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Hewes Home Page

Hello everyone -

I have finally had some time to sit down and think about updating our web page and after having many problems with one site, I'm trying a new one.

These last two months have been one of many changes including our move back to Alaska from Delaware. We sold our house before we could even get the "for sale" sign in the yard!

We set out on our big adventure on May 19th after a tearful goodbye. Our first stop was Minnesota to see my family. We spent 6 days with them which included the Memorial Day holiday. We took the kids to Camp Snoopy in the Mall of America along with Grandpa, Rick, Renae and Nathaniel.

From there we went to South Dakota and stopped to see the sights at Wall Drug, The Corn Palace, Reptile Gardens and Bear Country USA. I think the kids enjoyed Bear Country USA the most, however, they did love getting to ride the giant tortoise at Reptile Gardens. When I was a child, I thought those turtles were sooooooooo big!!

From there we drove through Wyoming, Montana and up through Canada. While in Canada, we spent a day in Edmonton at the West Edmonton Mall, which is the largest mall in the world. That is a pretty spectacular place!

One of our highlights about going through Canada was stopping to take a dip in the Laird Hot Springs in British Columbia. It felt wonderful after a long day of driving and the kids loved it too!

We arrived in Alaska on June 3rd around 11:00 AM Alaska local time. We really had an awesome trip and the weather was wonderful the whole entire trip which was a big plus.

We are currently renting a townhouse here in Anchorage and by next Spring, we will start looking for our own home. Our current address is 8610 Molanary Drive #C Anchorage, AK 99502. Brent will be going back to work for WireComm and I am also applying for some state jobs with some awesome benefits. It will be a big adjustment for me after being home with MacKenzie and Jaden full-time.

We've taken lots of pictures along the way and some new ones since we've been here. So we hope that you enjoy our web page and we look forward to hearing from all of you.

Blessings to all, Brent, Sonya, MacKenzie, Jaden and Bear-dog