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Bonkerosity--[Newsy Page]
July 2nd, 2003--[The Fourth of July!] Wahoo! Welcome to the SECOND edition of my Newsy Page. Today's topic: The Fourth of July. It's sooooo fun. Everyone has their own tradition (even my family and me who are French). Some people roll their dusty grills from the garage and have a neighborhood barbecue with potato salad and stuff. Some people just have their family over and have a party. The dangerous people light their own fireworks. And me, I go to Downtown Park and eat nasty meatball subs and hang around on the grass and take tons of pictures. This year I get to do it with my best buds! If I get to it, I may even actually post the pictures on this WEBSITE. Now wouldn't that make a nice change from my empty empty pictures page?

Yes, it would. Then at night we go back (sometimes we don't stay the WHOLE afternoon) and watch the fireworks which are always kick butt though I'd say tons of people could say their town's are the best and I bet they wouldn't be wrong. I mean, we are kind of small city/town (is it even considered a city?) so we can't be THAT hip and with it. Oh well. The point is, the Fourth is super cool. Maybe we'll go guy-scoping. That's always fun. Although always a bit on the dissapointing side when you realize the cutie in front of you is a total idiot who can't string two words together. Ah, life. Well I hope you have a killer (and, as they say at school for every single holiday, safe) Fourth of July. I promise I'll try to update this crap I call a website. Oh and to those people who set off their own fireworks: don't blow yourself up! PREVIOUS TOPIC