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What is Wicca?

Wicca is a nature-based religion that stresses living in harmony with all creatures and the earth. Our craft comes from the use of nature’s energy and that of our familiars. Each person has his or her own familiars that can be the same or different from another person. We honor a Goddess and God that is contained in all nature as well as in ourselves. The Goddess and God are an aid for Wiccans to focus inner power and the power that is found in all of nature. As a Wiccan you have the choice to practice on your own as a Solitary Practitioner or in a Coven with many other people. Eight Word the Wiccan Rede Fulfill "An it harm none, do as ye will". You may do whatever you’d like in practice as long as you do not take away another persons free will or hurt them or yourself in anyway. Ever Mind the rule of Three, do only what you want to come back to you. We do not believe Wicca is the only valid religion, nor do we try to convert people. It is an open-minded path with many traditions. We are not Satanists, in fact we do not believe in Satan or even in hell.

Wicca is based on pre-Christian European folklore and mythology. Wicca is the alternative name for modern Witchcraft. It is related to the ancient Mother Goddesses (Mother Earth, Mother Nature) in her aspects of Maiden, Mother and Crone. It dates from the Paleolithic age when a god of hunting and a goddess of fertility were worshipped. The power of nature inspired the belief in higher powers that controlled rain, wind, thunder, fire etc. Women made life, and that was magickal.

The word Wicca is an Anglo-Saxon word meaning "wise". The religion is also known as the “Craft of the Wise”. Also used is the feminine wicce. Wiccans do not go out searching for recruits into the religion. Instead, we are working on teaching others so that one day no one will fear this so commonly misrepresented religion. Please, respect us! We will never try to convert you, give us the came courtesy when you talk with us. Instead of trying to dissuade us from our chosen path talk with us so many you can see why we love the religion, and maybe you can learn to respect us for our beliefs.