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oNe WeAk ChRiStIaN oN hIs KnEeS iS sTrOnGeR tHaN tHe DeViL oN bOtH hIs fEeT!!!!

   Mission Statement for Jacob’s Generation


Jacob’s Generation is a drama group that is a part of GenOne at Calvary Chapel Chandler.  It’s mission is to be like the generation of Jacob, who seek God’s face  (Psalms 24:6).  When you seek God’s face you do His will, and as Christians we know that His will for us includes winning souls for Him (Psalm 11:30).  We know that He searches the whole Earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are loyal to Him (2 Chronicles 16:9).  To fulfill this mission we will share the Gospel with many souls through skits, dramas, and choreography to music. The scriptural basis for this group is:

  Psalm 24:6

“This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him,

Who seek Your face”.


In order to be like the generation of Jacob, we need to be constantly seeking God’s face.  We’ll do this through prayer and bible study.  The only way to grow closer to God and seek Him is through His Word, and in His Word He tells us to pray constantly, without ending.  This is an important part of Jacob’s Generation.  It has been said that one weak Christian on his knees is stronger than the Devil on both his feet.  If that is true, then how much more power do we have with a group of Christians on their knees!


We also know that God wants us to be a salt and a light and to win souls for Him.  In Psalm 11:30 it says “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.”  It is my prayer that we could be a tree of life and be wise!  Jacob’s Generation’s goal will not only be to strengthen those that are already converted, but a group that boldly goes wherever God leads us to reach those who are lost and blind.  Our hope is to be able to take Jacob’s Generation to any nation to proclaim the Gospel; our prayer is that God will take us there.


And lastly, 2 Chronicles 16:9 says “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those who’s hearts are loyal to Him.”  I believe that if we are a generation that seeks His face and we go out and win souls for Him, that He will show Himself strong on our behalf, because we have been loyal to Him.  What a great promise we have in this verse, we just need to grab hold of it, cling to it, and never let it go!

~*~*~*~*~*~*MoRe StUfF dOwN hErE*~*~*~*~*~



...cOnTacT rObIn...
[aIm] cowgurlforever
[aNoThEr AiM nAmE] slingshotgirly
[pHoNe #] for my safety, email me and ask for it

~JaCoBs GeNeRaTiOn~ *Psalm 24:6* "...2 Chron 16:9..."

~jEsUs DiDn'T cOmE tO mAkE bAd pEoPlE gOoD; hE cAmE tO mAkE dEaD pEoPlE lIvE~

PrAyEr Is PoWeR: mUcH pRaYeR, mUcH pOwEr...LiTtLe PrAyEr, LiTtLe PoWeR...nO pRaYeR, NO POWER!!!!

*hE iS nO fOoL wHo LoOsEs wHaT hE cAnNoT kEeP tO gAiN wHaT hE cAnNoT lOoSe*