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Kalamar Continuity

Welcome to the information site on the Kalamar Continuity. Here you will find links to fan pages (whenever we get any, and they must be sent to me by email), a members list, rules for the continuity, and the basic information on it. I would be happy to sign you up to the continuity, and there is only one requirement to join. To be a good RolePlayer, but of course, if you have trouble with this, whisper Kinori(Me ^.^) and I will try to help you with it. I myself am a very good RPer, but I don't want to brag, unless you whisper me saying you WANT me to brag. Oh yea, and if you didn't find this site by using Furcadia, then you really aren't going to get anything great out of this unless you download and play furcadia.

Also, I will need some help for this to work. For one thing, I need someone who is GREAT at making midi files. For the dream and dragonspeak, I can take care of that. I also need someone as a back-up dream loader. If you would like more information on this position, please email me, as I need someone for this very badly. (Half the time I am at my mom's, WITH LITTLE TIME FOR THE NET!) And I need someone who can make a database for a bot. I never took time to learn how to make bots, only dragonspeak and game making. Email me if you have ANY questions at all!



