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Version 5.0 Frog Mania

UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!!!! Well i got fed up with my kia's gr8 page crap and decided to go all random and have a frog page...yay frogs are fun!

My Blog :

As of ~ 04/05/03 20:15

Feeling ~ The current mood of at

Weather ~ The WeatherPixie

Music playing~ Amy Studt : Misfit

Top ~ Red hoody thing

Bottom ~ Levi jeans

Shoes ~ Trainer socks

Hair ~ Down

Jewelry ~ Baby G watch, stud earings, cool lock tiffany stlye necklace

Laste ate ~ Dinner

Last Drank ~ Apple juice

Watching ~ My comp

As of ~ 20/02/03 19:17 Woooooo! Now I have put music on the page!!! You are listening to Avril Lavigne - Anything but Ordinary, for those who can't stand this song go to the bottom of the menu page (on the left), right click the small blackish box and select stop. Ok i really need to update but i haven't had the time i'm going to a sleepover tonight so that will stop me from updating as well. Ah well try and have fun any way!

As of ~ 07/02/03 19:17 OK i WAS going to update the site today so it was all Valentines like, but i've changed my mind it's too much hassle i think i'll just make a lil valentine PAGE instead, i don't have enough time to update the whole colour scheme of the site, soz. I've also taken the journal down i don't have time to keep it up either.

As of ~ 30/12/02 13:09 YAY! GO ME ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!! No updates today exceptit's my birthday YAY!


As of ~ 19/12/02 17:38 Hi again! i've sorted out the backgrounds so now the website pages don't clash :)I'm at school in the mo in an I.T lesson and can't be bothered to do any work so i'm doing this! I better get on with updating. Happy Crimbo!

As of ~ 04/12/02 18:55 I havn't updated in ages im really sorry i should of but now i have so no moaning! I need to add more content and i will as soon as the holidays start i just have to much school work and doesn't give me much time to do this, thanks for your patience.

As of ~ 03/11/02 12:01 I should be updating soon i don't no whether to do a xmas theme or not it might be a bit early for it. I've updated my journal and fixed most of the backgrounds. Enjoy!

As of ~ 30/10/02 18:38 Well I don't celebrate halloween but it gives me an excuse to put cool things on my site ;) So happy trick or treating to all who do so.

As of ~ 23/10/02 13:20 Yay!! I got an award!! I won't set up an award page until i get a bit more, so for the time being its on my "all about me" page, thank you to Peach Rhapsody who gave me the award :)

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