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Horse Heaven

Paint Horses

Pure American Paint Horse

The lives of humans and horses have been bound together for many thousands of years.Appreciated first as just another source of food, the predecessors of the modern horse were hunted like any other wild animal. In time there came a steady process of domestication as nomadic peoples began to herd horses in the same way as they did goats and other animals. Ultimatly, however, it was as a means of swift transport that the horse really came into his own. Men learnt to ride. Their whole lives were transformed. Horse became their chief means of transportation, remanining so until well in the twentieth century. Domestication, coupled with a gradual increase in human population, signalled the end of the truly wild horse. Today, even those horses which live in herds on the few remanining extensive areas of suitable grassland are not truly wild, for they are all "managed" by humans from one degree to another. Nevertheless horse retain most of the instinctive behavior which enabled them to exist without man's intervention and it is necessary to understand what make them "tick" if we are to enjoy our continuing association with them.

Some Horsey Quotes.

When God wanted to make the horse, he said to the South Wind, "I want to make a creature of you. Condense." And the Wind condensed. The Archangel Gabriel. . .took a handful of the stuff and prsented it to God who made a brown bay, or burnt chestnut, upon saying "I call you the horse. . .You shall be the Lord of all other animals"


Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter. It gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark.


I am putting a for sale page up, where you can put horses/tack or anything you want up for sale

I am also doing pages of different breeds of horses!!!:)


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