

*-::... Ok everyone.. Im just gonna do this person by person.. so i might not get it done for a while.. so dont freak if yer not on here yet ok? Lol.. Dont forget to sign the guestbook... =) Love yahs...::-*

*-::Robert.*.Allen::-* Boi, I dont know what i would ever do with out you in my life!!! Actually i dont even wanna think about that lol!!! You mean so much to me.. n i dont ever wanna lose you!! We've had A LOT of great mems... =)... Like. .."Toilet Pecker" that was funny... OMG I mean "boob" lol..theres been so many.. N hopefully we get to go fishin like my dad said. lol!!! At least I would get to see yah! =)) Yaa Mean?! Lol.. Yer not just my boyfriend.. Yer my best friend too.. n i dont know how i could ever repay for you everything you have helped my with through out my life!!!! hun.. you know that no matter what.. i will always be here for you! You will Always have a place in my heart!! =) i love you so much! Mwa! Lol! =))

::_Stacy.*.Jane_:: Yer My Bestest Friend!!! I dont know what i would do with out you! Oh wait.. i would just be even dumber than what i am now.. LOL... you sure do know how to make my day go down the drain lol.. j/k.. You know i love you! =)) We've had *so* many great mems.. n more to come!! Never forget Jackass!! Sea Cucumbers are the best!!! Esp. when we get a hold of one.. lol!!! me you n abby are triplets! lol... Oh n we love puppies.!! lol.. never forget out "hard" work out.. n all of our diets (that we never did LOL).. man theres too many to put on here. but you know i love you n im here for you!! =) Love you gurlie!

*-::Jessica.*.Lynn::-* Gurlie.. what would i ever do without our lil talks?>?? About guyz n everything else! Hell.. we've got babys inside of use that talk to each other.. N "it" happened on the same night. LOL.. omgosh that was so funny!!! People were like ok?? what are they talkin about lol!!! man never ever forget when we went 4-wheelin.. Hey jess.. GATE LOL!!!! N sledin was the best! esp when you went backwards on the sled lol!!!! N our lil partys that got out of control lol~ But oh wells! We're still alive arent we?? LOL.. Thx for everything! Esp. bein there for me when i need sumone to talk to.. Love You

::_Nicole.*.Renee_:: It suxs that yer at the vocay! But at least we still get to hang out .. N you know yer still one of my bestest!!! I dont know what i would ever do without you.. yer ALWAYS there when i need sumone to talk to... N i could never pay you back!! I cant wait until yer b-day.. or heck we just might start the party b4 yer b-day lol! its gonna be a blast! ... Man yer house is scary.. Esp. When we hear stuff that isnt even there LOL.. i guess were just dumb best friends.. lol.. n we sure do need to get sum more bob cycles... LOL!! that was soo funny!! well never forget im here for you always.. I love you!

*-::Brittany.*.Sue::-* Gurlie.. We've been through everything together! Lol.. Esp. With the guyz lol! You know im here for you always! Yer One of my bestest friends.. And Cuz!! =)) ... Never forget ne of the mems! Esp. Cruzin Latham... That was greata.. n what we did to josh's car lol! We need to go campin more! It was *SO* much fun! =) .... Best wishes with matt! You deserve da best ever.!!! Oh n i'll get them cd's back from *you know who* LOL.. Dont ever let neone get you down! Just put yer head up n say " im better than you " LOL... I love you gurlie wiff all my heart!! =)

::_Abby_:: Yer a stupid friend lol juss kiddin!!!~ Im glad we got to know each other a lot better this year!~ Never forget any of the mems.. esp. us "sleepin" together lol.. that was great hehe.. too bad we couldnt sleep outside on the trampoline... lol... N/f goin to walmart n settin off all of them little stuffed animals that talked hehe.. OMg Jackass was the best movie ever lol.. never forget sea cucumbers lol!!!! That was greata!~ =P welp im here for you always and never ever forget that Oh n good luck wiff the boyz =P.. I Love you gurlie.. 4 ever n always =)!~

::_Alisha_:: Yer a greata cuz! N You know that yer the stupid one lol! Juss kiddin! We've had sum great mems... Man we sure do get pizza a lot! Lol.. Well you know im here for you always.. n good luck with the guyz.. i guess that one that tabbs tried to hook yah up with wasnt good enough for yah LOL.. that was *so* funny! Lol.. well n/f forget me n i MIGHT never forget you LOl juss kiddin Love you gurlie!~!

::_Ashley.M_:: Squeaky Clean =))We never get to talk nemore! =*( N it suxs.. but your still one of my best friends! =) We've had a lot of great memes.. Esp. When i went "under the seat" n got gum in my hair. LOL. if it wasnt for you i would of never of got it out! ... Hey "where did my gum go" lol.. Well you know im here for you ... Never forget that.. Love You, Rubber Ducky =)

*-::Nicole::-* Dunnos What I Would Do W/Out Yah! We've Had Some Crazy Mems... Theres Too Many To Name Lol!! Never Forget Im here for you always!! Yer one of my bestest friends n that will never change!! Hope everything in yer life goes the way you want it.. you deserve da best! =) Esp. W/*Blank* Lol... You know who im talkin about hehe... We need to chill sumtime *soon* N/f I love you gurlie w/alla my heart =)

*-::Ry-Ry::-* Yer a great friend.. I dunnos what i would do wiff out yah ... Never forget ne of the good mems.. =) We sure are big boob penny pimpin whores..LMAO.. n never forget our song.. lol.. Statistics is fun with yah!! =) I like it when we talk him out of doin work lol... Well you better tell cody what i said for you to tell him LMAO.. hehe... welp you know i love you! =))

::_Lacie_:: Yer A great gurlie n a great friend.. i dont know what i would do wiff out our talks on icq lol.. Man we are the UnLikeAbleGirls lol... thats great! But i know you will find that special one.. *maybe william*~! you just got to ask him what he feels n everything Ya know what i mean hun!~ =) im gonna miss you next year!! But i know we will keep in touch.. We need to chill sumtime.. Oh n we need to go partyin lol!! Thats greata~ N dont forget we still got to hold up the school lol!!! Never forget im here for you no matter what!!! Love You gurlie! =)

*-::Jessica.S::-* Im Glad we got to know each other better this year!! =) But we need to hang out sumtime! :p.. Never forget ne of the mems! Good luck with everything you do in life you deserve the best! Oh n good luck with the guyz... because i know you'll need it.. LOL.. Im juss kiddin... I think i need it lol! But you know im here for you ALWAYS .. You can always count on me for ne kind of help.. even if yer so drunk n you dont have a way home... I'll pick you up as long as you dont throwup on me lol... Love you

::_Natalie.*.n.*.Rach_:: Jeez*Gurlies* i hardly get to talk to you 2 nemore.. it sucks.. We will have to do sumpin sumtime soon!~ I miss yah!! Never forget nads party!! =) Thats was great.. too bad sarah had to lie to us..lol.. I love you gurlies and im here for you always ok? Never forget that!!! Love You 2!!

*-::Katie::-* Yer a greata cuz.. Im glad i finally got to see you after like 6 or more years lol... I wish you the best in everything.. Esp. cheerleading.. Oh and the boyz =) .. You deserve da best!~ Never change for anyone.. ok..we need to chill sometime *soon* Love ya gurlie!~ =)

*-::Erin, Samantha, Mandy, Destiny, Krista, N Everyone else that i dont feel like puttin lol::-* You girlies are great! Im gonna miss you all next year! Hope what you have planned out for life comes true for yah! Im here for you all... ALWAYs.. Love you

*-::To.*.The.*.Guyz::-* I didnt feel like puttin all of you on here. but im still here for you always lol.. good luck with everything n life you all deserve da best!!! N treat yer gurl right (if you have one and if she deserves to be Lol) Love you all!~