Random Quotes That Made Me Giggle!

Here are some quotes that my friends said that really, really made me laugh. Enjoy!

1. Im like HTML fool! -Andy

2. Busta cap in yo ass! -Andy


4. E... emunciate? -Cassie

5. England was all like, we're hittin you up for money boy! and America was like, no. -Andy

6. People think Im cheating on him with you... wwwaaaiiittt...... thats not right! -Annamarie

7. Hey look Im smart! -Jaimie

8. "Oh its monday" "Today seems like a tuesday to me... and i like it!" -Courtney and Jaimie

9. Captin Nemo327: badgers..... badgers.. badgers.... badgers... badgers... badgers -Timmers

10. I Shee.... -Mr Desens

11. GASP - Timmers

12. I dont have a cock.......but if i did, i would like it. -Courtney

13. I grew a PENIS!!. now tell me how many girls do you know who can do that?........that's what i thought -Courtney

14. KEEP ME WARM - Courtney

15. "Can I ask you a question?" "Yes I will make out with you!" -Jaimie and Courtney

16. My brother gets boners off the spanish channel and can shake his dick up and down codename "doggywiggle" -Courtney

17. I have gas in my ass -Courtney's Dad