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Shop Contests
Petpet Shop Contest!

The contest is who will have the best decorated shop, but the decorations have to be petpet themed (petpet stamps & neopets with petpets are OK). It ends June 30th! The rules are simple:
-It MUST be petpet themed.
-The colors that you use must look nice together!
-When you are finished, you must neomail bluedragon72 saying you are finished!
-You must keep it up until I announce the winners, then after that, you can change it!
-All images must make sense-also, you can add a background.
-You can use images you, or a neopets fan site has made, just be sure to link it (if you used a fansite!)
-all entries must be in by June 30th!
All right! The prizes are-
1st-a Buzzer and a christmas petpet paint brush!
2nd-a Wadjet
3rd-an Abominable Snowball
Have fun!


For anything neopets related seen on this site-
Copyright 2003, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission. Any neopets images seen on this site may not be copied.
Everything else on this site is proberty of bluedragon72. Nothing may be copied(execpt for free images and links) without permission. All other credits are noted.