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  • Hi my name is Emily [nickname milly but only manda ashley hayes can call me that ,but to every body else can call me emm] but you already know that. I hope. I am 13 turning fourteen in april. I have brown to black hair and my eyes are brown. I am really tall about 5`8. I also go to dodds grade school and Mr. Smith is my teacher. My best friends are amanda and ashley hayes I DON'T KNOW WHAT I DO WITH OUT THEM!!!! Amanda is my bestest friend and Ashley ur my next even though u both are really dear to me!!! NEW as of 1/12/03 i am getting braces and I really don't want them but aslo i do want them! I am so scared about them! I know that the 19 i go to Dr. Klein {i am not sure if the spelling is right or not}to get the spacers put in. I have to ask since the spacers make spaces in the teeth is my teeth always going to have to much space in the back!?!?!?!? also how many ypes of braces are there and what does fixed braces mean? ------------------------------------------------------- See how many of the following proverbs you can translate from "governmentese" to plain english,Scroll all the way down to see the ansures -------------------------------------------------------
    1. Similar sire, similar scion.
    2. Precipitancy creates prodigality.
    3. Tenants of vitreous abodes ought to hurl no lithohidal fragments.
    4. It is not proper for mendicants to be indicatrous of preferences.
    5. Compute not your immature gallinaceens prior to their being produced.
    6. It is fruitless to become lacrymous because of scattered lacteal fluid.
    7. Cleave gramineous matter for fodder during the period that the orb of the day is refulgent.
    8. A feline possesses the power to contemplate a monarch.
    9. Pulchritude does not extend below the surface of the derma.
    10. Failure to be present causes the vital organ to become more enamored.
    11. Every article which coruscates is not fashioned from aureate metal.
    12. Freedom from guile or fraud constitutes the most excellent princ- iple of procedure.
    13. Each canine passes through his period of per-eminence.
    14. Consolidated, you and I maintain ourselves erect; separated, we defer to the law of gravity.
    15. You cannot estimate the value of the contents of a bound, printed narrative, or record from its exterior vesture.
    16. Folks deficient in ordinary judgment scurringly enter areas on which celestial beings dread to set foot.
    17. Liquid relish for the female anserine fowl is the individual condiment for the male.
    18. A feathered creature clasped in the manual members is equal in value to a brace in the bosky growth.
    19. The individual of the class aves, arriving before appointed time, seizes the invertebrate animal of the group vermes.
    20. Socially orientated individuals tend to congregate in gregariously homogeneous groupings.
    21. One may address a member of the equidae family toward aqueous liquid, but one is incapable of impelling him to quaff.
    22. Forever refrain from enumerating the dental projection of a bequeathed member of the equidae family.
    23. One pyrus malus per diem restrains the arrival of the hippocratic apostle.
    24. Fondness for notes of exchange constitutes the tuberous structure of all satanically inspired principles.
    25. Supposing one primarily fails to be victorious. Bend further eff- orts in that direction.
    26. Prudence and sagacity are the worthier condiments of intrepid courage.
    27. Be adorned with the pedal encasement that gives comfort.
    28. He who expresses merriment in finality expresses merriment excell- ing either in equal quality.
    29. A beholden vessel never exceeds 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
    30. A rotating lithohidal fragment never accrues lichen. Scroll down all the way to see the ansures -------------------------------------------------------
    Amanda you are my best friend and thank u for being there when I needed u to be there when beana died. I love you for that. NOT IN THAT KIND OF WAY!!! BEST FRIEND KIND OF WAY!!! I can t thank you enough for that. Now i am still not quite over her but know I finally know that you are my other half!?!?!? You know thanksgiving was the first holiday we had since shes been gone!!! Thats all I thought about!!! Thank u for the poem you wrote for me!!
    ------------------------------------------------------- THANK YOU BOTH FOR BEING THERE FOR ME AND PUTTING UP WITH ME WHEN BEANA DIED!!! ------------------------------------------------------
    ash we have only been friends for a short period of time but You like, amanda have been there for me!! I am so sorry about the day that bethanys mother pulled you into the office and I went on bethanys side!!!!! I know know that I desirve a better friend than she was!!!
    her mother is a 3 year old that if you get her mad she will go tell mommy!!!
    ------------------------------------------------------ Every body can sign my slam book!!! ------------------------------------------------------- Her mother is a three year baby that if u get her mad her go tell mommy!!! I am not going to get babs' present and I will feel so sorry for the person that does!! I know what she is going to get! she is going to get a gift certeft for WENDYS for the $0.99 menu!! j/k not LOL -------------------------------------------------------
    A little puppy, white as snow.
    found outside in the cold.
    A little girl named ema dawn,
    took care of her, her whole life long
    Even when old and feeble
    this dog named Beana still love her sister
    Then that day that no one whould claim.
    that little girl named emily,well lets just
    say her life changed.
    when that little dog went to heaven,
    At the age of four and eleven.
    Emily Dawn still loves that dog named Beana,the dog as white as snow. ------------------------------------------------------- This poem is a lot better than all of babs' poems together and it was made by my best friend AMANDA!! ------------------------------------------------------- Way to go AmAnDa it is so good that you shold send it in to a poem contest!!! ------------------------------------------------------- I am going to try and put some pics of me on here in the next week or so!!!!1/21/03

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    > An English professor wrote the words, "Woman without her man is nothing," on the blackboard and directed the students to punctuate it correctly. The men wrote: "Woman, without her man, is nothing." The women wrote: "Woman! Without her, man is nothing." -------------------------------------------------------
    ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- here is the ansures to the questions
    1. Like father, like son.
    2. Haste makes waste.
    3. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
    4. Beggars can't be choosers.
    5. Don't count your eggs before they're hatched.
    6. Don't cry over spilled milk.
    7. Make hay while the sun shines.
    8. Even a cat may look at a king.
    9. Beauty is only skin deep (?)
    10. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
    11. All that glitters isn't gold.
    12. Honesty is the best policy.
    13. Every dog has its day.
    14. Together we stand, divided we fall.
    15. You can't judge a book by its cover.
    16. Fools step in where angels fear to tread.
    17. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
    18. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
    19. The early bird gets the worm.
    20. Birds of a feather flock together.
    21. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
    22. Do not look a gift horse in the mouth.
    23. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
    24. Greed for money is the root of all evil.
    25. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
    26. Discretion is the better part of vallor.
    27. If the shoe fits, wear it.
    28. He who laughs last laughs best.
    29. A watched pot never boils.
    30. A rolling stone gathers no moss. ------------------------------------------------------- tHAT IS MY SITE IF U LIKED MINE GO TO AMANDAS @ WWW.ANGELFIRE.COM/STARS4/AMANDA02 MAKE SURE TO SIGN BY SLAM BOOK HREF="">
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