january 25 2003
wow, its been four months since i've updated. school's been going okay, we had finals last week. i think i did okay. i know i got a B on my spanish final. im really out of ideas for this damn site...anyone got any? the only real reason i'm updating is cuz i dont have any hmwk this wkend.

signing off for now,
lady nagini

september 16 2002
it's been forever since i've had time to do anything with this [wretched] site. im thinking of starting a goo goo dolls clique, since i already found an awesome starbucks clique...which i will eventually join. i also NEED a new layout. im desperate. really. and i wanna get hosted. ive been teaching myself how to make graphics lately...maybe i'll post a couple up here when i'm done. blinkies, esp. anyway...

signing off for now,
lady nagini

august 30th 2002
i survived my first week at a public school...and i hated most of it. i knew almost no one...and its too goddamn big. i hate aaddzz.com - their counters/trackers seriously suck. and theyre in beta which means i get no reports on WHO visited my site. i have their counter up on my coffeegod site but i think i'll put bravenet up. even though they don't have a counter that matches my brown layout. ah well. THREE-DAY WEEKEND! WHOOHOO!

signing off for now,
lady nagini

august 26th 2002
*sigh* gunn starts 2morrow. i dont wanna go to gunn. i replaced the ladynagini not-quite-blinkie thing so its transparent...my coffee god site needs work...and a host. or maybe i'll buy a domain for both this site and my clique...and just have a common splash...or have a link on my domain home for both leading to the respective splashes...*sigh*

signing off for now,
lady nagini

august 24th 2002
NEW LAYOUT! yes! i finally got a decent looking layout up. i hated the other one. *and* i moved to a diff account so it matched my layout better. plus i didnt like my old account name. so...*whew* that was a lot of tedious work...like uploading pics and stuff. o btw, i have a new (under construction) clique - the coffee god. me and taya worship starbucks so...yeah anyway. maybe i'll consider giving pplz the url to this site now. maybe not. we'll see.

signing off for now,
lady nagini

august 16th 2002
taya and kristen are trying to get me to give my site url...which of course i won't cuz im evilness itself. anyway, i got all the joined and adopted images to work...i suppose thats good news. i still need to work on the content info popup. and design a spash. and find a new layout.
i put my page up at bravenet too, just to see what the interface was like. it has more memory, but the interface is terrible. it takes forever to do *anything*. i think i'll stick with angelfire. or maybe buy a domain. i checked, and bluefyre.net is still available. maybe if i work on my parents, they'll let me buy a domain. after all, its only like $8. we'll see...

signing off for now,
lady nagini

august 14th 2002
well i finally got this site hosted on angelfire. i hate the popups but other than it its fine. but the joined and adopted images are broken. argh.

signing off for now,
lady nagini

august 13th 2002
well ive added a whole bunch of stuff including all the links and info on the right. i still havent gone to angelfire and registered for a host thing...plus i'm broke. and my parents arent gonna pay for anything anyway. or even if they do, theyll wanna see my site - and thats something thats NOT gonna happen. i need to work on the content popup...add pages to it and stuff. plus i need to tinker with the layout a bit so it accomodates what i want on my blog. oh crap, i need to add contact info too. i have my work cut out for me. oh, well...i'm gonna go biking now; take my mind off of my blog. plus i need the exercise.
i am now officially pissed off. so...i was biking on a NORMAL SIZED bike path...when this evil biker dude swerves into my side of the road thing...and when i move to avoid being roadkill (bikekill?) i hit a F***IN CONCRETE TRASH CAN! goddammit. now i have a gigantic bruise on my hip...ow.

signing off for now,
lady nagini

august 12th 2002
just started work on this site...i really need to get going. since i'm home for another couple weeks i should get this layout fine-tuned, add a couple pages, and find a host. if i use angelfire (which i most probably will) i should (hopefully) pay for more space on its server so i can upload more images and cool stuff. *sigh* so much work; so little tyme.

signing off for now,
lady nagini

Who's your inner singer-songwriter?
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You managed to find yourself at Lady Nagini's blog.
Let's see, you wanna know a little about me? Well...I'm a teenaged loser who has nothing better to do wit her life than create boring blogs that no one will ever read anyway. PLEASE email me with feedback if you love/hate this page. hell, email me even if you VISIT this page. *grins* thank you. okay anyway...enjoy looking around my blog and clicking all the lil links and clique buttons at the bottom of this scroll. *grins again* hope you like!

star trek: voyager
the sims

right now
date: feb 10 2003
time: 8:39 pm
eating: a bell pepper
drinking: nada
surfing: ff.net
listening: evinescensce (how the hell dya spell that?!)
chatting: no1

[x]march 4: ortho appt...eww
[ ]march 6: lit big math test
[ ]march 7: big cs test

my mood

skittles   vanilla pages   *infectious

spark   flair   scooby


cutie factory   cutie factory   cutie factory   cutie factory  

signature maker
clip art
the fishie game

007 of nine
five-minute voyager
discussion forums
virtual voyager season project


7 deadly sims
the sims resource

email: ladynagini188@yahoo.com
aim: ladynagini188
diary: diary