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The Insane Asylum

Yes, this is the home of the insane psycho-maniacs you know as Ditey ( and Ivy ( Just to be really insane, we mixed around the colors like the insane hypochondriacs we are (Ivy mainly, since she made this page. . . yes, blame her for the horrible job done), heeheehee.

Well, I guess this is where we're supposed to write about ourselves. . .

Um, I'm Ivy, and really, I'm not that interesting. I was born in a world where anteaters and ants live in harmony, where geeks are babes in disguise, where lost socks create colonies under your bed, and where people impulsively watch the same movies over and over again (our current fascinations: Lord Of The Rings, Pirates Of the Caribbean, and Vanilla Sky). I read too much, and my hobbies are acting like a ditz in front of complete strangers until they learn it's not a facade and decide to befriend me, listening to music, singing a long to Jeff Buckley, and staying online waaaaaaaaaay too long for my own good. I think Milo, Greg, Orlando, and Johnny Depp [especially with the eyeliner in Johnny's case] are complete babes, and can't get enough out of decorating and re-decorating my binders for school. I listen to punk, all the classics, and will usually fall madly in love with anything that holds substance (yeah, yeah, including the Beatles, please don't hurt me). Hm, now that I look back on all I wrote, I'm starting to take up too much space. Maybe i should leave some for ditey. . .

...I would make up a cool world where anteaters live in harmony, and maybe I could also be reffered to Her Royal Majesty, but I am not as creative as Ivy is to create it. But I do live in Texas, if that makes up for anything. It doesn't? In fact, it counts against me? How harsh. Well, if I had the choice, it would be NYC all the way, so cut me some slack. I'm already married to Gregory, it seems, but he's allowing me to commit adultery with Milo and Orlando. And John Mayer, while I'm at it. He can sing to me. Sigh. I'm an official high schooler, don't you know. And I don't act like a ditz, I *am* a ditz, and most of you probably already know that. I talk too much, I write too much, and I am about as interesting and witty as one of President Bush's speeches. Wait. Bush's speeches are kinda amusing in an 'open mouth, insert foot' way...I need to find a new simile.

And oh, I am a babe in disguise. As is Ivy.

"Well, I think it's hella tight. And you guys need boyfriends."

Five hundred points to the person that recognizes that quote, and Ditey will also worship you free of charge.