November 13-November 20

November 26-December 3

December 3- December 10

December 10- December 17

December 18-January 13

January 13-January 20

January 21-January 28



November 13, 2002-November 20, 2002

You will be delighted and humiliated today when your mother videotapes the reunion between you and your long-lost security blanket, “Schmoopy.”

Playing cops and robbers in the park, good idea. Playing cops and robbers in the bank, BAD IDEA.

You will learn the hard way that your boss doesn’t think it’s cute when you pull spaghetti through your cleft palate and out your nose.

While one bird in the hand is better than three in the bush, a restraining order will permanently keep you at least 300 yards from the penguins at the zoo.

Bernadette Peters will appear to you in a dream. Just go with it.

A Pisces will play heavily in the fate of your dream career as a Broadway theater janitor. He’ll be in the men’s room, third stall from the left.

You’ll figure out the name of the love that dare not speak its name when you wake up to find “Shirley” tattooed on your forehead.

Tonight on your date with that six-foot-four blonde, you’ll be reminded of that time when your mom told you not to play with it or it’ll fall off.

Your life-long love of cheese will pay off when you win a lifetime supply of Gruyere for knowing that Bernaix-Nicht Cheddar is aged 26 months in the bladder of a goat during Martha Stewart’s Cheese-a-thon trivia contest.

When I was seven years old, my parents hired a babysitter to watch us while they went to a hotel for their anniversary. It was 1984, punk rock was in full swing. “Spyke” had four safety pins in her left ear and her fishnet stockings were torn in several places. After twenty-five minutes of toasting Cheese Puffs over her Bic, she decided to show us how to do the splits. It was then that I learned this important piece of wisdom: Short-shorts and bikini waxing should always go hand in hand when you’re genetically predisposed to have the pubic hair of a low-land gorilla.

When the hot chick with the pit-bull smiles at you in the park today, don’t run to greet her.

Your girlfriend does not think it’s sexy when you show people how you can swallow a 7-11 quarter pound hot dog.

November 26, 2002-December 3, 2002

A timely CAT scan will reveal the source of your blinding headaches to be the embryonic remains of your unborn twin embedded in your frontal lobe.

Follow your instincts and purchase that Collie you’ve been eyeing. Chances are good that your Grandpa will fall in a well in the near future.

You will stop taking unsolicited advice from strangers after you follow hair removal instructions from sixth grader Phillip Levy.

Catastrophe will strike when your multiple personalities embark on a three-hour rock paper scissors marathon during your appearance on Oprah.

The nagging voice that is telling you that English degrees do not provide psychic abilities is WRONG!

You will be under investigation from the CIA due to a miniscule typo on your resume. That’s what you get for trying to glamorize your proofreading experience by calling yourself a professional “errorist.”

Avoid Capricorns, carry an extra pair of underwear with you at all times this week.

No, it would be not be funny to wear the “Don’t piss me off, I’m running out of places to bury the bodies” t-shirt to your employer’s funeral.

Even after seven members of PETA are kidnapped and each is forced to spend eight hours trapped inside the carcass of a cow, your non-profit organization, People for the Ethical Treatment of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals will still be a monumental failure.

Live wild and free this week, you are unstoppable. You will feel the urge to stuff your grandma’s lemon meringue pie down a Libra’s pants. Just do it.

You’ve been feeling watched for the last three weeks and you have. The X-Files Fan Club wants their membership dues and they aren’t taking no for an answer. May I suggest

Yesterday, when you watched the Pepsi truck driver scramble around the parking lot of the supermarket, chasing rogue two-liter soda bottles into heavy traffic and you laughed until you soiled yourself, Howard Yarbarough from the local Teamsters union was watching you. You might want to take the bus for the rest of your life.

December 3, 2002-December 10

Maude and Fifi

You will mistake Ed McMahon’s minions for an Oreck representative trying to sell you a vacuum cleaner with space-age technology and a “personal massage” attachment and will miss out on your last chance at becoming independently wealthy, which is good because money is evil.

Be very careful what you ask for or you will be surprised the morning after your first visit to that new seafood restaurant when God grants you the variety of crabs you didn’t intend to order.

“Beauty is only skin deep” is just something ugly people say, but “Ugly is to the bone” is the gospel truth.

You will be shocked to learn that your mother has been lying to you most of your life. Your singing voice is reminiscent of that time you got the cat stuck in the fold-out sofa bed and your nickname at the office is “Fido.”

Your financial ineptitude will be revealed when you blurt out “OH! I GET IT!!!” after someone offers their advice on the stock market: “Buy low, sell high.”

He who laughs last probably didn’t get the joke and he who laughs first started hitting the bottle too early. Just don’t laugh, it’s giving you wrinkles anyway.

You promised yourself you wouldn’t get blitzed at the company Christmas party this year, but once again you show your inability to keep promises. It’s a good thing you didn’t throw out your, “I’m sorry I ralphed on your shoes,” cards from last year.

You live by the saying, “Expect the worst and you’ll never be disappointed,” but your idea of the worst will need modification when your whole “prostitution thing” is revealed at your nephew’s bar mitzvah.

A change of plans will be necessary after the Feds get wind of your plan to protest the Amy Grant/Vince Gill Christmas spectacular à la “Carrie.”

Just when you think things can’t get any worse, they always do. Your girlfriend will dump you and take custody of the dogs AND the Ani DiFranco cd collection and you will eventually enter a relationship with homeless woman named Maude who smells of sardines and mostly empty aluminum soft-drink cans in August. Then she will dump you for an ex-contortionist with the Cirque Du Soleil named FiFi.

You will be cursed with a plague of locusts for the next fifteen years. No, that can’t be right, hold on a minute. Oh, here it is, you will be exposed to the plague on Locust, but you will come out of it okay and your hallucinations during your illness will provide inspiration for your first novel, “Fifi and Maude.”

A kick-ass Kwanzaa party will screech to a halt when you try out your new O.J. Simpson joke. What the hell’s wrong with you? O.J. Simpson jokes are so eight years ago.

December 10- December 17

Rejoice, for someone you know will appear in the National Enquirer’s worst dressed pages. Not you, of course, you vixen, you, but someone wearing only a red bow tie and suspenders.

Your fiancée will discover the pile of Judy Garland memorabilia you’ve stuffed in your closet, and she’ll call off your wedding.

Does anyone really read Gemini? I don’t know any Geminis. If there are any Geminis reading this, just ask Mademoiselle Julie for your horoscope. She’ll hook you up.

Do not attend the Christmas Carol extravaganza, you will be trampled by a thousand people fleeing Art Holiday’s singing voice.

Your irrational fear of green straws finally becomes rational when you lose an eye to one in a freak diner accident.

Beware your family’s Christmas gathering: Your aunt Mary will be laying in wait for you when you walk in. DO NOT MAKE EYE CONTACT! And she already told your grandma that you have a tattoo of Popeye on your left butt cheek and the premarital sex thing. Deny it! She doesn’t know it’s true, she’s just making stuff up. For your own safety, don’t wear anything easy to remove, there might be a butt check.

Wax your mustache. People at work are calling you “Colonel Sanders” behind your back.

Police do not consider using binoculars to stare at your neighbor naked “people watching.”

Your fantasies about Anne Murray are never going to come true. Give up the dream, it’s for your own good.

You just can’t catch a break, Cap. This week, your dog will pooh in your shoe as a silent protest against the showers you insist upon taking with him.

Keep your eyes open this week. A rogue fruitcake will get in your way and someone will get hurt. A real fruitcake, I’m not talking about a hate crime, here.

Your literary future is in jeopardy after you spend four years researching, only to find that Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis were NOT shagging, and they did NOT break up because Dino refused to be seen with Jerry after bow ties went out of style. You’ll have to find another topic for your unauthorized biography.

December 18, 2003- January 13, 2003

A tall piece of work will beg to touch your feet. Resist temptation, I hear she's a total ageist.

Your dreams will come true when you finally find that one person who can simultaneously unclog the sink and change a flat tire while singing "Would You Like to Swing on a Star" and drinking a glass of water.

A dollop of insult will be added to a quarter cup of injury and served warm on toast.

The subway is a dangerous place, especially when you are incurably irritating. The next time you begin a conversation with a stranger, avoid talking about your summer as a Disney intern. Chances are high that the next time you blather on about how down-to-earth Cinderella is, an enraged religious fundamentalist will rip out your heart and show it to you.

You always prayed to be an actress when you grew up, but when you find yourself smiling blandly when you hand people their change every day, you will realize that you should have been more specific.

You're nobody 'till somebody loves you, Virgo, you nobody, you.

It's back to the drawing board, child. Nobody wants to taste your new invention: The Cheesecake Martini.

That recurring nightmare you've been haunted by, the one with the two-headed rats and the worms with laser beams attached to their heads, you know the one, it's not going to go away until you confront your past. Admit that you force fed your sister's rat, Amos, worms stuffed with cayenne pepper immediately. Your nightmares won't go away, but everyone will finally figure out what a dangerous freak you are.

You are the sweetest, nicest, most lovely person in the world. And Mademoiselle Julie is not just saying this because her sign just happens to be Sagittarius.

Spring is right around the corner, Cap'n. Soon your depression will lift and you can go back to hopping over worms on the sidewalk and sniffing tulips.

There is nothing in your future that could possibly cause you to be paranoid. Seriously. Hearts and flowers, roses and perfume, polka dots and moonbeams, you're good to go.

Vegas, baby. That's where it's at.

January 13- January 20

Your desk reflects your mind, body and soul. You should probably stop having sex on it, but who am I to judge?

You know, Taurus is "The Bull," which plays an important part in words like bullshit, bullheaded, bull dyke, bullet, bullfrog, bulloney, bulletin, bulliabase, bulloon, bull, bull, bull, it's not a word anymore, bullbullbullbull.

Your weekly horoscope can be best described by a dramatic interpretation of a scene from the Kevin Smith film, "Mallrats."
Brody: Ever slept with somebody ?
Gwen: Uh, yeah.
Brody:No, I mean really slept. With somebody, beside them, not just [expletive deleted] them on a gaming table.
T.S., to Gwen: We slept together one time.
Gwen, to T.S.: That was you?
Gwen, to Brodie: Yes, brodie, I have slept beside many people.
Brody: You know how when someone lays with their back to you... And you lay behind them really close and you throw one arm over them?
Gwen: It's called spooning.
Brody: Yeah, but you gotta put the other arm somewhere. You can either lay on it or shove it between your bodies. The only other option is to stretch it above your head. But sometimes my arm pops out of socket when I'm sleeping like that.
So I was constantly searching for some place to keep my arm while still laying close to her.
Gwen: And?
Brody: What do you mean, "and?" That's like a metaphor for our whole relationship.

Remember when I used that joke about ordering crabs and God handing out the kind you didn't order?
Ya just didn't listen.

A life lived in fear is a life better lived under a rock or on an island without any spiders. Did you know Rod Stewart has an album of old jazz standards? Oooh Navy Seals! You must be thinking, Mademoiselle, you talkin' crazy, you not makin' sense. Or am I making so much sense that you just can't wrap your mind around it? Mais, oui. Mademoiselle has spoken.

This week, your new girlfriend will dump you for spelling misspelled incorrectly.

It turns out that my aunt Maude has been wrong for sixty years, sometimes they DO buy the cow when they get the milk for free. Just kidding! And what does my aunt Maude know? She slept next to a cross-dressing philatelist for fifty years.

May your belly button fill with festering pus until dogs follow you around.

Don't bid on that giant door poster of the dwarf porn star Bridget the Midget, you'll win one in a radio contest next week, and what on earth would you do with two of them?

The phrase "It sucks to be you" was invented with you in mind.

Get to work on those muttonchop sideburns, chicks dig 'em.

My uncle went to a pet store and bought a cat, and about six hours later he had to go to the emergency room because he got the cat stuck in his ass. A week later, he goes back to the same store and buys ANOTHER cat. Same results. About the fourth trip to the store, I said, "Dude, Why are you buying another cat? You know you'll just get it stuck in your ass again!" And my uncle said, "Yes, but how else am I gonna get the gerbil out?"

January 21- January 27

Good day, children. Mademoiselle speaks to you this week from her time-share condo in Hawaii where she shares a bathroom and a futon with her two best friends, Rufus and Howard. This week’s horoscopes are brought to you by Sonya Fitzpatrick, who introduced me to the rewarding and profitable world of pet clairvoyance.

P.S. Thanks to several complaints from the NRA (the National Rodent Association) this will be the last time the word “gerbil” will appear on this website. I am sorry for damaging the reputation of this adorable rodent.

Now get off my back, ya felching perverts.

Jamaica is constantly plagued by the fear that someone will learn her deep, dark secret: She's spent years in a bookstore, yet she never learned how to read.

Kiera’s voice is coming to me loud and clear, Taurus. She is begging me to tell you to stop torturing her with that stupid laser pointer. While you think it’s hilarious when she runs around dervish-like, it’s really getting on her nerves. Just because she can’t resist chasing the spot on the floor doesn’t mean she enjoys it.

I have two questions for you, Gem. One, why did you think that a monitor lizard would be thrilled to live in your studio loft? And two, Yes, William Wegman makes a lot of money dressing up his Weimaraners, but what on earth made you think that the public would buy photographs of Dweezil dressed in angora sweaters and berets?

Gertrude is horrified when you constantly joke to your friends about taking up a collection for her face lift surgery. Sharpeis are sensitive souls, please be more considerate!

The uber-dyke down vest is perfect for Princess Bruiser, she wants another one in lavender. Oh, and she says she agrees with you on the position of her turtleneck collar.

Virgo, you dumbass, the butterfly did not eat your pet worm.

Bubba wants to get back to his roots in honor of Black History Month. He requests that you only speak to him in Snoop Dog-ese and bring him a nightly cat nip'n juice and a 40. And he needs a new bitch, Evie's gettin' on his dayum nerves.

Buffy, your sugar glider, screams like that because she is upset. She isn’t “singing” because you shine the flashlight in her cage during the day.

You will soon receive a refugee kitten in your home. You might want to purchase a separate pair of scissors; you probably won’t want to use your good ones on anything else after you trim Evie’s butt fur with them.

Keep an eye on your dog this week. She might hang herself at the prospect of living alone with you.

Your partner will find you making out with the cat and she will shave your head in your sleep in a jealous fury. The cat totally digs you, though.

I must say, you’re a total cliché, but your fancy angelfish Oscar, Donatella, and Ralph want you to stop leaving Iron Chef on while you’re out on Friday nights. The sushi battle gives them nightmares.

Send Mademoiselle pictures of your pets and she will give you a complete fake psychological profile for your loved ones!!! Send the pictures to Mademoiselle Julie

March 11, 2003 - March 18, 2003


Woe is you, Aries, woe is you. The latest crime spree has got you down, but Mademoiselle Julie forsees reprieve just on the horizon when the Central West End neighborhood society authorizes all store owners to equip employees with 200 gigawatt stun guns previously tested only on elephants.

Baseball is a sport, I guess, but so's golf. The difference between the two is that, to date, there is no Annika Sorenstam in baseball, just a bunch of short ugly guys who weren't big enough for football or gay enough for wrestling.


My Gemini lovelies, this week will prove an excellent opportunity to bask in the sun and dance in the rain. Either way, wear your rubbers.

Mademoiselle loves a parade, but march carefully, Cancer. Parades = Clowns.

Love is on the horizon, but you won't recognize it because it will be in disguise. Your Harlequin romance novel is titled, "Love Wore a Mullet."

Not only does everyone know you're gay, but they heard about your pooh fetish, too, diaper woman.

What's in a name? Pete Rose, by any other name, still smells of sweat.

Stay with us, Scorpio. I know the brink seems inviting, to end it all now would be like not waiting for the hidden track at the end of Alanis Morisette's "Jagged Little Pill" album. Mr. Rogers was dear to all of us, but you must go on living. Don't worry, I will be your neighbor.

Mademoiselle is pissed that she did not have a chance to predict your success. Next time, run these things by me first.


May ten infamous girl scouts set fire to lime jello while polishing your eye socket. (Random insult generated by five Arabic men who speak very little English, "We no speak english so nice so some of these make no sense perfectly. We many sorries.") This is still funny, I ain't changing it.

You are surrounded by people who love you unconditionally. You are in your prime. You're a total stud. Pardon me while I swoon.

Your campaign to eliminate the word "French" from your vocabulary is really frickin' annoying. Freedom Fries and Freedom Toast was cute, I guess, but Freedom Kissing is just stupid. Leave the cheese eating surrender monkeys alone. It takes a lot more bravery to shun a nation of self-important, nationalism-drunken red-neck assholes than to start a stupid war.
