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"Here's Jesus!"
August 26, 2,004

This material belongs to Speaker Linda Polley.  All rights are reserved.  No reprint or use without her permission.

Segment 1

Linda-  This is Speaker Linda Polley!  It's August 26th, 2,004, and "Here's Jesus!"  Nazarene, Your new political web site we posted at your request is being viewed by so many people I can't tell you how many, according to our page stats!  Also some nice people have posted John Lennon's endorsement on a forum and put a link to his New York page, also, another forum has posted part of Your endorsement and a link as kind of a teaser to interest people in it Several who checked it and the songs out made comments.  One person asked a question I thought would be good to answer here, though I assume they were being sarcastic.  They asked "I wonder what country Jesus would bomb?"

Nazarene-  Well, let me see, Alura....right now Chad would be a very tempting target!  A great deal of ignorance is being done there.  They are feeding the creatures of Darkness that threaten the existence of my children.  Their leaders could use a few thousand pounders to wake them up!  Aside from that I'm not too sure.  Maybe the Russian forces in Czhecnia could use a little softening up to get them back in their own country.  It is ludicrous of The United States to allow their allies to be terrorists while they are fighting terrorism.  But that situation will be taken care of in time.  Anybody that's attacking the innocent, Alura, anybody that's murdering their people to keep the status quo, to keep the helpless oppressed.  I'm not afraid of punishing evil, of dealing out justice, of stopping terror and murder, of stopping deliberate starvation to gain land, to hold territory.  I'm not afraid of punishing such people.  God's going to punish them even more when He takes away their eternal lives.  I'm not afraid of helping Him a little!  Of course I'd go after Bin Laden any time I got the chance, any place, any where!  He owes me a lot!  That's about all right now, Alura.  But there'll be more in the future.  I ask the good people in the world to make more bombs, because there's plenty of evil, plenty that has to be fought.  I don't believe these people should be kept in power and allowed to starve children to death!  National sovereignty doesn't mean a thing to me when it's used as an excuse for murder!  I think that's what I'd tell this person, Alura.  I never support evil, I never excuse it.  When a person repents I forgive it, but I never condone it!

Linda-  Sounds like excellent choices, Nazarene!

Nazarene-  I try, Alura!  I try!

Linda- We'll be back after the break!

 Segment 2

Linda-  We're back!  Nazarene, we saw on the news last Friday that a city in France is going to be stopping the celibacy of their priests, and promoting the idea that they marry.  This is because their church isn't doing very well getting and keeping clergy. Also they will be ordaining female priests.  Is this done with the help of the French Spirits there, getting people to do this as a way of thanking You for taking down the Paris spiritual dead zone?

Nazarene-  No, Alura.  This is desperation.  The church is failing.  The priests are dying off and there's no replacements.  Their old, false teachings aren't working.  The people are beginning to realize there's something wrong with them, and looking for other things.  Sooner or later this priesthood is going to have to admit its errors, cast off its false teachings.  Oh, the Spirits in that area may have helped a little bit, given things a kick to get them going.  But it's mainly the failure of this church's false doctrines that the people just aren't accepting any more.  Sadly some of them are turning to perversion, sickness.  But We will have to deal with that in time. At least the majority of people aren't accepting gay priests, and let's pray that continues!  But the only hope this church has, Alura, of continuing to exist, is casting off these false and ignorant teachings, and returning to the true way of God.  But they're stubborn, Alura,  they're not gonna do it without a fight.  They're not going to give up their cherished traditions without a struggle!  But We've got time, Alura, hopefully!  We've got time!

Linda-  Yeah, Nazarene, let's pray they continue to stay away from the gay priests!

Nazarene-  Amen, Alura!  Amen!

Linda- We'll be back after the break!

Segment 3

Linda-  We're back!  Nazarene, way back on April 25th Muhammed issued an arrest warrant for this cleric that's causing so much trouble in Iraq, threatening to rise up the Shiite people in rebellion.

What would've happened if Muhammed's warrant had been served when he issued it, if his wishes had been obeyed?  Would it have made a difference?

Nazarene-  Would it have made a difference, Alura?  Does the sun shine in the daytime?  Does the moon shine at night?  Would it have made a difference?  Oh, what a difference it would have made, Alura!  This madman, this lunatic would have been stopped in his tracks.  His followers would've faded away without leadership, without guidance, and Iraq would be in far better condition than it is now.  Stability would be returning, the people would be rising up against the insurgents because they would know that they would be backed if they did.  This foul thing remains in power because the people are afraid he will gain power and punish them if they resist, because they've been through thirty years of this.  If he had been taken out, if he had been removed, they would've seen that men like him were not going to be allowed to take power.  Muhammed knows what he is doing, he knows his people better than anybody else.  He understands them better than anybody else.  He knows what they will respond to.  If they see the slightest bit of hesitation they will continue to be afraid, but if they see courage and determination their courage will rise.  They must be given that example!  Any of these creatures that rise up must be taken out!  That is an absolute!  If Muhammed had been obeyed there would be a little trouble, but nothing like there is now.  When are they going to begin to listen?

Linda-  I wish so much this had happened, Nazarene!  This stuff is gettin' too scary!

Nazarene-  It's getting ridiculous, Alura!  They keep playing games with these people.  You can't do that!  You can't show any sign of weakness.  They believe kindness is a weakness, pity is something they can use to gain their purpose and subject their people.  You can't let them get a foothold.  They'll never stop.  You can't reason with them.  They have no reason.  They think only in terms of terrorizing and controlling.  It is the only thing they'll understand, force greater than their own.  It is sad, Alura, it is terribly sad.  But this truth must be realized!

Linda- We'll be back tomorrow!

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