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hi everyone!
and welcome to i love elijah wood... don't you?
this is version 2. blackout and i hope you like it.
it's actually a rough version of a layout ive been thinking of but not actually making. If i never manage to make it ill change it to something completly different.


hey, im back from my holiday so i have a chance to update.
remember it's lijey's birthday on 28-1-03 so get your party hats ready! actually, on his birthday i'll have something funny on this site so try to visit on the 28th! think along the ideas of party hats....streamers hmmmm i wonder what it is?


happy birthd lij! likow its a tad late...oh well.
any1 know that: apparently, on lijs last birthday he was dared to go to a strip club! and he chickened out !?!
well, he's been ridiculed into trying to summon the courage to go so...we'll see.
apart from that ahem...venture
he's planning a quiet birthday with friends and family.
another piece of news! he doesn't drive or own a red ferrari! he says, (and i quote ) after being asked whether he drives a red ferrari "what me? no! ha! for one thing, i would never buy a car like that!" hmmm. well, lets see who made that up!

I Luv Lijey ver.2 blackout



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