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Victor C.O.G.O.P.
AMS-pics | 4-fun | YP -of -the- Month | COGOP-shoutouts | Cool Links | U.M. Youth Group | Contact Our Youth Pastors | Prayer Requests | ~*AMS*~
Victor C.O.G.O.P. Youth

Hey All ! welcome to our site ! well how do i say this ? umm...hows about...uh...."Waz-up? people it's Sunday?!" no really just wazz-up?
anyways, just keep up to our site to see whats going on at our churches and stuff.

hey if you really want to you can sign my guestbook ....

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West Virginia
Open Book, Spinning


Let everything that has breath praise the Lord
Trumpet Playing 1

What's New?

events for June in the COGOP

WV Jr. Camp-J une 9th-14th

Victor Church picnic- June 22nd

WV Sr. Camp- June 23rd-29th

Please be sure to get in touch and let me know what you think of my site.

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Nothing But Christ