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Trivia Answers

December Answers

1) What did Chandler call the bracelet he got from Joey?
A) The women repeller
B) The eyesore from the Liberache House of Crap
C) The reject from the Mr. T collection
D) All of the Above

2) Why did Joey put a turkey on his head?
A) He wanted to scare Chandler.
B) He was REALLY hungry.
C) He wanted to ruin Monica's dinner party.
D) Phoebe made him.

3) Who are the "Nap Partners"?
A) Ross & Rachel
B) Monica & Chandler
C) Joey & Ross
D) Joey & Rachel


4) What did Phoebe do to make Chandler tell the truth about him and Monica?
A) Show him her bra.
B) Show him her guitar.
C) Show him her shirt.
D) Show him her underwear.

5) Who was the doctor that fixed Rachel's nose?
A) Dr. Jones
B) Dr. Wilson
C) Dr. Simson
D) Dr. Trumble

6) Which Friend peed on Monica when she was stung by a jellyfish?
A) Joey
B) Ross
C) Monica

7) Who wanted to play bagpipes at Chandler and Monica's wedding?
A) Her parents
B) Joey
C) Ross
D) Janice

8) Who is the first one to get kicked out of the casino in Vegas?
A) Monica
B) Ross
C) Phoebe
D) Joey


9) What did Phoebe call Old Yeller?
A) A sick doggie snuff film.
B) A cruel puppy poof movie.
C) The worst movie ever seen.
D) A dumb creepy show.

10) Where did Joey and Chandler lose Ben?
A) On a bus.
B) On a train.
C) On the subway.
D) On a train.

11) What does the female empowerment book call men?
A) Thundergods
B) Lightning Bearers
C) Firemakers
Wind blowers

12) Who did Chandler, Ross and Monica go sse for Ross's brithday?
A) The Who
B) Elton John
C) Billy Joel
D) Whootie and the Blowfish


13) What was Ross and Monica's cousin's name?
A) Cassy
B) Sandy
C) Jessie
D) Jamie

14) What is the name of Rachel's sister who flirted with Ross?
A) Julie
B) Amy
C) Jill
D) Amelia


15) For Monica and Chandler's party Ross comes as... what?
A) Spud-nik
B) Doodie
C) Giant Ross Potato Thingy
D) A bunny wabbit

16) When Ross whitens his teeth who does he go on a date with?
A) Hillary
B) Rachel
C) Phoebe
D) Kathy

17) Who did Monica get her dollhouse from?
A) Uncle Matt
B) Aunt Silvia
C) Aunt Darcy
D) Aunt Darlene

18) Who filing cabinet was Chandler handcuffed to?
A) Sophie
B) Joanna
C) Lor
D) Kelsy

19) What encyclopedia does Joey buy?
A) A Volume
B) Z Volume
C) K Volume
D) V Volume


20) In the first episode Rachel came into the coffee house wearing what?
A) Wedding Dress
B) Brides Maid Dress
C) A little sailing outfit
D) Business Suit

21) When Phoebe dated the cop she broke up with him because why?
A) He was movving too fast for her.
B) He wasn't very sensitive.
C) He wore a fur.
D) He shot a bird.

22) Of Joey's seven sisters, which one did Chandler fool around with?
A) Mary-Terease
B) Mary-Angela
C) Mary-Kate
D) Mary-Anne

23) What did Monica lose in a quiche?
A) A fake fingernail
B) Rachel's engagement ring
C) Joey
D) An earing


24) Which Friend dated both the father and the son?
A) Rachel
B) Phoebe
C) Gunther
D) Monica

25) Whose spirit did Phoebe think was in the cat she found?
A) Her mother
B) Her grandmother
C) Her dad
D) Ursula

26) Joshua , one of Rachel's past boyfriends, had a phobia about what?
A) Birds
B) Cats
C) Dogs
D) Monkeys

Well, Okay thats all for now!!

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