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Thinking Of You...

KAI KAI NAUGHTY Running Back And Forth .. Lost Completely

MOOD The current mood of at

» h o m e
» b i o g r a p h y
» p i c s
» m s g . b o a r d
» p o l l
» a d v i c e

» s h i t
» s h o u t o u t s
» b r a n d o n
» m i s s y
» m u s i c
» g a m e s
» h o r o s c o p e s
» d a i l y . c a r t o o n

» e m a i l
» g u e s t b o o k
» b o o k m a r k . u s

|| * Kai Kai Naughty * ||

Mah Best Friend,

Tracey..Tracey..Tracey.. I love you! lol ..You've always been there for me. I want yah to know you have to be one of the truest friends I've ever had. Whenever I have a problem I know I can tell you and you always seem to understand and know just what to say. Even though you think you suck at advice ! Your crazy too, a little wacked out sometimes but yah know I love yah! lol.. Thanx for everything you've done for me, you've not only helped me through situations and stages over the past couple of years but you've made me more aware of everything, especially others. You always think of others before yourself, and you always seem to know whats right. I dunno what I'm gonna do when you move, Im gonna have to come with you cause otherwise I'll cry again! lol.. But thanx for everything hun! Don't forget I'm always here for you, no matter what and Im always on your side! lol.. Luv Yah Like A Sis.. xoxo

Tracey N Holleigh At Mah House!