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This tutorial teaches how to use the Polished Stone feature of Paint Shop Pro to create the border image which appears here.

Materials: You will need the DSB Flux Filter. A free filter.

The following file which contains the selections required. File


  • Create a new canvas 394 x 417, transparent background, 16.7mil. Col.
  • Add a new raster layer. Name this layer body. Change your foreground color to #808080.
  • Selections load from disk spynixbody.sel. Flood fill. Select none.
  • On the same layer, load sphynixfrontleg.sel. Flood fill. Select none.
  • Add a new raster layer. Name this layer face Selections load from disk spynixneck.sel. Flood fill. .
  • On the same layer, load from disk spynixface.sel. Flood fill, deselect.
  • Add a new raster layer. Name this layer wing. Selections, load from disk, spynixwing.sel. Flood fill. Deselect.
  • On the same layer load from disk sphynixhair.sel.

    Now we are going to turn this figure into stone!

  • 1) Make the layer body active by clicking on it in the layer palette.
  • 2) Go to effects, texture effects, polished stone. Apply setting #3, using the same settings except increasing the blur to 56. Apply.
  • 3) Effects, plugins, dsbflux. Get the setting bright noise. Keeping the same settings as in the default, apply.
  • 4) Add a new raster layer. Selections load from disk, spynixbodyshadow.sel. Change your foreground color to black. Flood fill.
  • 5) On the same layer, load from disk, spynixbodyhighlight.sel. Change your background to white. Flood fill by right clicking.
  • **Now apply these above steps to the face layer.
  • Now the wings and hair are left.Turn off the other layers. Add a new raster layer. Selections load from disk spynixwingshadow.sel. Flood fill with black. Deselect.
  • Selections, load from disk, spynixwinghighlight.sel. Flood fill with white.
  • Merge this layer and the wing layer only.
  • Effects, texture effects, polished stone. Reduce the blur to 25 and apply.
  • Merge all the layers together. Resize, by 75% of original, maintaining aspect ratio and resizing only the merged layer.
  • Move it to the right. About one half inch from the edge. Centered.
  • Add a new raster layer and move this layer below your merged layer.
  • Selections load from disk spynixsideborder.sel. Change your foreground color to #808080. Flood fill. Add the following inner bevel.

  • Effects, texture effects, polished stone. Setting 3, default.
  • Effects, plugins, dsb flux, bright noise. Same settings.
  • Layer, new raster layer. Selections, load from disk, spynxtop.sel. Flood fill with #808080.
  • Select none. On the same layer, selections, load from disk, spynxtophalfcircles.sel. Flood fill with black. Selections, modify, contract by 2. Flood fill with #C0C0C0. Deselect.
  • On the same layer, Selections, load from disk, spynxtophalfline.sel. Flood fill with black. Deselect.
  • Effects, texture effects, polished stone. Use these settings color #C0C0C0, blur 8, detail 80, polishing 16, angle 313. Apply. Effects, plugins, bright noise.
  • Layer, new raster layer. Name it scroll. Selections load from disk, spynxtopscroll. Sel. Flood fill with C0C0C0. Select none. Selections, load from disk, spynxtopscrollline.sel. Flood fill with black. Select none.
  • Effects, plugins, dsb flux, bright noise. Apply.
  • Layer, new raster layer. Selections load from disk, spynxbottomstone.sel.. Flood fill with #808080. Add the polished stone. Add bright noise.
  • Duplicate the layer named scroll. Position it above the bottom stone.

  • Layer, new raster layer. Selections load from disk, spynxbasestone.sel.. Flood fill with #808080. Add the polished stone. Add bright noise.
  • Layer, new raster layer. Selections load from disk, spynxbasetop.sel.. Flood fill with #C0C0C0. Add the polished stone. Add bright noise.
  • Merge all your layers visable. Add a new raster layer and move this layer to the bottom.. Flood fill with #C0C0C0. Merge layer flatten.
  • To make your image into a side border, resize your image by clicking on image, resize. Same settings, except resize all layers checked and resize percentage of original 50%.
  • Then image, mirror if you want the image to the left.
  • Image, canvas size. New width 1075 and height 235. Uncheck center image horizontally, but keep center image vertically checked. Click below this where it says Left and enter 0. Just click on the right. The value will adjust.
  • Click with the magic wand the area of canvas which is now void of color. Add a new rastor layer. Flood fill with #C0C0C0. Now to create the image I made, duplicate the merged layer and image mirror this. Merge all layers flatten and your done!

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    Evening Star
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