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Finals suck. That's all. Goodnight.

Saw Something Corporate on Sunday. They were awesome...really really cool. Yup. That's about it. Bye bye.

Haven't updated in a while but i will now just cuz i'm so bored. nothing much is going on that's new. you know...i've been going to school and stuff. power went out today so that was kind of cool. we got to swim in the dark. but anyways..uhh...trying to think. what else is going on...hmmm. me and kristen are going to see soco on the 30th so that should be really fun. you should go. but if you do then don't come and talk to me cuz i hate you. yup...that's about it. ok. bye bye.

I HATED Haunted High. It sucked so bad. I'm not joining student council next year just so I don't have to do that. yup.
on another note, Halloween is Friday. I don't know what I'm gonna do and I definitely do not have a costume. So if you wanna do something let me know or I'll be all alone! haha.

Haunted High, 10-25-03. Go.

Doing another article for the Aquila. If you want to help me IM me because i have a couple of questions i need to ask people for the article. Thanks.

i just finished 7 hours of homework. :/
i don't think you can even comprehend how much fun i had today.

Guess who got their article in the Aquila? haha. ME! yah that's right. i feel special. so shoot me.

Ok...I finished the games and other sections...check it out.

Well my site is finally complete enough for people to see and I am about to put it in my AIM profile. I'm not anywhere near finished but who knows when I will be. So far I have the home, pictures and about me pages up. Enjoy. hehe.

Well nice going Lauren...I had all these updates but I accidently saved something else over the I am starting over. grrr...

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