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~!*¤*!~Kíššä'š Þågé~!*¤*!~

~!*¤*!~KiSsA BaBiE~!*¤*!~

Eh. Yo! SuP?!?.. hEhE i DiN't WaNt To KnOw AnYwAyS=)..wElP dIz Be MuH sItE=D
i HoPeZ yOu LiKeZ=D i'Ll Be UpDaTiNg It WhEnEvEr I GeT aRoUnD tO dOiNg It=D
WeLp, MuH nAmE iZ kISsA.. sO dOnT fOrGeT iT! aNd yOu'Z bEsT sIgN dA fLuCkInG gUeSt BoOk Yo!
Or'Z i Be HeLlA pIsSeD oFf=P.. WeLp TiMe To Go=D NoW lOoK @ mUh SiTe BiZoTcH!j/K lOvE yA! ¤kIsSa¤

***Updates*** Updated whole site.=) hope ya like!!
In Remembrance Of All Those Lost On September 11,2001

SiGn Da DaMn BoOk~!!=D