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The Draco Malfoy Haven




Draco Malfoy Is played by Tom Felton who is obviously a major hottie. The following is some useless facts about Felton that you just might want to know.                   


Name: Thomas Andrew Felton

Also known as: Tom Felton

Age: 14

Birth date:
September 22, 1987

Resides in:
Surrey, England

Siblings: 3 older brothers

Acting Since: 8 years old

Other Films/Shows: "The Borrowers", "Anna and the King", "Second Sight", and "Bugs"

Favourite Sports: football, ice-skating, basket ball, cricket, swimming, and tennis

Other Hobbies: Tom also is a singer. He started singing at a church choir when he was 7 years old.  He was also offered a place in the Guildford Cathedral Choir.


And now for the character that he plays in the Harry potter movie, Draco Malfoy. As for this character i believe that beneath that tough exterior is a loveable man that just needs to have some real friends. I think in the seventh book him and Harry will have called a truce before the book is done.


Name: Draco Malfoy

Age: 14, will be 15 when the next book comes out

House: Slytherin

Year: 4th, will be in his 5 year when the next book comes out

Personality: Sarcastic and mean, but could that be his way of dealing with life?


Parents: Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy

Friends: Crabbe, Goyle, and most of the Slytherin House

Enemies: Everyone who is a friend of Harry Potter

Girls who like him: Pansy Parkinson and any girl that has ever seen him

Best Class: Potions with Snape





  The fonder of Slytherin house was Satzar Slytherin, and since he was a pazelmouth (could speak with snakes) the house mascot became a snake.

The biggest threat to Mr Slytherin was Mr Gryffindor, they were sort of friends and started the school together with two others, but as the years came and went the started to fight, a lot, and hate started to grow between them. This fight has been kept going on now for over 1000 years between the two houses and the students with in.

Now days the head of Slytherin house is Professor Snape and the house ghost is The bloody Baron.
And the house colors are Green and White.

Slytherin house is also known to choose wizards and witches who either is or will become servants to the dark side and art. Example on this is Mr Tom Riddle (later known as Lord Voldemort) and Lucius Malfoy (one of many death eaters).

The sorting Hats description in the song, 1991:
-Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means
To achieve their ends.

My Bio


Hi my name is Jennifer, no there’s no mistake that’s my name. The Jennifer in some of my stories is loosely based on me and other sarcastic people i know. My last name is not destineè it’s a Cliché for my stories.


I've been sorted millions of times, I’ve always answered truthfully but that stupid hat keeps saying Gryffindor and Slytherin, i have no problem with either one, but in real life I’d probably be a Gryffindor. But having that sneaky inner bitch does come in handy, just don't piss me off.  


I’ve been on fan fiction since august 26th of 2002, it seems that when I finally started writing my own stories I get a life, they were on sale at e-bay and I couldn’t resist getting one. (lol) But seriously I’ll do my best to update as much as possible. There’s nothing I hate more then going away for a week and finding NO new additions to the stories I read. Or to people that take FOREVER to put there next book out, not that I’m complaining.


I’m the type of person who’ll go online just to type out her homework and ends up doing something totally different. So I get preoccupied, but I’ll do my best to stay on task. I'm female and I live in Canada.


ok i really have no idea what else to put here but, i like to listen to music by pretty much anyone, but not a fan of boy bands, the only one i would ever listen to is west life because Nicky (guy) is hot, i love the English accent, and i think that Elijah Wood, Daniel Radcliffe and tom Felton are hot among others.


For now I’m going to stick to Harry potter stories, song fic's, and stuff like that. Maybe some insults, you never know. E-mail me if you want to and please review my stories, and review yours


                          Sayings I Like


"Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies."


"the only reason why your "bad" is because you can't spell Pathetic"


"i can teach you to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death"






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