The 5 themes of Geo, and me,
By: Brittney Kaline,
1/28/04 5th hour WSE

The first theme is location. Where is Michigan? Well Michigan is a very easy state to point out, you can see it from space even because of its shape, and the fact its surrounded by water! When we went to London, people asked us where we were from, and what state in the USA we lived in. When we said Michigan they knew right away where it is, because it’s the mitten shape state. Living in Michigan is very easy to point out on the map. Next is place, living in Michigan has changed for me because when they think of Detroit, most people think of the motor city. And that is what makes Michigan different than the rest of the world. During wars, when we first starting building tanks, we built them here in Detroit City, so that was the enemies first target was to destroy the plants that made them. I guess that makes us different also.

Then human/environment interaction, Michigan is shaped like a mitten, so that makes us different, and then we have a lot of car plants to produce cars and such, that also makes us different. Another thing that makes us different is that we have the Rouge River. And we have the Great Lakes. That is a huge difference. Also, Michigan experiences all four seasons, while most states/countries don’t.

About movement… lots of people like to come to Michigan, but not really during the winter, that’s when a lot of people leave Michigan and go to Florida, or somewhere warmer. But overall, Michigan is a very nice place to live. Back in the day, when settlers came to Michigan and first discovered it, there were many different kinds of people. Such as French, Britain, Native American people. So there are lots of different backgrounds that go with Michigan history.

Finally region. This one is a little hard to describe for Michigan. There are like no mountains, or at least there are not natural mountains. Michigan has a lot of farmland, good for growing crops and such. There aren’t many hills either. But we have a little bit of everything I guess, and that can consider us to be different.
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