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How to's


New Blood    75
Hardcore     70
Submission   60
Fortune      65
Tag          55
6man         50
B/R          30
#1 Rank      15
#2 Rank      10
#3 Rank       5
           Main Event = 1000+
            Headliner = 600-999
           Mid-Carder = 200-599
Rookie/Curtain Jerker = 0-199
Once a wrestler has surpassed "rookie" he can no longer return. Below 199 and he's known as a "Curtain Jerker".
On the Status chart a wrestler is given the points he/she gets according to the chart above. However the points that are lost are as follows:
Titleless and no B/R victory = -10
                    Inactive = -10
(9 times outta 10 if a wrestler is inactive they'll lose 20 points since they fit both negative profiles.)

Stables use the same chart as above however after the points are totalled they then are divided by the number of wrestlers that are in the stable +1 on that brand then rounded up to the whole number. Example: say XS has 2 members on STOMP and their points total 175. You'd take 175 and divide it by 3 (2 members + 1) then round it to the nearest whole number (59).
(After getting the stables points, add them to the StableWarz section)


purple - FriXtion
orange - STOMP
   red - Warfare

How you change your moves is totally up to you as the owner, some people use a computer program and some people use dice and some people just do it off the top of their heads. There are only a few rules that you need to keep in mind when doing this. For the 39 "Wear 'Em Downer" holds the damage values range from 11 to 30 so that two holds are given the damage value of 11, two the damage value of 12, etc. up to two with a damage value of 29 and one move is given the damage value of 30. These moves can not change value by more than 9 points in one cycle. For the 21 "Take 'Em Outter" holds the damage values range from 40 to 50 so that two holds are valued at 40, two at 41, etc. up to two with a damage value of 49 and one move is given the damage value of 50. These moves can change by any amount. No hold will ever have the same damage value two cycles in a row.

Last week's Top champion is always given the #1 rank unless he/she takes another belt.
Then all ACTIVE wrestlers are ranked. (This way they are allowed their rematch.)
Take each wrestler's stats and figure them as follows...
Wins - Losses + their money = their rank points
You then put them in order and do the same with the inactive guys.

Each wrestler gets $100 per single win and $.01 per singles loss. BELT MONEY EXPLAINED ON CHAMPS PAGE. Big Money Champ gets all positive money transactions doubled for that cycle as well as winning the Big Money Jackpot which increases by $100 each cycle until the PPV. The Battle Royal is $100 per entrant fee and the winner gets double the total fees.