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"Here's Jesus!"
May 9, 2,005

This material belongs to Speaker Linda Polley.  All rights are reserved.  No reprint or use without her permission.

Linda-  This is Speaker Linda Polley!  It's May 9th, 2,005, and "Here's Jesus!"  Nazarene, our friend Elgard has the first question of the week.  Is The Kingdom Of God's name as a place, actually Heaven, or do Its People call it something else, just like my people call Asgard, Asgard?

Nazarene-  I think I understand what you are asking, Elgard.  The portion of The Spirit World that I rule over is called The Kingdom Of God.  It is God's Kingdom, It is His Holy Place.  Heaven is another name that is often used for It.  But the official name, the official title of my territory is The Kingdom Of God.  And this is what It has always been.  I came to mankind to declare The Kingdom Of God. So my Residence can be called nothing else but The Kingdom Of God.  

Linda-  That question wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be, Nazarene!  It's so good to have You and Demetrius back with us again!

Nazarene-  Good to be back, Alura!  We were pretty worried there for a while, but let's talk about that a little bit more in the next segment.

Linda-  O.k. Nazarene, I can't wait to hear what You've got to tell us. We'll be back after the break!

Segment 2

Linda-  We're back!  Nazarene, the doctors and nurses at Medcenter One here in Bismarck did a wonderful job caring for Demetrius.  Did they have any help?  Did you take a personal part in this effort?

Nazarene-  From the beginning to the end, Alura!  Every doctor that came in contact with Demetrius I was touching, guiding and aiding.  And I must say, I have never had such a responsive group of people as I had at this medical center!  They were absolutely wonderful!  I guided the surgeon's hands, and they did a remarkable job!  And We can do nothing but praise them for their efforts.  Though they are material they are, indeed, still the servants of God!

Linda-  What about the nurses, Nazarene?  Didn't You guide them, too?

Nazarene-  No, Alura, I didn't guide the nurses.  My wife and my mother took care of that.  My Mother dropped her Work in Saudi Arabia and came to see to Demetrius' care because she loves him so much.  

Linda-  We'll be back tomorrow!

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