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"Here's Jesus!"
February 28, 2,005

This material belongs to Speaker Linda Polley.  All rights are reserved.  No reprint or use without her permission .

Linda-  This is Speaker Linda Polley!  It's February 28th, 2,005, and "Here's Jesus!"  Nazarene, last week our old friend Elgard sent us information I know You want to comment on.  There is a movie due to come out this summer starring the well known lesbian Ellen Degeneris.  It is a remake of the "Oh, God!" movie which featured George Burns.  The shocking thing about this film is Ellen Degeneris will be playing God!  What is Your opinion on this?

-  NEVER Alura!  This abomination, this perversion cannot play God!  This sickness that walks among men and tries to bring young women into her evil cannot EVER play God!  The very idea is beyond any kind of reason.  I ask every person that is a member of the Christian fellowship to rise up right now, contact the people who intend to make this movie, and say "Never!  Stop this NOW!  Don't even think of it!" And if they continue, if they say this is her right under freedom of speech, or the right of the producer under freedom of speech, boycott any theater that says they will show this abomination.  We must put a stop to this!  I have told you under no circumstances are you to have anything to do with this woman.  If she invites you onto her show you are to refuse, for she is unholy, a creature of unspeakable evil that will do anything, say anything to spread her abomination.  NEVER, Alura, absolutely NEVER!  The people, the good people, must rise up and say "NO!" If they do not We might as well give up because there is not enough goodness out there worth saving any more.  There is a line that cannot be crossed, blasphemy that cannot be accepted, and this defiled woman playing The Creator is beyond any kind of reason!  If there is any group opposing this sickness I ask you to put a link to them here, and to tell the world I fully and completely support their efforts in the name of God The Father who would be humiliated by this production.  It CANNOT be allowed to happen.  God forbid!  Did I make myself clear enough, Alura, or should I be a little bit more direct?

Linda-  No, that's just fine, Nazarene!  Oh oh, God's mad again, and so am I!  The web site you can go to to help stop this movie is   That stuff is just sick, Nazarene.  Why do I have a feeling this actress isn't going to be doing very well?

Nazarene-  Because you know me, Alura!  You know my power.  You know what I can do when I'm angry, and I'm angry, I'm very VERY angry!   I usually leave these things to others, but I will deal with this one personally.  

Linda-  We'll be back tomorrow!

Linda-  Below is the latest news from The Afterlife Jesus wanted posted here for six days.

February 26, 2,005
Not Far Enough

Kingdom Of God pleased that The Anglicans are finally doing something about the homosexual problem in their church, but They wish this had been done several years ago.  And sadly Jesus says "It is not enough."  What Jesus wants is for The Archbishop Of Canterbury to take over all churches that have homosexual clergy or members that support homosexual clergy, expel those clergy from the church, and, their supporters.  "No Christian church, no church that claims to be members of the Christian brotherhood should have any homosexual clergy or members that support homosexuality.  Any church that does is outside the Christian fellowship and its members, no matter what other good they do, will not enter The Kingdom Of God.  This is a positive and an absolute!  Any that support homosexuality, any that take part in it will not enter The Kingdom Of God.  Sodomy is a sin.  God teaches clearly and unquestionably, that it is a sin, unacceptable in any way.  Those who claim that it is are not of God.  I have said this repeatedly but man won't listen so I repeat it again.  If you support homosexuality, if you allow it, if you allow homosexuals to remain in your presence and allow them to teach their sickness to children you will not enter into The Kingdom Of God.  You are not worthy for God's Kingdom.  If you practice homosexuality or lesbianism you will not enter into The Kingdom Of God, for you are defiled, an abomination, and God will not accept you.  That is it!  There is no middle ground, there is no compromise, there is nothing in between.  If you do it you're out, that's it, and that is my last word!  Any that claim I say anything else on this matter are creatures of Darkness, things of profound evil that The Forces Of Light WILL destroy.  That is my promise as The Ruler Of Heaven."  This ends Jesus' comments.

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