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"Here's Jesus!"
September 19, 2,007

Part 2
Gerald's Military Experience

This material belongs to Speaker Linda Polley.  All rights are reserved.  No reprint or use without her permission.

God- God The Father here! I wish to continue my discussion with the problems that Demetrius has had in his life, and I would like to go into his military carreer. When Demetrius joined the army he didn't have a chance! His friends that encouraged him to go in didn't realize how serious his problems were. He could speak so well, and communicate so well verbally, and learn things in other ways, that they didn't realize that he could not read and write! And this was a tremendous handicap for him when he went into the service. And his drinking problem was also a serious difficulty. And the desire for drink was so strong all the time, that it kept him from concentrating and doing as well as he could do. Because Demetrius can do very well in most circumstances. But being unable to read and write he could not perform and could no do, and this was a tragedy. Because if he had just a little bit more skill and if people had been just a little bit more patient with him, he would've been a very good soldier! But he really never got the opportunity. He was not treated well in basic, and when he got out of basic and went back, he had really not learned anything and could not handle the more advanced training that he went into. And this was a tragedy!

He broke down, yes! Ah, and a lot of people would've broke down under the same circumstances! But later on it was realized that when he got deathly sick that he should not have been in the service in the first place! He should not even been admitted into the service! He was incapable of performing in the service! And this was a tragedy that this situation ever happened! Demetrius has served his country proud and well in other ways. And he has helped many servicemen over the years! And he highly respects servicemen! And he knows the military. Though he was not in it very long, he understands it very well! And he has had a lot of friends that were in the military so he knows a great deal about the military.

That he failed in the army was not his fault. I would never consider it his fault! Because he should never have been in the army in the first place! Nowadays he would not be in the army. He would not have been allowed to go into the army! There were very low standards in those days, and they took just about anyone. And when they took Demetrius they should not have taken him! They should have said "No, you're unfit for the military, and, you'll have to find something in the civilian life." And it was a tragedy that this situation ever happened! And fortunately, the way things are now, this very rarely happens today. And Demetrius still believes now, that military training should start in high school, and people should have a much better opportunity and know much more when they go in the military, than they do now, ah, when he did. And I believe he is absolutely right!

But Demetrius' military carreer was good, considering that he got as far as he did with all the problems that he had! Because he should really have never gotten that far!

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