Central Iowa Band Listings & Music Scene
Central Iowa's Longest running Free Rock Information Website

July 2008 Victim

Chris Watrous - of Standing Damaged

Left Picture : Right Picture: Left to Right / Back : T Bone ( guitars) , Ick ( drums), Eric ( bass)
Front Gary ( guitar) and Chris (vocals -  in front )

    1. Who is Standing Damaged anyway ?

    We are Standing Damaged,
    a local cover band that has been threw various member changes and a lot of ups and downs but are finally getting the succes i think we have
    for the most part-EARNED..

    2.  Where is the band
    going from here?
    (what's your next move?)

    Not sure, cause you never know when we are gonna switch guitar players.  But I would say we are prolly the most solid we have been and look forward to adding new tunes.  My biggest gripe about local cover bands are that they play the same shit over and over, I am constantly riding the guys
    to learn new tunes to keep
    it fresh and fun!

    3. Tell us one interesting fact about Standing Damaged and each of it's members.

    Tell us one interesting fact about Standing Damaged and each of it's members.-Standing Damaged has consisted of myself, T-dawg, Ick and Eric for the entire ride but we have been thru 4 guitar players.  Something about a good LEAD guitar player makes them sometimes hard to get along with. The interesting facts(i hope) are
    Chris-would do all Kiss and AC/DC if I could, and with
    the right lead player would love to do some originals,
    but they would have to have a little 80's feel to them!
    Ick-has 2 younger brothers that play in pretty big local bands DEFied and Index Case
    Eric-can play anything and
    is about the most loyal and nicest guy you could meet-BUT DONT HAVE A BAND DISCUSSION WITH HIM PRESENT YOU CANT GET A WORD IN!
    T-dAWG-brings the young fresheness to the band
    (Seether, Korn, Godsmack, Audioslave,
    Stone Sour, ETc......
    Gary-the old man can play!

Chris Watrous

Of Standing Damaged

4. Who are your influences??

-Kiss, AC/DC, Van Halen, Ozzy/Sabbath, Motley Crue, and 80's hair metal........did i mention KISS?

5. How about the rest of the guys in the band ?

Ick and Eric are also huge Kiss fans, T-dawg is a
Slipknot nut and Gary likes about anything as long as it
is turned up to 11

6. Whats in your CD player right now?

Honestly a burnt CD of some tunes we are learning such as I Stole Your Love (Kiss), Outside (Staind), Paradise City (Guns N Roses), Bother and Through Glass (Stone Sour) and few other suprises!

7. Whats the best live show you have seen in the last year?

-Rock Fest in Cadott Wisconsin(ofcourse Kiss headlined!) and Ace Frehley in Council Bluffs last weekend

Kim Racer of Miss Crazy and Chris ...
Its all about the Kiss and make-up ?


8. What is your vocal rig made up of ( effects  Whats your favorite thing about your rig ?

-I use a Shure wireless and honestly i am not even sure what the model is off the top my head, but it was expensive and has been through some wars!

9. Tell us a gig horror story (worst gig Ever) ?

I will keep this short because even though I always have an opinion and sometimes voice it when I prolly shouldnt, I'll just say : at 2000 club with our original guitarist and he was so drunk before we even started I dont think we played one song well til we pulled him off stage and played as a foursome!

10. Other bands you have been in ?
Can you give us all the Bands you've been in?

- Carnival of Souls, Full Circle, Standing Damaged.

11. What bands on the local scene - and or national scene have grabbed your attention lately ?

-I am old school so I honestly dont pay much attention to new bands, the last band I really like a lot was Audioslave, if you get my drift

Standing Damaged - Hangin @ Deja Vodoo Show


Cold Filtered  - Kiss Army

12. What local band do you really like or been checking out?

- Gimikk and Cold Filtered are good guys and both play tunes I like so if  I have time I like to check them out, honestly not much into the ORIGINAL scene cause I'm set in my ways but I give em credit for tryin'.

13. Who should call it a day ? Who should do a reunion ?

-U2 should call it a day they suck and always have, and the reunion i would most like to see is Fastway or Tora Tora (Rocklahoma)

14, Have you jammed with or opened for anyone famous?

-We have opened for Warrant, Stephen Pearcy(Ratt), David Allan Coe, Naked Beggars, Miss Crazy, and Firehouse  and Eric Brittingham got up and jammed Somebody Save Me-one of my all time favorite riffs in a song- NEVER GET SICK OF HEARING IT!

15. What's your favorite saying?

You made your bed now you can lay in it!

16. What are  your favorite shows you have done to date ?

-Warrant/Pearcy show in Boone they tell me there was 1700 people there and it was amazing, i went out into crowd after performing and everbody was treating me like a star, and I honestly am just some chump from Des Moines that dreamed with an air guitar and Kiss records all my life!  also loved the first show with Ronnie, he makes my dick hard when he plays! LOL

17 .What would you do if you were President?

-um.........dont want the pressure.

Chris and Jaime St. James
( Of Black N Blue & Warrant )

18. When did you start singing do you play guitar or drums?

Started singing about 10 years ago and it is way to long of a story to tell, and no i cannot play a note....well i can play the very beginning few chords of Unholy(Kiss)

19. Any Real Musical Training?

-absolutely none, and i'm sure it shows

20. Whats your  Favorite  song to do Live- Favorite cover song ?

You Could Be Mine, Seek and Destroy,
any AC/DC or Kiss

21. Last Concert youve seen? Best Concerts You've seen ?

-Ace Frehley is the last concert and Best show was 1992 in Ames Kiss/Revenge(fuck Peter Criss) Eric Singer plays EVERYTHING better and they were the tightest I have ever seen them and i have seen them 21 times

22 : Last time somebody asked you for a Autograph?

-in Perry, Iowa at the Reverse

23. Last CD you Bought? what CD are you Listen to today?

-New Whitesnake, and i am listening to tunes we are going to be practicing see above

Chris and Ronnie Richardson
Tearin it up at Porkys Bike Night


Back to the main page

24.  Anything else we need to know? Something we forgot?

-Only thing i can think of you need to know is we hope to be doing this for a while.  Being onstage when everybody is enjoying it is better than sex and hell it's the closest I am ever gonna get to my dream Check out the website
Our Myspace site  and Standing Damaged.Net

25. Thought on other band members from other bands getting up a jamming a song or 2 ?

-I love to jam with other people and i love to see people get up and jam with us, there is some particular people i really love to play with that arent in my band right now and every chance I get- I play with HIM!  ARE Vote is RRR

Ok Chris time to give your fans some love any Special Thanks? 

OK Special thanks, well gee where do I start..........we have been trying to do this for so long and the last couple of years we have finally got it going, I guess i would just like to think all the bar owners and venue owners and such because if we didnt have anywhere to play nobody would care, and I also wanna thank the people when your not having fun I am not so.........lets have some fun!  Vist our myspace page and check out our news and gigs !

And thanks to all websites and guys like you Lewis and Pat for pumping us and the local scene, lets  keep it going there is room for all of us!   Please come see us sometime will sing you a song or two. Chris and The SD Band

btw Chirs you and Standing Damage Band
Play some Kick ass Rock n Roll!