no more!***
Power SourcesAdventures on a world where cats cradle is a form of magic!****
Hearts' DesiresA witch is giving out it so smart to accept them?***

January 05,2004: Well happy new year folks. I spent new years eve watching Adult
Swim(wow I'm such a party animal!) Actually there was some pretty funny stuff on there.
Of course they repeated it sunday. Anys spent new years day with my family for a traditional
new years grub on! Saturday We kept D and made a pit stop at Showmars. Was our first
time,I quickly discovered you best stick with their greek dishes! Then It was off to
Temptation's house sunday for her b-day party! Anys got a few pics for ya.

PWR and CWR taking turns in the swing
Little K being shy on new years....heres Temptation's Cake!
Temptation racking up on home supples!

I was able to finish off Pikmin on my week off. It was pretty good. It was very original.
I think it's sad it's didn't do better. I loved the way the pikmin would munch on their
enemies! Also got to play a good bit of final fantasy tactics advance. Very attractive
game, some of the best graphics I've ever seen on the GBA.

Also got me a new program to work with my all in one blunder card on my PC. It's some
german prog that lets me capture video(but no sound...rats!) Then I found a way to split
up the avi files into single images so I could work on them for FX. So You may start seeing
some more movies up here...well if I get more space!

Well heres to a good year. And I gotta say I'm glad the panthers beat the cowboys. I kinda
hope they make it though I doubt they will!

December 27,2003: Heres hoping yaw had a wonderfull Holiday. We all did pretty
good...hope to post some swag pictures soon. I got Matrix reloaded, Two Towers, Brother
hood of the wolf, X2, Matrix, and a YuGiOh dvd. I also got Final Fantasy Tactics advance,
Pikmin, and Viewtiful Joe. They have all proved to be good games! Somebody must have
got tired of my flipflops cause I have three pairs of new shoes! Anys here some pics for ya:

Very dark photo from L and R's christmas pagent!
Little PWR having some holiday cheer!
CWR with Eva...and K waiting to open some gifts!
Meanwhile D made the others wait to open presents!
Too early for GB....heres D's jeep!
L and R goofing around their tree!
L and R got some bikes the trio of L,R,and T pose by the fire!
It's baby santa.....Thunder,D, and Temptation's Tree

December 15,2003: Okay this was a fast weekend. No I didn't get the pics...I know
I'm just so darn lazy. But I have been playing the heck out of my GBA sp. I gotta tell ya
since I bought this baby a few weeks back it's really put a whole new light on the little
gaming marvel. It's amazing what details the new back light brings out. I am gonna go
back and play through all my games starting with Castlevania:Circle of the Moon. That
game is just so's a sorta action RPG really. I've got to Dracula but it's
gonna take some level raisin' to beat him!

Meanwhile Thunder and Temptation had their FCW wrestling Saturday. Once again I
forgot the camera(Doah!) Anys I thought everyone did a decent job. They do have about
the best sound system(Even compared to NACW) but a lazy bell man...heheheh. I thought
Win One Soon's match was pretty fun. Also the tag match and Thunder/Flair match stand
out. Hopefully next time I'll bring a camera!

Well before I clear out...Mad props to our boys, who found that Rat Sadam in where else
but a Rathole! Hopefully this will put a damper on our boys gettin shot and those poor
people over there can finally feel safe enough to realize what our boys have done for
them! Also a little Hip hurray for the Panthers who finally won one and clinched the
NFC south championship. Was a very close game...I was gettin kinda scared!

December 07,2003: Kinda so-so weekend. Gots to wish my Boo good luck. Her new
job at Sara Lee starts officially monday. I hope she likes it cause it looks like it pays
pretty good. Also this weekend got together with Timster and Blackmist. Played a hodge
podge group of games like: Project Gotham Racing 2(pretty cool...I'm just not much of a
racing fan), Final Fantasy x-2(okay it's girls night FF game!), Disagea(cool little
strategy RPG...cute how one of your buddies is always trying to kill ya!),Otigo(sp? anys its
like shinobi but in a onimushi kinda way), and lastly Mechassualt(kinda older game for the
X-box...but it's kinda fun multi-player....the Fox Kit rules!)

Also dad has some cool stuff going on at the trail. I took some pics with his cam(Been bad
about forgetting mine!)Unfortunately it uses some wierd connection so it will have to wait
till I visits them again! Also dads got a cool looking electric scooter. He says it can do up
to 20 mph. But he only tries it out at night!

Anys hopefully next week I'll have those pics for ya...till then see ya!

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