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Integral Yoga
  • Integrality
  • The Supramental Yoga
  • The Yoga of Transformation
The Mother : Supramental Mahashakti

Partial Systems of Yoga
  • Jnana Yoga : Yoga of Knowledge
  • Bhakti Yoga : Yoga of Devotion
  • Karma Yoga : Yoga of Works
Right Attitude Towards Food
Central Secret : Opening to the Divine
A good roundup on Sleep Problems

Symbols of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother
Some words of the Mother : Assorted

Zipped Books:

Riddle of the World
Hymns to the Mystic Fire
Significance of Flowers
The Mother
Bases of Yoga
The Human Cycle

The highest interpretation hitherto made in human understanding and experience may thus be stated with the proviso that since it is human it must be incomplete
All this (first in the Upanishads) is the viewpoint from the mental consciousness. It is incomplete because two things that are one have been left out, the Personal Manifestation and the name of the Mahashakti. The subsequent growth of spiritual knowledge has brought about a constant effort to add these missing elements.
Source: The Hour of God : p.71-72