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"Here's Jesus!"
September 19, 2,007

Part 1
Gerald's Prison Experience

This material belongs to Speaker Linda Polley.  All rights are reserved.  No reprint or use without her permission.

God- God The Father here! Before I leave, before my visit with Demetrius & Alura is done I want to speak about the brush that Demetrius had with the law in his youth. Sometimes a young man loses patience. Sometimes when things are going on and people can't do anything about them they will do things that are not quite within the law. And sometimes they get a little bit carried away. This was one of the experiences that Demetrius had. Demetrius should never drink! He has not touched any alcohol beverages for over thirty years! He has been absolutely dry! He does not drink, or he does not smoke, and he does not like people around him that drink or smoke, because he does not like their vibrations. But Demetrius made a mistake. There was a problem around him, there was something going on around him that was not good, and he was drinking, and he got carried away! And he did some things that he should not have done. And these things sometimes happen.

But it was a very valuable lesson for Demetrius! Because he learned that he should not drink, that he cannot control it when he drinks, and therefore he doesn't drink! And also, the time that he was in prison he saw how low man could get. He would never have believed how low man could get if he had not seen it himself! But he has seen the lowest of man, and knows how far down man can go. And I think it is an excellent example of the brightness of The Lords, of the glory of The Lords, of the glory of what We can do that We rose him up out of that Darkness, and brought him back into The Light and made him one of the greatest spiritual workers that this world has ever known.

People make mistakes, especially when they're young. But when they come back from those mistakes, when they overcome those mistakes, and actually make those mistakes a benefit to themselves, and, to the world, it is a glorification of me, and a glorification of all of my Workers! And anyone that looks down on this man because he made a mistake is very, very wrong! Because he learned from those mistakes, and through those mistakes he learned to help others! Because no one can understand these people better than someone who has been there, has seen it, and knows it, and knows those that can be helped and those that can't be helped. And Demetrius has learned that lesson. He has learned it the hard way, and he wishes that no other person learn the lesson the way he has learned it.

But Demetrius' prison experiences are not a negative, they are a positive, an absolute positive that show the glory that Those Who Bear The Light can do and what they can create when they can reach a person and open him back up to The Light, and guide him to The Light. So those that attack Demetrius because of his prison experiences are doing a very foolish thing! Because they are attacking my glory, and they are attacking the glory of my son. And those that attack that glory are the greatest fools in the world!

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