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Tribute for September 11th

"Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day?"

September 11th is one of those moments in history that you will remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when you heard the news. My fiance (now husband) and I were just waking up when we got a phone call from his family wanting to know if he had left on his flight home yet. They told us a plane had hit the WTC. Immediately I put on the local news and watched a second plane fly into the Trade Center. It looked like a small plane, but I had no concept of how large those towers were. Within a few moments we knew what happened was no accident.

The day went on with us glued to the news. I called in work telling them I couldn't go in the next day because my fiance couldn't get home yet. I called my best friend's mom to find out how he was because I knew he had just moved to NYC. I waited for news for three hours to hear that he made it out ok.

That night I fell asleep holding on tightly to a stuffed bear with angel bear. I lit a candle and said prayers for the victims and their families. I felt utterly helpless.

In the wake of September 11th my life changed dramatically. I got married, as well as having a serious car accident. That paired with unresolved feelings from what happened to our country left me feeling helpless, and anxious. The anxiety slowly took over parts of my life until I was afraid of everything from the dark to being in a car. With help I'm realizing that I'm ok. That America isn't going to come crashing down around me, and that I'm not the only one who feels this way.

So in tribute to those who lost their lives that fateful day, and to everyone whose life was changed because of it, I dedicate this website. It's a place to find help and hope. Welcome to Jenn's Chamber.