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  My Interests


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These are a few of my many interests

bulletTravel - I have lived in many different countries including: Japan, Indonesia, New Zealand, and Australia. I have also visited many places overseas and in the US. I remember a lot about living in these places even though I was much younger. I enjoyed it, and found it to be a very good experience, but am glad to be more settled now, since I have moved 14 times. My favorite place to live was Melbourne Australia. I lived there during ninth grade and attended an Australian school versus an International school like I had in other countries. It was very laid back and quite different than school here. I have gone back a few times since then to visit friends and family. 


bulletCreativity - In my spare time I often draw, design and do other creative things. When I was little I used to write poems and stories a lot. My friends and family all think I am very creative, and I would like to use these skills later on in life. I plan to do something with marketing or design when I am older.


bulletFriends- When I am not working, or at school I am usually out doing something with friends, such as shopping or going to a movie, since there is not much to do around here. 


bulletEating - Eating probably isn't considered a hobby but I consider it one since I eat all the time even though I can't cook. My favorite things to eat include: strawberries, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate fondue, Japanese food, Australian food, pancakes, and steak. I just started working at Dairy Queen with one of my friends recently and get to eat all the time!


bulletJon- Something unique about me is that I got married last August, which is something that most college students are not. Jon and I met while working at the Tavern in Great Falls and have been inseparable ever since. He is going to JMU part-time to complete his Gen-eds until I finish school. When I finish we are going to move Boston where Jon will major in neo-classical guitar at Berklee School of Music. I am very exited about going back to a city and am trying to graduate early since  Harrisonburg is too rural and very boring.

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This site was last updated 02/22/03